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<img src="src/frontend/static/icons/Hipster_HeroLogoCyan.svg" width="300"/>


**Online Boutique** is a cloud-native microservices demo application.
Online Boutique consists of a 10-tier microservices application. The application is a
web-based e-commerce app where users can browse items,
add them to the cart, and purchase them.

**Google uses this application to demonstrate use of technologies like
Kubernetes/GKE, Istio, Stackdriver, gRPC and OpenCensus**. This application
works on any Kubernetes cluster (such as a local one), as well as Google
Kubernetes Engine. It’s **easy to deploy with little to no configuration**.

If you’re using this demo, please **★Star** this repository to show your interest!

> 👓**Note to Googlers:** Please fill out the form at
> [go/microservices-demo](http://go/microservices-demo) if you are using this
> application.

Looking for the old Hipster Shop frontend interface? Use the [manifests]( in release [v0.1.5](

## Screenshots

| Home Page                                                                                                         | Checkout Screen                                                                                                    |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [![Screenshot of store homepage](./docs/img/online-boutique-frontend-1.png)](./docs/img/online-boutique-frontend-1.png) | [![Screenshot of checkout screen](./docs/img/online-boutique-frontend-2.png)](./docs/img/online-boutique-frontend-2.png) |

## Service Architecture

**Online Boutique** is composed of many microservices written in different
languages that talk to each other over gRPC.

[![Architecture of

Find **Protocol Buffers Descriptions** at the [`./pb` directory](./pb).

| Service                                              | Language      | Description                                                                                                                       |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [frontend](./src/frontend)                           | Go            | Exposes an HTTP server to serve the website. Does not require signup/login and generates session IDs for all users automatically. |
| [cartservice](./src/cartservice)                     | C#            | Stores the items in the user's shopping cart in Redis and retrieves it.                                                           |
| [productcatalogservice](./src/productcatalogservice) | Go            | Provides the list of products from a JSON file and ability to search products and get individual products.                        |
| [currencyservice](./src/currencyservice)             | Node.js       | Converts one money amount to another currency. Uses real values fetched from European Central Bank. It's the highest QPS service. |
| [paymentservice](./src/paymentservice)               | Node.js       | Charges the given credit card info (mock) with the given amount and returns a transaction ID.                                     |
| [shippingservice](./src/shippingservice)             | Go            | Gives shipping cost estimates based on the shopping cart. Ships items to the given address (mock)                                 |
| [emailservice](./src/emailservice)                   | Python        | Sends users an order confirmation email (mock).                                                                                   |
| [checkoutservice](./src/checkoutservice)             | Go            | Retrieves user cart, prepares order and orchestrates the payment, shipping and the email notification.                            |
| [recommendationservice](./src/recommendationservice) | Python        | Recommends other products based on what's given in the cart.                                                                      |
| [adservice](./src/adservice)                         | Java          | Provides text ads based on given context words.                                                                                   |
| [loadgenerator](./src/loadgenerator)                 | Python/Locust | Continuously sends requests imitating realistic user shopping flows to the frontend.                                              |

## Features

- **[Kubernetes]([GKE](**
  The app is designed to run on Kubernetes (both locally on "Docker for
  Desktop", as well as on the cloud with GKE).
- **[gRPC](** Microservices use a high volume of gRPC calls to
  communicate to each other.
- **[Istio](** Application works on Istio service mesh.
- **[OpenCensus]( Tracing:** Most services are
  instrumented using OpenCensus trace interceptors for gRPC/HTTP.
- **[Stackdriver APM](** Many services
  are instrumented with **Profiling**, **Tracing** and **Debugging**. In
  addition to these, using Istio enables features like Request/Response
  **Metrics** and **Context Graph** out of the box. When it is running out of
  Google Cloud, this code path remains inactive.
- **[Skaffold](** Application
  is deployed to Kubernetes with a single command using Skaffold.
- **Synthetic Load Generation:** The application demo comes with a background
  job that creates realistic usage patterns on the website using
  [Locust]( load generator.

## Installation

We offer the following installation methods:

1. **Running locally** (~20 minutes) You will build
   and deploy microservices images to a single-node Kubernetes cluster running
   on your development machine. There are three options to run a Kubernetes
   cluster locally for this demo:
   - [Minikube]( Recommended for
     Linux hosts (also supports Mac/Windows).
   - [Docker for Desktop](
     Recommended for Mac/Windows.
   - [Kind]( Supports Mac/Windows/Linux.

1. **Running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)”** (~30 minutes) You will build,
   upload and deploy the container images to a Kubernetes cluster on Google

1. **Using pre-built container images:** (~10 minutes, you will still need to
   follow one of the steps above up until `skaffold run` command). With this
   option, you will use pre-built container images that are available publicly,
   instead of building them yourself, which takes a long time).

### Prerequisites

   - kubectl (can be installed via `gcloud components install kubectl`)
   - Local Kubernetes cluster deployment tool:
        - [Minikube (recommended for
        - [Docker for Desktop (recommended for Mac/Windows)](
          - It provides Kubernetes support as [noted
        - [Kind](
   - [skaffold]( ([ensure version ≥v1.10](
   - Enable GCP APIs for Cloud Monitoring, Tracing, Debugger:
    gcloud services enable \ \

### Option 1: Running locally

> 💡 Recommended if you're planning to develop the application or giving it a
> try on your local cluster.

1. Launch a local Kubernetes cluster with one of the following tools:

    - To launch **Minikube** (tested with Ubuntu Linux). Please, ensure that the
       local Kubernetes cluster has at least:
        - 4 CPU's
        - 4.0 GiB memory
        - 32 GB disk space

      minikube start --cpus=4 --memory 4096 --disk-size 32g

    - To launch **Docker for Desktop** (tested with Mac/Windows). Go to Preferences:
        - choose “Enable Kubernetes”,
        - set CPUs to at least 3, and Memory to at least 6.0 GiB
        - on the "Disk" tab, set at least 32 GB disk space

    - To launch a **Kind** cluster:

      kind create cluster

2. Run `kubectl get nodes` to verify you're connected to “Kubernetes on Docker”.

3. Run `skaffold run` (first time will be slow, it can take ~20 minutes).
   This will build and deploy the application. If you need to rebuild the images
   automatically as you refactor the code, run `skaffold dev` command.

4. Run `kubectl get pods` to verify the Pods are ready and running.

5. Access the web frontend through your browser
    - **Minikube** requires you to run a command to access the frontend service:

    minikube service frontend-external

    - **Docker For Desktop** should automatically provide the frontend at http://localhost:80

    - **Kind** does not provision an IP address for the service.
      You must run a port-forwarding process to access the frontend at http://localhost:8080:

    kubectl port-forward deployment/frontend 8080:8080

### Option 2: Running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

> 💡 Recommended if you're using Google Cloud Platform and want to try it on
> a realistic cluster.

1.  Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and make sure `kubectl` is pointing
    to the cluster.

    gcloud services enable

    gcloud container clusters create demo --enable-autoupgrade \
        --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=3 --max-nodes=10 --num-nodes=5 --zone=us-central1-a

    kubectl get nodes

2.  Enable Google Container Registry (GCR) on your GCP project and configure the
    `docker` CLI to authenticate to GCR:

    gcloud services enable

    gcloud auth configure-docker -q

3.  In the root of this repository, run `skaffold run[PROJECT_ID]`,
    where [PROJECT_ID] is your GCP project ID.

    This command:

    - builds the container images
    - pushes them to GCR
    - applies the `./kubernetes-manifests` deploying the application to

    **Troubleshooting:** If you get "No space left on device" error on Google
    Cloud Shell, you can build the images on Google Cloud Build: [Enable the
    Cloud Build
    then run `skaffold run -p gcb[PROJECT_ID]` instead.

4.  Find the IP address of your application, then visit the application on your
    browser to confirm installation.

        kubectl get service frontend-external

    **Troubleshooting:** A Kubernetes bug (will be fixed in 1.12) combined with
    a Skaffold [bug](
    causes load balancer to not to work even after getting an IP address. If you
    are seeing this, run `kubectl get service frontend-external -o=yaml | kubectl apply -f-`
    to trigger load balancer reconfiguration.

### Option 3: Using Pre-Built Container Images

> 💡 Recommended if you want to deploy the app faster in fewer steps to an
> existing cluster.

**NOTE:** If you need to create a Kubernetes cluster locally or on the cloud,
follow "Option 1" or "Option 2" until you reach the `skaffold run` step.

This option offers you pre-built public container images that are easy to deploy
by deploying the [release manifest](./release) directly to an existing cluster.

**Prerequisite**: a running Kubernetes cluster (either local or on cloud).

1. Clone this repository, and go to the repository directory
1. Run `kubectl apply -f ./release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml` to deploy the app.
1. Run `kubectl get pods` to see pods are in a Ready state.
1. Find the IP address of your application, then visit the application on your
   browser to confirm installation.

   kubectl get service/frontend-external

### Option 4: Deploying on a Istio-enabled GKE cluster

> **Note:** if you followed GKE deployment steps above, run `skaffold delete` first to delete what's deployed.

1. Create a GKE cluster (described in "Option 2").

2. Use the [Istio on GKE add-on](
   to install Istio to your existing GKE cluster.

   gcloud beta container clusters update demo \
       --zone=us-central1-a \
       --update-addons=Istio=ENABLED \

3. (Optional) Enable Stackdriver Tracing/Logging with Istio Stackdriver Adapter
   by [following this guide](

4. Install the automatic sidecar injection (annotate the `default` namespace
   with the label):

   kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

5. Apply the manifests in [`./istio-manifests`](./istio-manifests) directory.
   (This is required only once.)

   kubectl apply -f ./istio-manifests

6. In the root of this repository, run `skaffold run[PROJECT_ID]`,
    where [PROJECT_ID] is your GCP project ID.

    This command:

    - builds the container images
    - pushes them to GCR
    - applies the `./kubernetes-manifests` deploying the application to

    **Troubleshooting:** If you get "No space left on device" error on Google
    Cloud Shell, you can build the images on Google Cloud Build: [Enable the
    Cloud Build
    then run `skaffold run -p gcb[PROJECT_ID]` instead.

7. Run `kubectl get pods` to see pods are in a healthy and ready state.

8. Find the IP address of your Istio gateway Ingress or Service, and visit the

   INGRESS_HOST="$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway \
      -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')"
   echo "$INGRESS_HOST"

   curl -v "http://$INGRESS_HOST"

### Cleanup

If you've deployed the application with `skaffold run` command, you can run
`skaffold delete` to clean up the deployed resources.

If you've deployed the application with `kubectl apply -f [...]`, you can
run `kubectl delete -f [...]` with the same argument to clean up the deployed

## Conferences featuring Online Boutique

- [Google Cloud Next'18 London – Keynote](
  showing Stackdriver Incident Response Management
- Google Cloud Next'18 SF
  - [Day 1 Keynote]( showing GKE On-Prem
  - [Day 3 – Keynote]( showing Stackdriver
    APM (Tracing, Code Search, Profiler, Google Cloud Build)
  - [Introduction to Service Management with Istio](
- [KubeCon EU 2019 - Reinventing Networking: A Deep Dive into Istio's Multicluster Gateways - Steve Dake, Independent](


This is not an official Google project.