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1,17/06/09,20:10:40,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,"Registered signal handlers for [TERM, HUP, INT]",E22,"Registered signal handlers for [TERM, HUP, INT]"
2,17/06/09,20:10:40,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"Changing view acls to: yarn,curi",E5,Changing view acls to: <*>
3,17/06/09,20:10:40,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"Changing modify acls to: yarn,curi",E4,Changing modify acls to: <*>
4,17/06/09,20:10:40,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(yarn, curi); users with modify permissions: Set(yarn, curi)",E26,"SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(yarn, curi); users with modify permissions: Set(yarn, curi)"
5,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"Changing view acls to: yarn,curi",E5,Changing view acls to: <*>
6,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"Changing modify acls to: yarn,curi",E4,Changing modify acls to: <*>
7,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,spark.SecurityManager,"SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(yarn, curi); users with modify permissions: Set(yarn, curi)",E26,"SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(yarn, curi); users with modify permissions: Set(yarn, curi)"
8,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,slf4j.Slf4jLogger,Slf4jLogger started,E28,Slf4jLogger started
9,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,Remoting,Starting remoting,E31,Starting remoting
10,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,Remoting,Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://sparkExecutorActorSystem@mesos-slave-07:55904],E23,Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://<*>]
11,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,util.Utils,Successfully started service 'sparkExecutorActorSystem' on port 55904.,E34,Successfully started service 'sparkExecutorActorSystem' on port <*>.
12,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,storage.DiskBlockManager,Created local directory at /opt/hdfs/nodemanager/usercache/curi/appcache/application_1485248649253_0147/blockmgr-70293f72-844a-4b39-9ad6-fb0ad7e364e4,E7,Created local directory at <*>
13,17/06/09,20:10:41,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,MemoryStore started with capacity 17.7 GB,E18,MemoryStore started with capacity <*> GB
14,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Connecting to driver: spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@,E6,Connecting to driver: spark://<*>
15,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Successfully registered with driver,E32,Successfully registered with driver
16,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,executor.Executor,Starting executor ID 5 on host mesos-slave-07,E30,Starting executor ID <*> on host <*>
17,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,util.Utils,Successfully started service '' on port 40984.,E33,Successfully started service '' on port <*>.
18,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,netty.NettyBlockTransferService,Server created on 40984,E27,Server created on <*>
19,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,storage.BlockManagerMaster,Trying to register BlockManager,E36,Trying to register BlockManager
20,17/06/09,20:10:42,INFO,storage.BlockManagerMaster,Registered BlockManager,E21,Registered BlockManager
21,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 0,E11,Got assigned task <*>
22,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 1,E11,Got assigned task <*>
23,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 2,E11,Got assigned task <*>
24,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 3,E11,Got assigned task <*>
25,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
26,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 2.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 2),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
27,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
28,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 3.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 3),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
29,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 4,E11,Got assigned task <*>
30,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 4.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
31,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 9,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
32,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_9_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 5.2 KB, free 5.2 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
33,17/06/09,20:10:45,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 9 took 160 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
34,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_9 stored as values in memory (estimated size 8.8 KB, free 14.0 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
35,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_2_1 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
36,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_2_3 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
37,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_2_0 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
38,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_2_2 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
39,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_2_4 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
40,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,rdd.HadoopRDD,Input split: hdfs://,E12,Input split: hdfs://<*>
41,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,rdd.HadoopRDD,Input split: hdfs://,E12,Input split: hdfs://<*>
42,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,rdd.HadoopRDD,Input split: hdfs://,E12,Input split: hdfs://<*>
43,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,rdd.HadoopRDD,Input split: hdfs://,E12,Input split: hdfs://<*>
44,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,rdd.HadoopRDD,Input split: hdfs://,E12,Input split: hdfs://<*>
45,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 8,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
46,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_8_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 21.4 KB, free 35.4 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
47,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 8 took 19 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
48,17/06/09,20:10:46,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_8 stored as values in memory (estimated size 281.6 KB, free 317.0 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
49,17/06/09,20:10:47,INFO,Configuration.deprecation," is deprecated. Instead, use",E17," is deprecated. Instead, use"
50,17/06/09,20:10:47,INFO,Configuration.deprecation," is deprecated. Instead, use",E14," is deprecated. Instead, use"
51,17/06/09,20:10:47,INFO,Configuration.deprecation," is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.task.ismap",E15," is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.task.ismap"
52,17/06/09,20:10:47,INFO,Configuration.deprecation," is deprecated. Instead, use",E13," is deprecated. Instead, use"
53,17/06/09,20:10:47,INFO,Configuration.deprecation,"mapred.task.partition is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.task.partition",E16,"mapred.task.partition is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.task.partition"
54,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 0,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
55,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_0_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 93.0 B, free 317.1 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
56,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 0 took 21 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
57,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_0 stored as values in memory (estimated size 384.0 B, free 317.5 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
58,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 4,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
59,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_4_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 95.0 B, free 317.6 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
60,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 4 took 18 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
61,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_4 stored as values in memory (estimated size 384.0 B, free 318.0 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
62,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 3,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
63,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_3_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 152.0 B, free 318.1 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
64,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 3 took 17 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
65,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_3 stored as values in memory (estimated size 384.0 B, free 318.5 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
66,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 1,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
67,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_1_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 107.0 B, free 318.6 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
68,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 1 took 16 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
69,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_1 stored as values in memory (estimated size 384.0 B, free 319.0 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
70,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 2,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
71,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_2_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 93.0 B, free 319.0 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
72,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 2 took 16 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
73,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_2 stored as values in memory (estimated size 384.0 B, free 319.4 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
74,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 1072, boot = 856, init = 210, finish = 6",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
75,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 1114, boot = 885, init = 223, finish = 6",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
76,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 1074, boot = 869, init = 199, finish = 6",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
77,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 1078, boot = 851, init = 219, finish = 8",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
78,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 1077, boot = 865, init = 206, finish = 6",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
79,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_2_2 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 850.0 B, free 320.3 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
80,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_2_3 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 930.0 B, free 321.2 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
81,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_2_1 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 935.0 B, free 322.1 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
82,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_2_0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 913.0 B, free 323.0 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
83,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_2_4 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 890.0 B, free 323.8 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
84,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = 11, init = 27, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
85,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = 12, init = 30, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
86,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = 15, init = 26, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
87,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 40, boot = 7, init = 33, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
88,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = 13, init = 28, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
89,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 3.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 3). 2703 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
90,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1). 2703 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
91,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 2.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 2). 2703 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
92,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 4.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4). 2703 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
93,17/06/09,20:10:48,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0). 2703 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
94,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 42,E11,Got assigned task <*>
95,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 0.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 42),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
96,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 56,E11,Got assigned task <*>
97,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 1.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 56),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
98,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 69,E11,Got assigned task <*>
99,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 10,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
100,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 2.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 69),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
101,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 78,E11,Got assigned task <*>
102,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 3.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 78),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
103,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 79,E11,Got assigned task <*>
104,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 4.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 79),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
105,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_10_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 5.8 KB, free 329.6 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
106,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 10 took 17 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
107,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_10 stored as values in memory (estimated size 9.6 KB, free 339.2 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
108,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_0 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
109,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_3 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
110,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_4 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
111,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_2 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
112,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_1 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
113,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = -4131, init = 4172, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
114,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = -4122, init = 4162, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
115,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = -4121, init = 4162, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
116,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = -4138, init = 4179, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
117,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 42, boot = -4134, init = 4175, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
118,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 4.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 79). 2685 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
119,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 1.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 56). 2428 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
120,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 0.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 42). 2474 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
121,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 3.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 78). 2651 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
122,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 2.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 69). 2523 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
123,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 87,E11,Got assigned task <*>
124,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 0.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 87),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
125,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 101,E11,Got assigned task <*>
126,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 1.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 101),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
127,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 112,E11,Got assigned task <*>
128,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 2.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 112),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
129,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 118,E11,Got assigned task <*>
130,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 3.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 118),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
131,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 11,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
132,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 119,E11,Got assigned task <*>
133,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 4.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 119),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
134,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_11_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 5.4 KB, free 344.7 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
135,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 11 took 15 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
136,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_11 stored as values in memory (estimated size 9.2 KB, free 353.9 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
137,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_4 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
138,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_3 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
139,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_2 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
140,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_0 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
141,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_1 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
142,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 39, boot = -147, init = 186, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
143,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 39, boot = -147, init = 186, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
144,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = -139, init = 179, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
145,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = -156, init = 194, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
146,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 39, boot = -159, init = 198, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
147,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 4.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 119). 2087 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
148,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 2.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 112). 2087 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
149,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 3.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 118). 2087 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
150,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 1.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 101). 2087 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
151,17/06/09,20:10:52,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 0.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 87). 2087 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
152,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 122,E11,Got assigned task <*>
153,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 0.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 122),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
154,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 136,E11,Got assigned task <*>
155,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 1.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 136),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
156,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 150,E11,Got assigned task <*>
157,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 2.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 150),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
158,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 158,E11,Got assigned task <*>
159,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 3.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 158),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
160,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Started reading broadcast variable 12,E29,Started reading broadcast variable <*>
161,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 159,E11,Got assigned task <*>
162,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 4.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 159),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
163,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_12_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 5.6 KB, free 359.4 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
164,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,broadcast.TorrentBroadcast,Reading broadcast variable 12 took 30 ms,E20,Reading broadcast variable <*> took <*> ms
165,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block broadcast_12 stored as values in memory (estimated size 9.8 KB, free 369.3 KB)",E3,"Block <*> stored as values in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
166,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_6_4 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
167,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_6_3 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
168,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_6_0 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
169,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_6_1 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
170,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,spark.CacheManager,"Partition rdd_6_2 not found, computing it",E19,"Partition rdd_<*> not found, computing it"
171,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_4 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
172,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_3 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
173,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_1 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
174,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_0 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
175,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.BlockManager,Found block rdd_2_2 locally,E10,Found block rdd_<*> locally
176,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = -170, init = 208, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
177,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = -171, init = 212, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
178,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = -160, init = 200, finish = 1",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
179,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = -172, init = 210, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
180,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 40, boot = -173, init = 213, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
181,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_6_4 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 287.0 B, free 369.5 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
182,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_6_3 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 344.0 B, free 369.9 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
183,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_6_1 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 330.0 B, free 370.2 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
184,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_6_2 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 252.0 B, free 370.4 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
185,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,storage.MemoryStore,"Block rdd_6_0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 265.0 B, free 370.7 KB)",E2,"Block <*> stored as bytes in memory (estimated size <*>, free <*>)"
186,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = 14, init = 24, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
187,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 38, boot = 12, init = 26, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
188,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = 19, init = 22, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
189,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 4.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 159). 2667 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
190,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 41, boot = 16, init = 25, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
191,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 3.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 158). 2667 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
192,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,python.PythonRunner,"Times: total = 40, boot = 5, init = 35, finish = 0",E35,"Times: total = <*>, boot = <*>, init = <*>, finish = <*>"
193,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 1.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 136). 2667 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
194,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 2.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 150). 2667 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
195,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Finished task 0.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 122). 2667 bytes result sent to driver,E9,Finished task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>). <*> bytes result sent to driver
196,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 171,E11,Got assigned task <*>
197,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 0.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 171),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)
198,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend,Got assigned task 185,E11,Got assigned task <*>
199,17/06/09,20:10:53,INFO,executor.Executor,Running task 1.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 185),E24,Running task <*> in stage <*> (TID <*>)