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import codecs
import dataclasses
import inspect
import json
import os
import warnings
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import *

import yaml

from .utils import *
from .type_check import *
from .typing_ import *

__all__ = [
    'field_checker', 'root_checker', 'config_field', 'ConfigField',
    'config_params', 'get_config_params', 'ConfigMeta',
    'Config', 'validate_config', 'config_to_dict', 'config_defaults',
    'ConfigLoader', 'object_to_config',
    'format_config', 'print_config', 'save_config',

# general special attributes that is recognized by ``type_info``

# special attributes of a Config class
_FIELDS = '__mltk_config_fields__'  # fields
_UNBOUND_CHECKERS = '__mltk_config_unbound_checkers__'  # unbound field and root checker params
_PARAMS = '__mltk_config_params__'  # config parameters
_PARAMS_CLASS_NAME = '__ConfigParams__'  # nested class as config parameters

# special attributes of a Config classmethod
_CHECKER_PARAMS = '__mltk_config_checker_params__'

ConfigValidationError = TypeCheckError
"""Legacy name for the :class:`TypeCheckError`."""

class ObjectFieldCheckerParams(object):
    fields: Tuple[str, ...]
    method: classmethod
    pre: bool

class ObjectRootCheckerParams(object):
    method: classmethod
    pre: bool

ObjectCheckerParams = Union[ObjectFieldCheckerParams, ObjectRootCheckerParams]

def field_checker(*fields, pre: bool = False):
    Decorator to register a class method as a field checker in :class:`Config`.

    The checker should be implemented as a class method, with `cls` as its
    first argument, and the field value as its second argument.  Besides,
    it may also accept `values` and `field` as keyword argument, with
    `values` receiving all field values (being a dict if ``pre = True``,
    or a `Config` instance if ``pre = False``), and `field` receiving the
    name of the field being checked.

    >>> class MyConfig(Config):
    ...     a: int
    ...     b: int
    ...     c: int
    ...     @field_checker('c')
    ...     def _checker(cls, v, values, field):
    ...         if v != values['a'] + values['b']:
    ...             raise ValueError('a + b != c')
    ...         return v

    >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=3.0))
    MyConfig(a=1, b=2, c=3)
    >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=4.0))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: caused by:
    * ValueError: a + b != c

        *fields: The fields to be checked.  "*" represents all fields.
        pre: Whether or not this checker should be run before the fields
            having been checked against the field definitions?  If :obj:`True`,
            `values` will be a dict, rather than an instance of `Config`.
            Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    def wrapper(method):
        if not isinstance(method, classmethod):
            method = classmethod(method)
        if not hasattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS):
            setattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS, [])
        getattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS).append(
            ObjectFieldCheckerParams(fields=fields, method=method, pre=pre))
        return method
    return wrapper

def root_checker(pre: bool = False):
    Decorator to register a class method as a root checker in :class:`Config`.

    The checker should be implemented as a class method, with `cls` as its
    first argument, and the object values as its second argument.
    When ``pre = True``, the values will be a dict; otherwise it will be
    an instance of `Config`.

    >>> class MyConfig(Config):
    ...     a: int
    ...     b: int
    ...     c: int
    ...     @root_checker()
    ...     def _checker(cls, values):
    ...         if values.c != values.a + values.b:
    ...             raise ValueError('a + b != c')

    >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=3.0))
    MyConfig(a=1, b=2, c=3)
    >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=4.0))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: caused by:
    * ValueError: a + b != c

        pre: Whether or not this checker should be run before the fields
            having been checked against the field definitions?  If :obj:`True`,
            `values` will be a dict, rather than an instance of `Config`.
            Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    def wrapper(method):
        if not isinstance(method, classmethod):
            method = classmethod(method)
        if not hasattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS):
            setattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS, [])
        getattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS).append(
            ObjectRootCheckerParams(method=method, pre=pre))
        return method
    return wrapper

def config_field(type: Optional[Type] = None,
                 default: Any = NOT_SET,
                 default_factory: Callable[[], Any] = NOT_SET,
                 description: Optional[str] = None,
                 choices: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
                 required: bool = True,
                 envvar: Optional[str] = None,
                 ignore_empty_env: bool = True,
                 # deprecated arguments
                 nullable: bool = NOT_SET):
    Define a :class:`Config` field.

        type: Type of the field.  Any type literal that can be recognized
            by :func:`mltk.utils.type_info`, e.g., ``Optional[int]``.
            If the field type is already specified via type annotation,
            then the type specified by this argument will be ignored.
        default: The default value of this field.
        default_factory: A function ``() -> Any``, which returns the
            default value of this field.  `default` and `default_factory`
            cannot be both specified.
        description: Description of this field.
        choices: Valid values for this field to take.
        required: Whether or not this field is required?
            If :obj:`False`, the object will pass type checking even
            when this field is not specified a value.
        envvar: The name of the environmental variable to read from.
        ignore_empty_env: Whether or not empty string from the environmental
            variable will be ignored, as if no value has been given?
        nullable: DEPRECATED.  Whether or not this field is nullable?
            Use ``Optional[T]`` as type instead of using this argument.

        The config field object.
    if nullable is not NOT_SET:
        warnings.warn('`nullable` argument is deprecated.  Use `Optional[T]` '
                      'as type instead.', DeprecationWarning)

    # check the type argument.
    if type is None:
        # If the type annotation is adopted, it will be later overwritten.
        if default is not NOT_SET:
            ti = type_info_from_value(default)
        elif default_factory is not NOT_SET:
            ti = type_info_from_value(default_factory())
            ti = AnyTypeInfo()