import os import pickle as pkl import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import * import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from ..utils import * __all__ = [ 'TraceGraphNodeFeatures', 'TraceGraphNodeReconsScores', 'TraceGraphNode', 'TraceGraphVectors', 'TraceGraph', 'TraceGraphIDManager', 'load_trace_csv', 'df_to_trace_graphs', ] SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE = 'service_id.yml' OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE = 'operation_id.yml' @dataclass class TraceGraphNodeFeatures(object): __slots__ = ['span_count', 'max_latency', 'min_latency', 'avg_latency'] span_count: int # number of duplicates in the parent avg_latency: float # for span_count == 1, avg == max == min max_latency: float min_latency: float @dataclass class TraceGraphNodeReconsScores(object): # probability of the node edge_logit: float operation_logit: float # probability of the latency avg_latency_nstd: float # (avg_latency - avg_latency_mean) / avg_latency_std @dataclass class TraceGraphSpan(object): __slots__ = [ 'span_id', 'start_time', 'latency', ] span_id: Optional[int] start_time: Optional[datetime] latency: float @dataclass class TraceGraphNode(object): __slots__ = [ 'node_id', 'service_id', 'operation_id', 'features', 'children', 'spans', 'scores', 'anomaly', ] node_id: Optional[int] # the node id of the graph service_id: Optional[int] # the service id operation_id: int # the operation id features: TraceGraphNodeFeatures # the node features children: List['TraceGraphNode'] # children nodes spans: Optional[List[TraceGraphSpan]] # detailed spans information (from the original data) scores: Optional[TraceGraphNodeReconsScores] anomaly: Optional[int] # 1: drop anomaly; 2: latency anomaly; 3: service type anomaly def __eq__(self, other): return other is self def __hash__(self): return id(self) @staticmethod def new_sampled(node_id: int, operation_id: int, features: TraceGraphNodeFeatures, scores: Optional[TraceGraphNodeReconsScores] = None ): return TraceGraphNode( node_id=node_id, service_id=None, operation_id=operation_id, features=features, children=[], spans=None, scores=scores, anomaly=None, ) def iter_bfs(self, depth: int = 0, with_parent: bool = False ) -> Generator[ Union[ Tuple[int, 'TraceGraphNode'], Tuple[int, 'TraceGraphNode', 'TraceGraphNode'] ], None, None ]: """Iterate through the nodes in BFS order.""" if with_parent: depth = depth level = [(self, None, 0)] while level: next_level: List[Tuple[TraceGraphNode, TraceGraphNode, int]] = [] for nd, parent, idx in level: yield depth, idx, nd, parent for c_idx, child in enumerate(nd.children): next_level.append((child, nd, c_idx)) depth += 1 level = next_level else: depth = depth level = [self] while level: next_level: List[TraceGraphNode] = [] for nd in level: yield depth, nd next_level.extend(nd.children) depth += 1 level = next_level def count_nodes(self) -> int: ret = 0 for _ in self.iter_bfs(): ret += 1 return ret @dataclass class TraceGraphVectors(object): """Cached result of `TraceGraph.graph_vectors()`.""" __slots__ = [ 'u', 'v', 'node_type', 'node_depth', 'node_idx', 'span_count', 'avg_latency', 'max_latency', 'min_latency', 'node_features', ] # note that it is guaranteed that u[i] < v[i], i.e., upper triangle matrix u: np.ndarray v: np.ndarray # node type node_type: np.ndarray # node depth node_depth: np.ndarray # node idx node_idx: np.ndarray # node feature span_count: np.ndarray avg_latency: np.ndarray max_latency: np.ndarray min_latency: np.ndarray @dataclass class TraceGraph(object): __slots__ = [ 'version', 'trace_id', 'parent_id', 'root', 'node_count', 'max_depth', 'data', ] version: int # version control trace_id: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] parent_id: Optional[int] root: TraceGraphNode node_count: Optional[int] max_depth: Optional[int] data: Dict[str, Any] # any data about the graph @staticmethod def default_version() -> int: return 0x2 @staticmethod def new_sampled(root: TraceGraphNode, node_count: int, max_depth: int): return TraceGraph( version=TraceGraph.default_version(), trace_id=None, parent_id=None, root=root, node_count=node_count, max_depth=max_depth, data={}, ) @property def edge_count(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.node_count is not None: return self.node_count - 1 def iter_bfs(self, with_parent: bool = False ): """Iterate through the nodes in BFS order.""" yield from self.root.iter_bfs(with_parent=with_parent) def merge_spans_and_assign_id(self): """ Merge spans with the same (service, operation) under the same parent, and re-assign node IDs. """ node_count = 0 max_depth = 0 for depth, parent in self.iter_bfs(): max_depth = max(max_depth, depth) # assign ID to this node parent.node_id = node_count node_count += 1 # merge the children of this node children = [] for child in sorted(parent.children, key=lambda o: o.operation_id): if children and children[-1].operation_id == child.operation_id: prev_child = children[-1] # merge the features f1, f2 = prev_child.features, child.features f1.span_count += f2.span_count f1.avg_latency += (f2.avg_latency - f1.avg_latency) * (f2.span_count / f1.span_count) f1.max_latency = max(f1.max_latency, f2.max_latency) f1.min_latency = min(f1.min_latency, f2.min_latency) # merge the children if child.children: if prev_child.children: prev_child.children.extend(child.children) else: prev_child.children = child.children # merge the spans if child.spans: if prev_child.spans: prev_child.spans.extend(child.spans) else: prev_child.spans = child.spans else: children.append(child) # re-assign the merged children parent.children = children # record node count and depth self.node_count = node_count self.max_depth = max_depth def assign_node_id(self): """Assign node IDs to the graph nodes by pre-root order.""" node_count = 0 max_depth = 0 for depth, node in self.iter_bfs(): max_depth = max(max_depth, depth) # assign id to this node node.node_id = node_count node_count += 1 # record node count and depth self.node_count = node_count self.max_depth = max_depth def graph_vectors(self): # edge index u = np.empty([self.edge_count], dtype=np.int64) v = np.empty([self.edge_count], dtype=np.int64) # node type node_type = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) # node depth node_depth = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) # node idx node_idx = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) # node feature span_count = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) avg_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) max_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) min_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) # X = np.zeros([self.node_count, x_dim], dtype=np.float32) edge_idx = 0 for depth, idx, node, parent in self.iter_bfs(with_parent=True): j = node.node_id feat = node.features # node type node_type[j] = node.operation_id # node depth node_depth[j] = depth # node idx node_idx[j] = idx # node feature span_count[j] = feat.span_count avg_latency[j] = feat.avg_latency max_latency[j] = feat.max_latency min_latency[j] = feat.min_latency # X[parent.node_id, parent.operation_id] = 1 # one-hot encoded node feature # edge index for child in node.children: u[edge_idx] = node.node_id v[edge_idx] = child.node_id edge_idx += 1 if len(u) != self.edge_count: raise ValueError(f'`len(u)` != `self.edge_count`: {len(u)} != {self.edge_count}') return TraceGraphVectors( # edge index u=u, v=v, # node type node_type=node_type, # node depth node_depth=node_depth, # node idx node_idx=node_idx, # node feature span_count=span_count, avg_latency=avg_latency, max_latency=max_latency, min_latency=min_latency, ) def networkx_graph(self, id_manager: 'TraceGraphIDManager') -> nx.Graph: gv = self.graph_vectors() self_nodes = {nd.node_id: nd for _, nd in self.iter_bfs()} g = nx.Graph() # graph for k, v in g.graph[k] = v # nodes g.add_nodes_from(range(self.node_count)) # edges g.add_edges_from([(i, j) for i, j in zip(gv.u, gv.v)]) # node features for i in range(len(gv.node_type)): nd = g.nodes[i] nd['node_type'] = gv.node_type[i] nd['operation'] = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(gv.node_type[i]) for attr in TraceGraphNodeFeatures.__slots__: nd[attr] = getattr(gv, attr)[i] if self_nodes[i].scores: nd['avg_latency_nstd'] = self_nodes[i].scores.avg_latency_nstd return g def to_bytes(self, protocol: int = pkl.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL) -> bytes: return pkl.dumps(self, protocol=protocol) @staticmethod def from_bytes(content: bytes) -> 'TraceGraph': r = pkl.loads(content) # for deserializing old versions of TraceGraph if not hasattr(r, 'version'): r.version = 0x0 if r.version < 0x1: # upgrade 0x0 => 0x2 for _, nd in r.root.iter_bfs(): nd.scores = None nd.anomaly = None r.version = 0x2 if r.version < 0x2: # upgrade 0x1 => 0x2 for _, nd in r.root.iter_bfs(): nd.anomaly = None r.version = 0x2 return r def deepcopy(self) -> 'TraceGraph': return TraceGraph.from_bytes(self.to_bytes()) @dataclass class TempGraphNode(object): __slots__ = ['trace_id', 'parent_id', 'node'] trace_id: Tuple[int, int] parent_id: int node: 'TraceGraphNode' class TraceGraphIDManager(object): __slots__ = ['root_dir', 'service_id', 'operation_id'] root_dir: str service_id: IDAssign operation_id: IDAssign def __init__(self, root_dir: str): self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) self.service_id = IDAssign(os.path.join(self.root_dir, SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE)) self.operation_id = IDAssign(os.path.join(self.root_dir, OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE)) def __enter__(self): self.service_id.__enter__() self.operation_id.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.service_id.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.operation_id.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) @property def num_operations(self) -> int: return len(self.operation_id) def dump_to(self, output_dir: str): self.service_id.dump_to(os.path.join(output_dir, SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE)) self.operation_id.dump_to(os.path.join(output_dir, OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE)) def load_trace_csv(input_path: str, is_test: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame: if is_test: dtype = { 'traceIdHigh': int, 'traceIdLow': int, 'spanId': int, 'parentSpanId': int, 'serviceName': str, 'operationName': str, 'startTime': str, 'duration': float, 'nanosecond': int, 'DBhash': int, 'nodeLatencyLabel': int, 'graphLatencyLabel': int, 'graphStructureLabel': int } else: dtype = { 'traceIdHigh': int, 'traceIdLow': int, 'spanId': int, 'parentSpanId': int, 'serviceName': str, 'operationName': str, 'startTime': str, 'duration': float, 'nanosecond': int, 'DBhash': int, } return pd.read_csv( input_path, engine='c', usecols=list(dtype), dtype=dtype ) def df_to_trace_graphs(df: pd.DataFrame, id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, test_label: int = None, min_node_count: int = 2, max_node_count: int = 32, summary_file: Optional[str] = None, merge_spans: bool = False, ) -> List[TraceGraph]: summary = [] trace_spans = {} df = df[df['DBhash'] == 0] # read the spans with id_manager: for row in tqdm(df.itertuples(), desc='Read spans', total=len(df)): graph_label = 0 if test_label is not None: if row.graphStructureLabel != 0: graph_label = 1 elif row.graphLatencyLabel != 0: graph_label = 2 if graph_label != test_label: continue if row.serviceName not in id_manager.service_id._mapping: print(row.serviceName, ": Service not in file!") continue if f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}' not in id_manager.operation_id._mapping: print(f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}', ": Operation not in file!") continue trace_id = (row.traceIdHigh, row.traceIdLow) span_dict = trace_spans.get(trace_id, None) if span_dict is None: trace_spans[trace_id] = span_dict = {} span_latency = row.duration span_dict[row.spanId] = TempGraphNode( trace_id=trace_id, parent_id=row.parentSpanId, node=TraceGraphNode( node_id=None, service_id=id_manager.service_id.get_or_assign(row.serviceName), operation_id=id_manager.operation_id.get_or_assign(f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}'), features=TraceGraphNodeFeatures( span_count=1, avg_latency=span_latency, max_latency=span_latency, min_latency=span_latency, ), children=[], spans=[ TraceGraphSpan( span_id=row.spanId, start_time=( datetime.strptime(row.startTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + timedelta(microseconds=row.nanosecond / 1_000) ), latency=span_latency, ), ], scores=None, anomaly=None, ) ) summary.append(f'Span count: {len(trace_spans)}') # construct the traces trace_graphs = [] if test_label is None or test_label == 0: graph_data = {} elif test_label == 1: graph_data = { 'is_anomaly': True, 'anomaly_type': 'drop' } else: graph_data = { 'is_anomaly': True, 'anomaly_type': 'latency' } for _, trace in tqdm(trace_spans.items(), total=len(trace_spans), desc='Build graphs'): nodes = sorted( trace.values(), key=(lambda nd: (nd.node.service_id, nd.node.operation_id, nd.node.spans[0].start_time)) ) for nd in nodes: parent_id = nd.parent_id if (parent_id == 0) or (parent_id not in trace): # if only a certain service is taken from the database, then just the sub-trees # of a trace are obtained, which leads to orphan nodes (parent_id != 0 and not in trace trace_graphs.append(TraceGraph( version=TraceGraph.default_version(), trace_id=nd.trace_id, parent_id=nd.parent_id, root=nd.node, node_count=None, max_depth=None, data=graph_data, )) else: trace[parent_id].node.children.append(nd.node) # merge spans and assign id if merge_spans: for trace in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Merge spans and assign node id'): trace.merge_spans_and_assign_id() else: for trace in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Assign node id'): trace.assign_node_id() # gather the final results ret = [] too_small = 0 too_large = 0 for trace in trace_graphs: if trace.node_count < min_node_count: too_small += 1 elif trace.node_count > max_node_count: too_large += 1 else: ret.append(trace) summary.append(f'Imported graph: {len(trace_graphs)}; dropped graph: too small = {too_small}, too large = {too_large}') if summary_file: with open(summary_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(summary) + '\n') else: print('\n'.join(summary), file=sys.stderr) return ret