import codecs import dataclasses import inspect import json import os import warnings from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import * import yaml from .utils import * from .type_check import * from .typing_ import * __all__ = [ 'ConfigValidationError', 'field_checker', 'root_checker', 'config_field', 'ConfigField', 'config_params', 'get_config_params', 'ConfigMeta', 'Config', 'validate_config', 'config_to_dict', 'config_defaults', 'ConfigLoader', 'object_to_config', 'format_config', 'print_config', 'save_config', ] # general special attributes that is recognized by ``type_info`` # special attributes of a Config class _FIELDS = '__mltk_config_fields__' # fields _UNBOUND_CHECKERS = '__mltk_config_unbound_checkers__' # unbound field and root checker params _PARAMS = '__mltk_config_params__' # config parameters _PARAMS_CLASS_NAME = '__ConfigParams__' # nested class as config parameters # special attributes of a Config classmethod _CHECKER_PARAMS = '__mltk_config_checker_params__' ConfigValidationError = TypeCheckError """Legacy name for the :class:`TypeCheckError`.""" @dataclass class ObjectFieldCheckerParams(object): fields: Tuple[str, ...] method: classmethod pre: bool @dataclass class ObjectRootCheckerParams(object): method: classmethod pre: bool ObjectCheckerParams = Union[ObjectFieldCheckerParams, ObjectRootCheckerParams] def field_checker(*fields, pre: bool = False): """ Decorator to register a class method as a field checker in :class:`Config`. The checker should be implemented as a class method, with `cls` as its first argument, and the field value as its second argument. Besides, it may also accept `values` and `field` as keyword argument, with `values` receiving all field values (being a dict if ``pre = True``, or a `Config` instance if ``pre = False``), and `field` receiving the name of the field being checked. >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... a: int ... b: int ... c: int ... ... @field_checker('c') ... def _checker(cls, v, values, field): ... if v != values['a'] + values['b']: ... raise ValueError('a + b != c') ... return v >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=3.0)) MyConfig(a=1, b=2, c=3) >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=4.0)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: caused by: * ValueError: a + b != c Args: *fields: The fields to be checked. "*" represents all fields. pre: Whether or not this checker should be run before the fields having been checked against the field definitions? If :obj:`True`, `values` will be a dict, rather than an instance of `Config`. Defaults to :obj:`False`. """ def wrapper(method): if not isinstance(method, classmethod): method = classmethod(method) if not hasattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS): setattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS, []) getattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS).append( ObjectFieldCheckerParams(fields=fields, method=method, pre=pre)) return method return wrapper def root_checker(pre: bool = False): """ Decorator to register a class method as a root checker in :class:`Config`. The checker should be implemented as a class method, with `cls` as its first argument, and the object values as its second argument. When ``pre = True``, the values will be a dict; otherwise it will be an instance of `Config`. >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... a: int ... b: int ... c: int ... ... @root_checker() ... def _checker(cls, values): ... if values.c != values.a + values.b: ... raise ValueError('a + b != c') >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=3.0)) MyConfig(a=1, b=2, c=3) >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a=1, b='2', c=4.0)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: caused by: * ValueError: a + b != c Args: pre: Whether or not this checker should be run before the fields having been checked against the field definitions? If :obj:`True`, `values` will be a dict, rather than an instance of `Config`. Defaults to :obj:`False`. """ def wrapper(method): if not isinstance(method, classmethod): method = classmethod(method) if not hasattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS): setattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS, []) getattr(method, _CHECKER_PARAMS).append( ObjectRootCheckerParams(method=method, pre=pre)) return method return wrapper def config_field(type: Optional[Type] = None, default: Any = NOT_SET, default_factory: Callable[[], Any] = NOT_SET, description: Optional[str] = None, choices: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, required: bool = True, envvar: Optional[str] = None, ignore_empty_env: bool = True, # deprecated arguments nullable: bool = NOT_SET): """ Define a :class:`Config` field. Args: type: Type of the field. Any type literal that can be recognized by :func:`mltk.utils.type_info`, e.g., ``Optional[int]``. If the field type is already specified via type annotation, then the type specified by this argument will be ignored. default: The default value of this field. default_factory: A function ``() -> Any``, which returns the default value of this field. `default` and `default_factory` cannot be both specified. description: Description of this field. choices: Valid values for this field to take. required: Whether or not this field is required? If :obj:`False`, the object will pass type checking even when this field is not specified a value. envvar: The name of the environmental variable to read from. ignore_empty_env: Whether or not empty string from the environmental variable will be ignored, as if no value has been given? nullable: DEPRECATED. Whether or not this field is nullable? Use ``Optional[T]`` as type instead of using this argument. Returns: The config field object. """ if nullable is not NOT_SET: warnings.warn('`nullable` argument is deprecated. Use `Optional[T]` ' 'as type instead.', DeprecationWarning) # check the type argument. if type is None: # If the type annotation is adopted, it will be later overwritten. if default is not NOT_SET: ti = type_info_from_value(default) elif default_factory is not NOT_SET: ti = type_info_from_value(default_factory()) else: ti = AnyTypeInfo() else: ti = type_info(type) # check nullable constraint if nullable is not NOT_SET and nullable: if not isinstance(ti, (OptionalTypeInfo, NoneTypeInfo)): ti = OptionalTypeInfo(ti) # check the choices argument if choices is not None: choices = list(choices) return ObjectFieldInfo( name=None, type_info=ti, default=default, default_factory=default_factory, description=description, choices=choices, required=required, envvar=envvar, ignore_empty_env=ignore_empty_env, ) ConfigField = config_field """Legacy name of :func:`config_field`.""" @dataclass class ConfigParams(object): """The parameters of a Config class.""" undefined_fields: bool = False def config_params(undefined_fields: bool = False): """ A decorator to set the parameters of a Config class. >>> @config_params(undefined_fields=True) ... class MyConfig(Config): ... pass >>> get_config_params(MyConfig) ConfigParams(undefined_fields=True) Note that, the parameters defined by this method will not be inherited, for example: >>> class MyInheritedConfig(MyConfig): ... pass >>> get_config_params(MyInheritedConfig) ConfigParams(undefined_fields=False) To define config parameters that can be inherited, you may define a nested class `__ConfigParams__` instead: >>> class MyParent(Config): ... class __ConfigParams__: ... undefined_fields = True >>> class MyChild(MyParent): ... pass >>> get_config_params(MyParent) ConfigParams(undefined_fields=True) >>> get_config_params(MyChild) ConfigParams(undefined_fields=True) Args: undefined_fields: Whether or not to allow undefined attributes? Defaults to :obj:`False`. Returns: The decorator method. """ def wrapper(cls: Type[TConfig]) -> TConfig: params = getattr(cls, _PARAMS) params.undefined_fields = undefined_fields return cls return wrapper def get_config_params(cls: Type[TConfig]) -> ConfigParams: """ Get the parameters of specified Config class `cls`. Args: cls: The config class. Returns: The config class parameters. """ return getattr(cls, _PARAMS) class ConfigMeta(type): """ Meta class for :class:`Config`. This class collects all definitions of the fields and the checkers of any subclass of :class:`Config`, and compile the type information. """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): # gather the compiled fields and validators from parents fields = {} unbound_checkers: List[ObjectCheckerParams] = [] def process_field_info(fi: ObjectFieldInfo): # auto set the :obj:`None` default value for Optional[T] if isinstance(fi.type_info, OptionalTypeInfo) and \ fi.default_factory is NOT_SET and \ fi.default is NOT_SET: fi = fi.copy(default=None) return fi for parent in parents: if not issubclass(parent, Config): continue # inherit field definitions parent_fields = getattr(parent, _FIELDS, {}) for key, val in parent_fields.items(): if key not in fields: fields[key] = val # inherit checkers for cp in getattr(parent, _UNBOUND_CHECKERS, ()): if cp not in unbound_checkers: unbound_checkers.append(cp) # gather the config fields defined in this class annotations = dct.get('__annotations__', {}) cls_fields = {} dct_keys = list(dct) for key in dct_keys: val = dct[key] # process the checkers if isinstance(val, classmethod): for checker_params in getattr(val, _CHECKER_PARAMS, ()): unbound_checkers.append(checker_params) # process nested config definition elif isinstance(val, type) and issubclass(val, Config): cls_fields[key] = ObjectFieldInfo( name=key, type_info=type_info(val), default_factory=val, ) # process the fields elif not isinstance(val, (property, staticmethod, type)) and \ not inspect.isfunction(val) and \ not inspect.ismethod(val) and \ not key.startswith('_'): # compile the type info of this field if key in annotations: ti = type_info(annotations[key]) elif not isinstance(val, ObjectFieldInfo): ti = type_info_from_value(val) else: ti = val.type_info # construct the field info object if isinstance(val, ObjectFieldInfo): field_info = val.copy(name=key, type_info=ti) else: field_info = ObjectFieldInfo( name=key, type_info=ti, default=val) field_info = process_field_info(field_info) # add to field list cls_fields[key] = field_info if field_info.default is NOT_SET: del dct[key] else: dct[key] = field_info.default for key, type_ in annotations.items(): # skip private attributes if key.startswith('_'): continue # skip already processed fields if key in cls_fields: continue # now process the field ti = type_info(type_) field_info = process_field_info( ObjectFieldInfo(name=key, type_info=ti)) cls_fields[key] = field_info # merge the fields and validators from parents and from this class fields.update(cls_fields) fields = {k: fields[k] for k in fields} dct[_FIELDS] = fields dct[_UNBOUND_CHECKERS] = unbound_checkers # construct the class ret_cls = super(ConfigMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) # Since this class is being constructed now, the decorator # `config_params` has no chance to take in place, thus the # nested class `__ConfigParams__` is the only way to provide # config class params for the time being. config_params = ConfigParams() config_params_class = getattr(ret_cls, _PARAMS_CLASS_NAME, None) if config_params_class is not None: for key in config_params.__dict__: if hasattr(config_params_class, key): setattr(config_params, key, getattr(config_params_class, key)) setattr(ret_cls, _PARAMS, config_params) # bind the checkers to this class root_checkers = [] field_checkers = [] for checker_params in unbound_checkers: callback = checker_params.method.__get__(ret_cls, ret_cls) if isinstance(checker_params, ObjectRootCheckerParams): root_checkers.append( ObjectRootChecker( callback=callback, pre=checker_params.pre ) ) else: field_checkers.append( ObjectFieldChecker( fields=checker_params.fields, callback=callback, pre=checker_params.pre ) ) # construct the type info ti = ObjectTypeInfo( object_type=ret_cls, fields=fields, field_checkers=field_checkers, root_checkers=root_checkers, ) setattr(ret_cls, TYPE_INFO_MAGIC_FIELD, ti) # now return the class return ret_cls @config_params(undefined_fields=True) class Config(metaclass=ConfigMeta): """ Base class for config classes with type checking. Inherit the :class:`Config` class and provide definitions for the fields: >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... a: int = 123 ... b: Optional[float] ... c: str = config_field(choices=['this', 'that']) Default values will be copied to new instances of the config, but the field values will not be checked immediately: >>> cfg = MyConfig() >>> cfg MyConfig(a=123, b=None) >>> cfg.a 123 >>> cfg.b is None True >>> cfg.c Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'MyConfig' object has no attribute 'c' Calling :meth:`check_value()` will check all field values. >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a='12', b='34.5')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: at c: field 'c' is required, but its value is not specified >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a='12', b='34.5', c='this')) MyConfig(a=12, b=34.5, c='this') >>> validate_config(MyConfig(a='12', b='34.5', c='invalid value')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... mltk.type_check.TypeCheckError: at c: invalid value for field 'c': not one of ['this', 'that'] By default, a subclass of :class:`Config` does not accept undefined fields, unless decorated by ``@config_params(undefined_fields=True)``, or a sub-class ``__ConfigParams__`` with attribute ``undefined_fields=True`` is provided: >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... pass >>> MyConfig(a=1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Field 'a' is not defined for config class: MyConfig >>> @config_params(undefined_fields=True) ... class MyConfig(Config): ... pass >>> MyConfig(a=1) MyConfig(a=1) >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... class __ConfigParams__: ... undefined_fields = True >>> MyConfig(a=1) MyConfig(a=1) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): params = get_config_params(self.__class__) fields = getattr(self.__class__, _FIELDS) # store user specified values for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not params.undefined_fields and key not in fields: raise ValueError(f'Field {key!r} is not defined for config ' f'class: {self.__class__.__qualname__}') setattr(self, key, value) # copy default values from the field definition to this object # for unspecified fields for key in fields: if key not in self.__dict__: default_val = fields[key].get_default() if default_val is not NOT_SET: setattr(self, key, default_val) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): setattr(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: delattr(self, key) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: if hasattr(self, '__slots__'): return iter(self.__slots__) return iter(self.__dict__) def __len__(self) -> int: if hasattr(self, '__slots__'): return len(self.__slots__) return len(self.__dict__) def __contains__(self, item): if hasattr(self, '__slots__'): return item in self.__slots__ return item in self.__dict__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False for key in self: if key not in other or self[key] != other[key]: return False return True def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__qualname__ attributes = ', '.join(f'{key}={self[key]!r}' for key in sorted(self)) return f'{name}({attributes})' def to_dict(self, flatten: bool = False, type_cast: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Cast this config instance to a dict. >>> cfg = Config(a=1, b=Config(value=2)) >>> cfg.to_dict() {'a': 1, 'b': {'value': 2}} >>> cfg.to_dict(flatten=True) {'a': 1, 'b.value': 2} Args: flatten: Whether or not to flatten all nested objects? type_cast: Auxiliary type cast function, to convert a non-config object. Returns: The dict. """ def f(o): if not isinstance(o, Config) and is_dataclass(o): o = Config(**dataclasses.asdict(o)) if isinstance(o, Config): return o.to_dict(flatten=flatten, type_cast=type_cast) elif isinstance(o, dict): return {k: f(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): return [f(v) for v in o] elif isinstance(o, Enum): return o.value else: if type_cast is not None: o = type_cast(o) return o ret = {} for key in self: val = self[key] if isinstance(val, Config) or is_dataclass(val): nested = f(val) if flatten: for sub_key, sub_val in nested.items(): ret[f'{key}.{sub_key}'] = sub_val else: ret[key] = nested else: ret[key] = f(val) return ret validate_config = validate_object """Shortcut for :func:`check_value`.""" def config_to_dict(obj, flatten: bool = False, type_cast: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Cast a :class:`Config` instance or a dataclass object into a dict. >>> cfg = Config(a=1, b=Config(value=2)) >>> config_to_dict(cfg) {'a': 1, 'b': {'value': 2}} >>> config_to_dict(cfg, flatten=True) {'a': 1, 'b.value': 2} Args: obj: The object to be casted. It must be an instance of :class:`Config` or a dataclass object. flatten: Whether or not to flatten all nested objects? Defaults to :obj:`False`. type_cast: Auxiliary type cast function, to convert a non-config object. Returns: The casted dict. """ if not isinstance(obj, Config) and is_dataclass(obj): obj = Config(**dataclasses.asdict(obj)) if not isinstance(obj, Config): raise TypeError(f'`obj` is neither a Config nor a dataclass object: ' f'{obj!r}') return obj.to_dict(flatten=flatten, type_cast=type_cast) def config_defaults(config: Union[TConfig, Type[TConfig]]) -> TConfig: """ Get the default values of a specified config class. >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... a: int = 123 ... b: float >>> config_defaults(MyConfig) MyConfig(a=123) >>> config_defaults(MyConfig(a=456, b=789.0)) MyConfig(a=123) Args: config: An instance of a Config class, or a Config class. Returns: An instance of the Config class with all fields filled with defaults. """ if isinstance(config, type): config_cls = config else: config_cls = config.__class__ if not issubclass(config_cls, Config): raise TypeError(f'`config` is neither an instance of Config, nor a ' f'subclass of Config: got {config!r}') return config_cls() class LeafDict(dict): """ A specialized sub-class of dict, such that it will not be unflatten when populating the fields of a :class:`Config` object. """ class ConfigLoader(Generic[TConfig]): """ A class to help load config attributes from multiple sources. """ use_include: bool """Whether or not to support '!include' directive in YAML files?""" def __init__(self, config_or_cls: Union[Type[TConfig], TConfig], use_include: bool = True): """ Construct a new :class:`ConfigLoader`. Args: config_or_cls: A config object, or a config class. """ if isinstance(config_or_cls, type): config_cls = config_or_cls config = config_or_cls() else: config_cls = config_or_cls.__class__ config = config_or_cls if not issubclass(config_cls, Config): raise TypeError(f'`config_or_cls` is neither a Config class, ' f'nor a Config instance: {config_or_cls!r}') self._config_cls = config_cls self._config_type_info = type_info(config_cls) self._config = config self.use_include = use_include @property def config_cls(self) -> Type[TConfig]: return self._config_cls def get(self, inplace: bool = True, ignore_missing: bool = False, discard_undefined: Union[DiscardMode, str] = DiscardMode.NO ) -> TConfig: """ Get the validated config object. Args: inplace: Whether or not to validate the config object inplace? ignore_missing: Whether or not to ignore missing attribute? (i.e., attribute defined by :class:`ConfigField` without a default value and user specified value) discard_undefined: The mode to deal with undefined fields. Defaults to ``DiscardMode.NO``, where the undefined fields are not discarded. """ return self._config_type_info.check_value( self._config, TypeCheckContext( inplace=inplace, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, discard_undefined=discard_undefined ) ) def load_object(self, key_values: Union[Mapping, Config], no_split_key: bool = False): """ Load config attributes from the specified `key_values` object. All nested dicts will be converted into config objects. Also, all "." in keys will be further parsed into nested objects. For example: >>> class ConfigNested1(Config): ... a = 123 ... b = ConfigField(float, default=None) >>> @config_params(undefined_fields=True) ... class YourConfig(Config): ... nested1: ConfigNested1 ... ... @config_params(undefined_fields=True) ... class nested2(Config): ... c = 789 >>> loader = ConfigLoader(YourConfig) >>> loader.load_object({'nested1': Config(a=1230)}) >>> loader.load_object({'nested2.c': '7890'}) >>> loader.load_object(Config(nested1=Config(b=456))) >>> loader.load_object({'nested2.d': {'even_nested.value': 'hello'}}) >>> loader.get() YourConfig(nested1=ConfigNested1(a=1230, b=456.0), nested2=YourConfig.nested2(c=7890, d=Config(even_nested=Config(value='hello')))) If the full name of some non-object config attribute collides with some object attribute in one :meth:`load_object()` call, then an error will be raised, for example: >>> loader = ConfigLoader(Config) >>> loader.load_object({'nested1.a': 1230, 'nested1': 'literal'}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: at .nested1: cannot merge a non-object attribute into an object attribute >>> loader.load_object({'nested1': 'literal', 'nested1.a': 1230}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: at .nested1.a: cannot merge an object attribute into a non-object attribute Args: key_values: The dict or config object. no_split_key: If True, will not split keys with internal ".". """ if not isinstance(key_values, (Mapping, Config)): raise TypeError(f'`key_values` must be a dict or a Config object: ' f'got {key_values!r}') def copy_values(src, dst, prefix): for key in src: err_msg1 = lambda: ( f'at {prefix + key}: cannot merge a non-object ' f'attribute into an object attribute') err_msg2 = lambda: ( f'at {prefix + key}: cannot merge an object ' f'attribute into a non-object attribute') # find the target node in dst tmp = dst if no_split_key: parts = [key] else: parts = key.split('.') for part in parts[:-1]: if part not in tmp: tmp[part] = Config() elif not isinstance(tmp[part], Config): raise ValueError(err_msg2()) tmp = tmp[part] # get the src and dst values part = parts[-1] src_val = src[key] try: dst_val = getattr(tmp, part) except AttributeError: dst_val = NOT_SET # now copy the values to the target node if isinstance(src_val, LeafDict): new_val = src_val elif isinstance(src_val, (dict, Config)): if dst_val is NOT_SET: new_val = copy_values( src_val, Config(), prefix=prefix + key + '.') elif isinstance(dst_val, Config): new_val = copy_values( src_val, dst_val, prefix=prefix + key + '.') else: raise ValueError(err_msg2()) else: if isinstance(dst_val, Config): raise ValueError(err_msg1()) else: new_val = src_val tmp[part] = new_val return dst def update_config(config, source): for key in source: val = source[key] self_val = getattr(config, key, None) if isinstance(self_val, Config) and \ isinstance(val, (Config, Mapping)): update_config(self_val, val) else: setattr(config, key, val) update_config( self._config, copy_values(key_values, Config(), prefix='.') ) def load_json(self, path: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], cls=None): """ Load config from a JSON file. Args: path: Path of the JSON file. cls: The JSON decoder class. """ with, 'rb', 'utf-8') as f: obj = json.load(f, cls=cls) self.load_object(obj) def load_yaml(self, path: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], Loader=NOT_SET): """ Load config from a YAML file. Args: path: Path of the YAML file. Loader: The YAML loader class. If not specified, will use :class:`mltk.utils.YAMLIncludeLoader` if `self.use_include` is True, or `yaml.SafeLoader` otherwise. """ if Loader is NOT_SET: Loader = YAMLIncludeLoader if self.use_include else yaml.SafeLoader with, 'rb', 'utf-8') as f: obj = yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader) if obj is not None: self.load_object(obj) def load_file(self, path: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]): """ Load config from a file. The file will be loaded according to its extension. Supported extensions are:: *.yml, *.yaml, *.json Args: path: Path of the file. """ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] ext = ext.lower() if ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): self.load_yaml(path) elif ext in ('.json',): self.load_json(path) else: raise IOError(f'Unsupported config file extension: {ext}') def build_arg_parser(self, parser: Optional[ArgumentParser] = None, config_file_option: Optional[str] = '--config-file' ) -> ArgumentParser: """ Build an argument parser. This method is a sub-procedure of :class:`parse_args()`. Un-specified options will be :obj:`NOT_SET` in the namespace returned by the parser. Args: parser: The parser to populate the arguments. If not specified, will create a new parser. config_file_option: If not :obj:`None`, will add an option to allow loading config files. Defaults to ``--config-file``. Returns: The argument parser. """ class _ConfigAction(Action): def __init__(self, type_info: TypeInfo, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) self.type_info = type_info def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): try: context = TypeCheckContext() with context.enter(f'.{self.dest}'): value = self.type_info.parse_string(values, context) except Exception as ex: message = f'Invalid value for argument `{option_string}`' if str(ex): message += '; ' + str(ex) if not message.endswith('.'): message += '.' raise ValueError(message) else: if isinstance(value, dict): value = LeafDict(value) setattr(namespace, self.dest, value) class _LoadFileAction(Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): path = values ext = os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower() if ext == '.json': loader = lambda f: json.loads( elif ext in ('.yaml', '.yml'): loader = lambda f: yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) else: raise IOError(f'Cannot load config file {path!r}: ' f'unsupported file extension.') with, 'rb', 'utf-8') as f: obj = loader(f) if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise ValueError( f'Expected an object from config file {path!r}, ' f'but got: {obj!r}' ) for key, val in obj.items(): setattr(namespace, key, val) # gather the nested config fields def get_field_help(field_info: ObjectFieldInfo): config_help = field_info.description or '' default_value = field_info.get_default() if config_help: config_help += ' ' if default_value is NOT_SET: if field_info.required: config_help += '(required' else: config_help += '(optional' else: config_help += f'(default {default_value!r}' if field_info.choices: config_help += f'; choices {list(field_info.choices)}' config_help += ')' return config_help def gather_args(ti: ObjectTypeInfo, prefix: str): if prefix: prefix += '.' for field_name in sorted(ti.fields): field_info = ti.fields[field_name] if isinstance(field_info.type_info, ObjectTypeInfo): gather_args(field_info.type_info, prefix + field_name) else: option_string = f'--{prefix}{field_name}' help_msg = get_field_help(field_info) parser.add_argument( option_string, help=help_msg, action=_ConfigAction, type_info=field_info.type_info, default=NOT_SET, metavar=str(field_info.type_info), ) if parser is None: parser = ArgumentParser() # populate the config file argument if config_file_option: parser.add_argument( config_file_option, help='Load a config file (".json" or ".yaml").', action=_LoadFileAction, default=NOT_SET, metavar='PATH', ) # populate the config field arguments gather_args(type_info(self.config_cls), '') return parser def parse_args(self, args: Iterable[str]): """ Parse config attributes from CLI argument. >>> class YourConfig(Config): ... a = 123 ... b = ConfigField(float, description="a float number") ... ... class nested(Config): ... c = ConfigField(str, choices=['hello', 'bye']) >>> loader = ConfigLoader(YourConfig) >>> loader.parse_args([ ... '--a=1230', ... '--b=456', ... '--nested.c=hello' ... ]) >>> loader.get() YourConfig(a=1230, b=456.0, nested=YourConfig.nested(c='hello')) Args: args: The CLI arguments. """ parser = self.build_arg_parser() namespace = parser.parse_args(list(args)) parsed = {key: value for key, value in vars(namespace).items() if value is not NOT_SET} self.load_object(parsed) def object_to_config(config_cls: Type[TConfig], obj: Any) -> TConfig: """ Convert an object into config. Args: config_cls: The config class. obj: The object. Returns: The config object. """ config_loader = ConfigLoader(config_cls) config_loader.load_object(obj) return config_loader.get() def format_config(config: Config, title: Optional[str] = 'Configurations', formatter: Callable[[Any], str] = str, delimiter_char: str = '=', sort_keys: bool = False ) -> str: """ Format a config object into str. >>> print(format_config(Config(a=123, b=Config(value=456)))) Configurations ============== a 123 b.value 456 See Also: :func:`format_key_values` for more details about the arguments. """ from .formatting import format_key_values return format_key_values( key_values=config, title=title, formatter=formatter, delimiter_char=delimiter_char, sort_keys=sort_keys, ) def print_config(config: Config, title: Optional[str] = 'Configurations', formatter: Callable[[Any], str] = str, delimiter_char: str = '=', print_func: Callable[[str], None] = print) -> None: """ Print a config object to stdout. >>> print_config(Config(a=123, b=Config(value=456))) Configurations ============== a 123 b.value 456 See Also: :func:`format_key_values` for more details about the arguments. """ print_func(format_config(config, title, formatter, delimiter_char)) def save_config(config: Config, path: str, flatten: bool = True) -> None: """ Save the specified config object into a file. Args: config: The config object. path: The output file path. flatten: Whether or not to convert the config into dict using ``flatten = True``? See :func:`config_to_dict` for more explanations. """ # convert the config object into a dict cfg_dict = config_to_dict(config, flatten=flatten) # serialize the config dict by different serializers according to extension ext = os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower() if ext == '.json': cnt = json_dumps(cfg_dict, no_dollar_field=True) elif ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): cnt = yaml.dump(cfg_dict, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) else: raise IOError(f'Unsupported file extension: {ext}') # now write to file with, 'wb', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(cnt)