diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 54a1d601f74aaadf4b3af5a47f0f35e16cce340c..184db47bbfe29d8fc48a3fd5fa3171fc236375f7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,93 +1,18 @@ # TraceVAE +This is the source code for "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Microservice Traces through Graph VAE". - - -## Getting started - -To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. - -Already a pro? Just edit this README.md and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)! - -## Add your files - -- [ ] [Create](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#create-a-file) or [upload](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#upload-a-file) files -- [ ] [Add files using the command line](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/add-file.html#add-a-file-using-the-command-line) or push an existing Git repository with the following command: - +## Usage +1. `pip3 install -r requirements.txt`. +2. Convert the dataset with `python3 -m tracegnn.cli.data_process preprocess -i [input_path] -o [dataset_path]`. The sample dataset is under `sample_dataset`. (Note: This sample dataset only shows data format and usage, and cannot be used to evaluate model performance. Please replace it with your dataset.) +sample: ``` -cd existing_repo -git remote add origin http://www.aiops.cn/gitlab/aiops-nankai/model/tracevae.git -git branch -M main -git push -uf origin main +python3 -m tracegnn.cli.data_process preprocess -i sample_dataset -o sample_dataset +``` +3. Train the model with `bash train.sh [dataset_path]`: +``` +bash train.sh sample_dataset +``` +4. Evaluate the model with `bash teset.sh [model_path] [dataset_path]`. The default model path is under `results/train/models/final.pt`: +``` +bash test.sh results/train/models/final.pt sample_dataset ``` - -## Integrate with your tools - -- [ ] [Set up project integrations](http://www.aiops.cn/gitlab/aiops-nankai/model/tracevae/-/settings/integrations) - -## Collaborate with your team - -- [ ] [Invite team members and collaborators](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/members/) -- [ ] [Create a new merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html) -- [ ] [Automatically close issues from merge requests](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#closing-issues-automatically) -- [ ] [Enable merge request approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/approvals/) -- [ ] [Set auto-merge](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_when_pipeline_succeeds.html) - -## Test and Deploy - -Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab. - -- [ ] [Get started with GitLab CI/CD](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/index.html) -- [ ] [Analyze your code for known vulnerabilities with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/) -- [ ] [Deploy to Kubernetes, Amazon EC2, or Amazon ECS using Auto Deploy](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/requirements.html) -- [ ] [Use pull-based deployments for improved Kubernetes management](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/clusters/agent/) -- [ ] [Set up protected environments](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/protected_environments.html) - -*** - -# Editing this README - -When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thanks to [makeareadme.com](https://www.makeareadme.com/) for this template. - -## Suggestions for a good README - -Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information. - -## Name -Choose a self-explaining name for your project. - -## Description -Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors. - -## Badges -On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge. - -## Visuals -Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method. - -## Installation -Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection. - -## Usage -Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README. - -## Support -Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc. - -## Roadmap -If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README. - -## Contributing -State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them. - -For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self. - -You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser. - -## Authors and acknowledgment -Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project. - -## License -For open source projects, say how it is licensed. - -## Project status -If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e40a0b8572b14052c9be963994c245d78220571 --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +git+https://gitee.com/haowen-xu/ml-essentials +git+https://gitee.com/haowen-xu/tensorkit +git+https://gitee.com/mirrors/ZhuSuan.git +click +jinja2 +networkx +numpy +pandas +PyYAML +python-snappy +scikit-learn +seaborn +semver +natsort +imageio +fs +lazy_object_proxy +kafka-python +tqdm +loguru +tensorboard==1.15 +numba + +-f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116/torch_stable.html +torch==1.12.0+cu116 + +-f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/repo.html +dgl-cu116 + +-f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.12.0+cu116.html +torch-scatter +torch-sparse +torch-cluster +torch-spline-conv +torch-geometric diff --git a/sample_dataset/id_manager/latency_range.yml b/sample_dataset/id_manager/latency_range.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1aa1da0d52ed35a1ae281e8e0aa236cedd0d45d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample_dataset/id_manager/latency_range.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3316 @@ +1: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +3: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +4: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +5: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +6: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +7: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +8: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +9: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +10: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +11: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +12: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +13: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +15: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +16: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +17: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +19: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +20: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +21: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +23: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +26: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +27: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 3.0 + std: 1.0 +28: + mean: 1.0 + p99: 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'' +: 0 +'0': 1 +'1': 2 +'400': 3 +'401': 4 +'403': 5 +'404': 6 +'423': 7 +'429': 8 +'500': 9 +'503': 10 +'504': 11 +CompletionException: 12 +HystrixRuntimeException: 13 +ProcessingException: 14 +SOAERROR_1006: 15 +SOAERROR_2017: 16 +SOAERROR_2026: 17 +SOAERROR_2028: 18 +UNFINISHED: 19 diff --git a/sample_dataset/test.csv b/sample_dataset/test.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff69df4b899790f28bf0fce36ba1ebb9b031bff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample_dataset/test.csv @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +traceIdHigh,traceIdLow,parentSpanId,spanId,startTime,duration,nanosecond,DBhash,status,operationName,serviceName,nodeLatencyLabel,graphLatencyLabel,graphStructureLabel +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,0,-1990250972,2022-05-02 18:10:09,4188,102000000,0,0,1413,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-281558527,2022-05-02 18:10:09,3913,347000000,0,0,1399,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-335450563,2022-05-02 18:10:09,74,256000000,0,0,1400,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,159928739,2022-05-02 18:10:09,14,166000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,1875814534,2022-05-02 18:10:09,20,180000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-1741606249,2022-05-02 18:10:09,20,250000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-1617443693,2022-05-02 18:10:09,12,268000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-278055518,2022-05-02 18:10:09,12,328000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-370879640,2022-05-02 18:10:09,11,349000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,2071447605,2022-05-02 18:10:13,15,265000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-1819031907,2022-05-02 18:10:13,12,278000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,1842451354,2022-05-02 18:10:13,13,287000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,1935560096,2022-05-02 18:10:13,15,295000000,0,0,1402,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-1990250972,-2003257890,2022-05-02 18:10:14,14,306000000,0,500,1412,310,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-281558527,-700384075,2022-05-02 18:10:09,3907,353000000,0,0,124,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-335450563,-21249935,2022-05-02 18:10:09,63,267000000,0,0,249,42,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-2003257890,1900376561,2022-05-02 18:10:14,2,318000000,0,500,1370,305,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,-803543939,2022-05-02 18:10:09,23,367000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,-736459037,2022-05-02 18:10:09,19,371000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,-1183351125,2022-05-02 18:10:11,16,34000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,350862234,2022-05-02 18:10:12,10,580000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,1682015471,2022-05-02 18:10:13,11,169000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,2040964166,2022-05-02 18:10:13,11,259000000,0,0,113,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,1762151399,2022-05-02 18:10:10,955,85000000,0,0,117,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,-334971362,2022-05-02 18:10:12,583,577000000,0,0,117,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,-15543737,2022-05-02 18:10:09,51,379000000,0,0,119,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-700384075,583885210,2022-05-02 18:10:14,11,269000000,0,0,121,30,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,1762151399,681721006,2022-05-02 18:10:10,840,160000000,0,0,1270,281,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-334971362,1067395986,2022-05-02 18:10:12,479,611000000,0,0,1270,281,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,-15543737,408810147,2022-05-02 18:10:09,33,397000000,0,0,1277,284,0,0,1 +1596357529536981502,4448694259929862755,583885210,-304841780,2022-05-02 18:10:14,3,277000000,0,0,1369,305,0,0,1 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,0,-491131385,2022-05-02 17:47:41,5176,914000000,0,0,1393,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,-652820602,2022-05-02 17:47:41,14,976000000,0,0,1378,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,-1333335415,2022-05-02 17:47:47,11,69000000,0,0,1380,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,703056482,2022-05-02 17:47:41,10,950000000,0,0,1381,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,687971319,2022-05-02 17:47:47,7,83000000,0,0,1386,308,1,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,1792075409,2022-05-02 17:47:41,7,963000000,0,0,1389,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-491131385,48140695,2022-05-02 17:47:47,26,14000000,0,0,1391,308,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,-652820602,1379876670,2022-05-02 17:47:41,11,979000000,0,0,310,57,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,703056482,-699583531,2022-05-02 17:47:41,5,945000000,0,0,356,72,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,687971319,-1212461088,2022-05-02 17:47:47,4,86000000,0,0,1212,279,0,1,0 +5662566985137355690,7477298637177050925,48140695,-1178781667,2022-05-02 17:47:47,11,19000000,0,0,1301,291,0,1,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,0,1931323897,2022-05-02 15:59:59,60,450000000,0,0,403,83,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,1931323897,711219543,2022-05-02 15:59:59,57,453000000,0,0,649,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,711219543,-1561583093,2022-05-02 15:59:59,4,466000000,0,0,643,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,711219543,81837891,2022-05-02 15:59:59,24,486000000,0,0,643,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,711219543,1963630877,2022-05-02 15:59:59,5,505000000,0,0,643,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,711219543,-1370474143,2022-05-02 15:59:59,5,505000000,0,0,643,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,711219543,1992379152,2022-05-02 15:59:59,17,473000000,0,500,644,153,0,0,0 +3646047056327432861,6658453249126145996,1992379152,360300743,2022-05-02 15:59:59,13,467000000,0,500,673,156,0,0,0 diff --git a/sample_dataset/train.csv b/sample_dataset/train.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..213be91e12ee93d8e844219266f6fb04fd2427bc --- /dev/null +++ b/sample_dataset/train.csv @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +traceIdHigh,traceIdLow,parentSpanId,spanId,startTime,duration,nanosecond,DBhash,status,operationName,serviceName +7565692060307280094,4149727419449628353,0,-1160783149,2022-05-02 18:32:16,8,522000000,0,0,3,2 +7565692060307280094,4149727419449628353,-1160783149,-663518905,2022-05-02 18:32:16,5,525000000,0,0,6,2 +7565692060307280094,4149727419449628353,-663518905,292134812,2022-05-02 18:32:16,2,528000000,0,0,17,4 +7469867095312772506,9054005929149387783,0,-116188428,2022-05-02 15:59:34,9,401000000,0,0,3,2 +7469867095312772506,9054005929149387783,-116188428,-936201595,2022-05-02 15:59:34,6,404000000,0,0,6,2 +7469867095312772506,9054005929149387783,-936201595,203651095,2022-05-02 15:59:34,4,406000000,0,0,17,4 +1302365061014104190,4713847854262197922,0,147046579,2022-05-02 16:05:08,8,262000000,0,0,3,2 +1302365061014104190,4713847854262197922,147046579,-815705052,2022-05-02 16:05:08,5,265000000,0,0,6,2 +1302365061014104190,4713847854262197922,-815705052,-1767599182,2022-05-02 16:05:08,3,267000000,0,0,17,4 +4520607604792678538,90296779370241065,0,-1192584432,2022-05-02 15:03:15,10,800000000,0,0,3,2 +4520607604792678538,90296779370241065,-1192584432,2102356101,2022-05-02 15:03:15,7,803000000,0,0,6,2 +4520607604792678538,90296779370241065,2102356101,-1201056520,2022-05-02 15:03:15,5,805000000,0,0,17,4 +4301483373465897605,1921512395340371532,0,-116188428,2022-05-02 15:59:34,9,401000000,0,0,3,2 +4301483373465897605,1921512395340371532,-116188428,-936201595,2022-05-02 15:59:34,6,404000000,0,0,6,2 +4301483373465897605,1921512395340371532,-936201595,203651095,2022-05-02 15:59:34,4,406000000,0,0,17,4 +4516399473592649105,3122656494628515993,0,-940181392,2022-05-02 16:32:32,8,162000000,0,0,3,2 +4516399473592649105,3122656494628515993,-940181392,-1775474648,2022-05-02 16:32:32,6,164000000,0,0,6,2 +4516399473592649105,3122656494628515993,-1775474648,-614412147,2022-05-02 16:32:32,4,166000000,0,0,17,4 +2001615163061348505,1103669949841503114,0,-251538214,2022-05-02 17:19:09,7,523000000,0,0,3,2 +2001615163061348505,1103669949841503114,-251538214,-295534211,2022-05-02 17:19:09,5,525000000,0,0,6,2 +2001615163061348505,1103669949841503114,-295534211,-1868571256,2022-05-02 17:19:09,3,527000000,0,0,17,4 diff --git a/sample_dataset/val.csv b/sample_dataset/val.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1363df4bfd77ed788c3ab7616a141d9c16cd5021 --- /dev/null +++ b/sample_dataset/val.csv @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +traceIdHigh,traceIdLow,parentSpanId,spanId,startTime,duration,nanosecond,DBhash,status,operationName,serviceName +3718860522599049613,8245757295869652015,0,744605799,2022-05-02 15:34:49,10,630000000,0,0,3,2 +3718860522599049613,8245757295869652015,744605799,258669622,2022-05-02 15:34:49,6,634000000,0,0,6,2 +3718860522599049613,8245757295869652015,258669622,-2140429749,2022-05-02 15:34:49,4,626000000,0,0,17,4 +171786705856344778,8432392905725602200,0,834436815,2022-05-02 15:38:25,22,928000000,0,0,3,2 +171786705856344778,8432392905725602200,834436815,1941867149,2022-05-02 15:38:25,19,931000000,0,0,6,2 +171786705856344778,8432392905725602200,1941867149,-2120879518,2022-05-02 15:38:25,17,933000000,0,0,17,4 +1884068908740226663,198674487451014796,0,-1192584432,2022-05-02 15:03:15,10,800000000,0,0,3,2 +1884068908740226663,198674487451014796,-1192584432,2102356101,2022-05-02 15:03:15,7,803000000,0,0,6,2 +1884068908740226663,198674487451014796,2102356101,-1201056520,2022-05-02 15:03:15,5,805000000,0,0,17,4 +6433112438253994909,8162558342722269388,0,-940181392,2022-05-02 16:32:32,8,162000000,0,0,3,2 +6433112438253994909,8162558342722269388,-940181392,-1775474648,2022-05-02 16:32:32,6,164000000,0,0,6,2 +6433112438253994909,8162558342722269388,-1775474648,-614412147,2022-05-02 16:32:32,4,166000000,0,0,17,4 +6877930537907535995,8837251782173988176,0,-112915630,2022-05-02 16:57:11,7,243000000,0,0,3,2 +6877930537907535995,8837251782173988176,-112915630,-1653931621,2022-05-02 16:57:11,4,236000000,0,0,6,2 +6877930537907535995,8837251782173988176,-1653931621,-48204267,2022-05-02 16:57:11,2,238000000,0,0,17,4 +790603823422444737,8049481303438475592,0,-269253468,2022-05-02 15:00:08,14,176000000,0,0,3,2 +790603823422444737,8049481303438475592,-269253468,1292285861,2022-05-02 15:00:08,11,179000000,0,0,6,2 +790603823422444737,8049481303438475592,1292285861,-205310853,2022-05-02 15:00:08,4,186000000,0,0,17,4 +4016062494274678058,802407659628105677,0,-1067224499,2022-05-02 15:14:32,20,520000000,0,0,3,2 +4016062494274678058,802407659628105677,-1067224499,1026915991,2022-05-02 15:14:32,17,523000000,0,0,6,2 +4016062494274678058,802407659628105677,1026915991,-1777842468,2022-05-02 15:14:32,15,525000000,0,0,17,4 diff --git a/test.sh b/test.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00b4fff250d4bbc07a14a18eebd63711719b7c35 --- /dev/null +++ b/test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +echo "Usage: bash test.sh [model_path] [dataset_path]" +echo "MODEL: $1" +echo "DATASET: $2" +python3 -m tracegnn.models.trace_vae.test evaluate-nll -M "$1" --use-train-val -D "$2" --device cpu --use-std-limit --std-limit-global diff --git a/tracegnn/__init__.py b/tracegnn/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/tracegnn/cli/__init__.py b/tracegnn/cli/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/tracegnn/cli/data_process.py b/tracegnn/cli/data_process.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03f63036d489f95315685e8dbbaf1b6bda71d347 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/cli/data_process.py @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +import math +import pickle as pkl +import random +import shutil +import sys + +import click +import numpy as np +from tqdm import tqdm + +from tracegnn.constants import * +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.utils import * + + +def get_graph_key(g): + node_types = set() + stack = [g.root] + while stack: + nd = stack.pop() + node_types.add(nd.operation_id) + stack.extend(nd.children) + return g.root.operation_id, g.max_depth, tuple(sorted(node_types)) + + +@click.group() +def main(): + pass + + +@main.command() +@click.option('-i', '--input-dir') +@click.option('-o', '--output-dir') +@click.option('-n', '--name', type=str, required=True) +def csv_to_db(input_dir, output_dir, name): + # check the parameters + input_dir = os.path.abspath(input_dir) + output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) + + input_path = os.path.join(input_dir, f"{name}.csv") + output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "processed", name) + + # Load id_manager + id_manager = TraceGraphIDManager(os.path.join(input_dir, 'id_manager')) + + # process the traces + # load the graphs + if 'test' not in name: + df = load_trace_csv(input_path) + trace_graphs = df_to_trace_graphs( + df, + id_manager=id_manager, + merge_spans=True, + ) + + # write to db + if os.path.exists(output_path): + shutil.rmtree(output_path) + + db = BytesSqliteDB(output_path, write=True) + with db, db.write_batch(): + for g in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Save graphs'): + db.add(g.to_bytes()) + else: + # read test data + df = load_trace_csv(input_path, is_test=True) + + for i in range(3): + trace_graphs = df_to_trace_graphs( + df, + id_manager=id_manager, + merge_spans=True, + test_label=i + ) + + # write to db + if i == 0: + output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'processed', 'test') + elif i == 1: + output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'processed', 'test-drop') + else: + output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'processed', 'test-latency') + + if os.path.exists(output_path): + shutil.rmtree(output_path) + + db = BytesSqliteDB(output_path, write=True) + with db, db.write_batch(): + for g in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Save graphs'): + db.add(g.to_bytes()) + + +@main.command() +@click.option('-i', '--input-dir') +@click.option('-o', '--output_dir') +def preprocess(input_dir, output_dir): + print("Convert datasets...") + print("------------> Train") + os.system(f"python3 -m tracegnn.cli.data_process csv-to-db -i {input_dir} -o {output_dir} -n train") + print("------------> Val") + os.system(f"python3 -m tracegnn.cli.data_process csv-to-db -i {input_dir} -o {output_dir} -n val") + print("------------> Test") + os.system(f"python3 -m tracegnn.cli.data_process csv-to-db -i {input_dir} -o {output_dir} -n test") + + print("Finished!") + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/tracegnn/constants.py b/tracegnn/constants.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdc685d6a8514bc74da1c39efbbed11e84df371d --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/constants.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import os + +# if MIN_NODE_COUNT <= 2 <= MAX_NODE_COUNT, then the graph will be chosen +MAX_NODE_COUNT = int(os.environ.get('MAX_NODE_COUNT', '32')) +MAX_SPAN_COUNT = int(os.environ.get('MAX_SPAN_COUNT', '32')) + +# whether or not to use multi-dimensional latency codec? +# If not set, will normalize the latency w.r.t. each operation. +USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC = os.environ.get('USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC', '0') == '1' + +# If USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC, then encode the codec parameters. +MAX_LATENCY_DIM = int(os.environ.get('MAX_LATENCY_DIM', '5')) +MAX_DEPTH = int(os.environ.get('MAX_DEPTH', '4')) diff --git a/tracegnn/data/__init__.py b/tracegnn/data/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6359ac6c40beec597498846c2ff300fbc9fa99fc --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/data/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +from .bytes_db import * +from .trace_graph import * +from .trace_graph_db import * diff --git a/tracegnn/data/bytes_db.py b/tracegnn/data/bytes_db.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ee9a5da71a9c235ab499a60f2192512ac20499d --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/data/bytes_db.py @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +"""Databases for large-scale datasets.""" +import bisect +import os +import pickle +import sqlite3 +from contextlib import contextmanager +from typing import * + +import numpy as np +import snappy + +__all__ = [ + 'BytesDB', + 'BytesSqliteDB', + 'BytesMultiDB', +] + + +class BytesDB(object): + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + if not exc_type: + self.commit() + self.close() + + def __len__(self) -> int: + return self.data_count() + + def __getitem__(self, item: int): + return self.get(item) + + def __iter__(self): + for i in range(self.data_count()): + yield self.get(i) + + def __repr__(self): + desc = self.describe().strip() + if '\n' in desc: + desc = '\n'.join(f' {l}' for l in desc.split('\n')) + desc = f'\n{desc}\n' + return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({desc})' + + def describe(self) -> str: + raise NotImplementedError() + + def sample_n(self, n: int) -> List[bytes]: + ret = [] + indices = np.random.randint(self.data_count(), size=n) + for i in indices: + ret.append(self.get(i)) + return ret + + def data_count(self) -> int: + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get(self, item: int) -> bytes: + raise NotImplementedError() + + def add(self, val: bytes) -> int: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @contextmanager + def write_batch(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def commit(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def optimize(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def close(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class BytesSqliteDB(BytesDB): + + class WB(object): + + def __init__(self, conn, cur, table_name, buf_size=8192): + self.conn = conn + self.cur = cur + self.table_name = table_name + self.buf = [] + self.buf_size = buf_size + + def add(self, id, value): + self.buf.append((id, snappy.compress(value))) + if len(self.buf) >= self.buf_size: + self.commit() + + def commit(self): + if self.buf: + self.cur.executemany( + f'INSERT INTO "{self.table_name}"("key", "value") VALUES (?, ?)', + self.buf + ) + self.conn.commit() + self.buf.clear() + + def rollback(self): + self.conn.rollback() + self.buf.clear() + + conn: sqlite3.Connection + path: str + file_name: str + _data_count: int + + def __init__(self, path: str, write: bool = False, table_name: str = 'data', + file_name: str = '_bytes.db'): + self.path = path + self.table_name = table_name + self.file_name = file_name + + if write and not os.path.isdir(path): + os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) + + self.conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.path, file_name)) + self.conn.text_factory = bytes + with self._scoped_cursor() as cur: + cur.execute( + f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{self.table_name}" (' + ' "key" INT PRIMARY KEY,' + ' "value" BLOB' + ');' + ) + self.conn.commit() + self._data_count = cur.execute(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "{self.table_name}"').fetchone()[0] + self._wb = None + + @contextmanager + def _scoped_cursor(self): + cur = self.conn.cursor() + try: + yield cur + finally: + cur.close() + + def describe(self) -> str: + p = self.path + if self.file_name != '_bytes.db': + p = os.path.join(p, self.file_name) + if any(c in p for c in '(),'): + return repr(p) + return p + + def data_count(self) -> int: + return self._data_count + + def get(self, item: int) -> bytes: + with self._scoped_cursor() as cur: + cur.execute(f'SELECT "value" FROM "{self.table_name}" WHERE "key" = {item}') + row = cur.fetchone() + if row is not None: + return snappy.decompress(row[0]) + + def add(self, val: bytes) -> int: + if self._wb is None: + with self.write_batch(): + return self.add(val) + else: + key = self._data_count + self._wb.add(key, val) + self._data_count += 1 + return key + + @contextmanager + def write_batch(self): + if self._wb is not None: + raise RuntimeError(f'Another write_batch is already open!') + try: + self._wb = self.WB(self.conn, self.conn.cursor(), self.table_name) + yield self + self._wb.commit() + self._wb = None + except: + self._wb.rollback() + self._wb = None + raise + + def commit(self): + if self._wb is not None: + self._wb.commit() + + def optimize(self): + pass + + def close(self): + self.commit() + self._wb = None + self.conn.close() + + +class BytesMultiDB(BytesDB): + + db_list: List[BytesDB] + db_sizes: List[int] + _db_offset: List[int] + _data_count: int + + def __init__(self, *db_list): + self.db_list = list(db_list) + self.db_sizes = [db.data_count() for db in self.db_list] + self._db_offset = [] + i = 0 + for db in self.db_list: + self._db_offset.append(i) + i += db.data_count() + self._data_count = i + + def describe(self) -> str: + return '\n'.join(f'{db.describe()},' for db in self.db_list).rstrip(',') + + def data_count(self) -> int: + return self._data_count + + def get(self, item: int) -> bytes: + if item < 0 or item >= self._data_count: + raise IndexError(item) + i = bisect.bisect_left(self._db_offset, item + 1) - 1 + return self.db_list[i].get(item - self._db_offset[i]) + + def add(self, val: bytes) -> int: + raise RuntimeError(f'BytesMultiDB is not writeable.') + + @contextmanager + def write_batch(self): + raise RuntimeError(f'BytesMultiDB is not writeable.') + + def commit(self): + pass + + def optimize(self): + raise RuntimeError(f'BytesMultiDB is not writeable.') + + def close(self): + for db in self.db_list: + db.close() diff --git a/tracegnn/data/trace_graph.py b/tracegnn/data/trace_graph.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b443629426a0129e3bc6006b9e50967e90a346b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/data/trace_graph.py @@ -0,0 +1,617 @@ +import os +import pickle as pkl +import sys +from dataclasses import dataclass +from datetime import datetime, timedelta +from typing import * + +import networkx as nx +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd +from tqdm import tqdm + +from ..utils import * + +__all__ = [ + 'TraceGraphNodeFeatures', + 'TraceGraphNodeReconsScores', + 'TraceGraphNode', + 'TraceGraphVectors', + 'TraceGraph', + 'TraceGraphIDManager', + 'load_trace_csv', + 'df_to_trace_graphs', +] + + +SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE = 'service_id.yml' +OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE = 'operation_id.yml' + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraphNodeFeatures(object): + __slots__ = ['span_count', 'max_latency', 'min_latency', 'avg_latency'] + + span_count: int # number of duplicates in the parent + avg_latency: float # for span_count == 1, avg == max == min + max_latency: float + min_latency: float + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraphNodeReconsScores(object): + # probability of the node + edge_logit: float + operation_logit: float + + # probability of the latency + avg_latency_nstd: float # (avg_latency - avg_latency_mean) / avg_latency_std + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraphSpan(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'span_id', 'start_time', 'latency', + ] + + span_id: Optional[int] + start_time: Optional[datetime] + latency: float + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraphNode(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'node_id', 'service_id', 'operation_id', + 'features', 'children', 'spans', 'scores', + 'anomaly', + ] + + node_id: Optional[int] # the node id of the graph + service_id: Optional[int] # the service id + operation_id: int # the operation id + features: TraceGraphNodeFeatures # the node features + children: List['TraceGraphNode'] # children nodes + spans: Optional[List[TraceGraphSpan]] # detailed spans information (from the original data) + scores: Optional[TraceGraphNodeReconsScores] + anomaly: Optional[int] # 1: drop anomaly; 2: latency anomaly; 3: service type anomaly + + def __eq__(self, other): + return other is self + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + @staticmethod + def new_sampled(node_id: int, + operation_id: int, + features: TraceGraphNodeFeatures, + scores: Optional[TraceGraphNodeReconsScores] = None + ): + return TraceGraphNode( + node_id=node_id, + service_id=None, + operation_id=operation_id, + features=features, + children=[], + spans=None, + scores=scores, + anomaly=None, + ) + + def iter_bfs(self, + depth: int = 0, + with_parent: bool = False + ) -> Generator[ + Union[ + Tuple[int, 'TraceGraphNode'], + Tuple[int, 'TraceGraphNode', 'TraceGraphNode'] + ], + None, + None + ]: + """Iterate through the nodes in BFS order.""" + if with_parent: + depth = depth + level = [(self, None, 0)] + + while level: + next_level: List[Tuple[TraceGraphNode, TraceGraphNode, int]] = [] + for nd, parent, idx in level: + yield depth, idx, nd, parent + for c_idx, child in enumerate(nd.children): + next_level.append((child, nd, c_idx)) + depth += 1 + level = next_level + + else: + depth = depth + level = [self] + + while level: + next_level: List[TraceGraphNode] = [] + for nd in level: + yield depth, nd + next_level.extend(nd.children) + depth += 1 + level = next_level + + def count_nodes(self) -> int: + ret = 0 + for _ in self.iter_bfs(): + ret += 1 + return ret + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraphVectors(object): + """Cached result of `TraceGraph.graph_vectors()`.""" + __slots__ = [ + 'u', 'v', + 'node_type', + 'node_depth', 'node_idx', + 'span_count', 'avg_latency', 'max_latency', 'min_latency', + 'node_features', + ] + + # note that it is guaranteed that u[i] < v[i], i.e., upper triangle matrix + u: np.ndarray + v: np.ndarray + + # node type + node_type: np.ndarray + + # node depth + node_depth: np.ndarray + + # node idx + node_idx: np.ndarray + + # node feature + span_count: np.ndarray + avg_latency: np.ndarray + max_latency: np.ndarray + min_latency: np.ndarray + + +@dataclass +class TraceGraph(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'version', + 'trace_id', 'parent_id', 'root', 'node_count', 'max_depth', 'data', + ] + + version: int # version control + trace_id: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] + parent_id: Optional[int] + root: TraceGraphNode + node_count: Optional[int] + max_depth: Optional[int] + data: Dict[str, Any] # any data about the graph + + @staticmethod + def default_version() -> int: + return 0x2 + + @staticmethod + def new_sampled(root: TraceGraphNode, node_count: int, max_depth: int): + return TraceGraph( + version=TraceGraph.default_version(), + trace_id=None, + parent_id=None, + root=root, + node_count=node_count, + max_depth=max_depth, + data={}, + ) + + @property + def edge_count(self) -> Optional[int]: + if self.node_count is not None: + return self.node_count - 1 + + def iter_bfs(self, + with_parent: bool = False + ): + """Iterate through the nodes in BFS order.""" + yield from self.root.iter_bfs(with_parent=with_parent) + + def merge_spans_and_assign_id(self): + """ + Merge spans with the same (service, operation) under the same parent, + and re-assign node IDs. + """ + node_count = 0 + max_depth = 0 + + for depth, parent in self.iter_bfs(): + max_depth = max(max_depth, depth) + + # assign ID to this node + parent.node_id = node_count + node_count += 1 + + # merge the children of this node + children = [] + for child in sorted(parent.children, key=lambda o: o.operation_id): + if children and children[-1].operation_id == child.operation_id: + prev_child = children[-1] + + # merge the features + f1, f2 = prev_child.features, child.features + f1.span_count += f2.span_count + f1.avg_latency += (f2.avg_latency - f1.avg_latency) * (f2.span_count / f1.span_count) + f1.max_latency = max(f1.max_latency, f2.max_latency) + f1.min_latency = min(f1.min_latency, f2.min_latency) + + # merge the children + if child.children: + if prev_child.children: + prev_child.children.extend(child.children) + else: + prev_child.children = child.children + + # merge the spans + if child.spans: + if prev_child.spans: + prev_child.spans.extend(child.spans) + else: + prev_child.spans = child.spans + else: + children.append(child) + + # re-assign the merged children + parent.children = children + + # record node count and depth + self.node_count = node_count + self.max_depth = max_depth + + def assign_node_id(self): + """Assign node IDs to the graph nodes by pre-root order.""" + node_count = 0 + max_depth = 0 + + for depth, node in self.iter_bfs(): + max_depth = max(max_depth, depth) + + # assign id to this node + node.node_id = node_count + node_count += 1 + + # record node count and depth + self.node_count = node_count + self.max_depth = max_depth + + def graph_vectors(self): + # edge index + u = np.empty([self.edge_count], dtype=np.int64) + v = np.empty([self.edge_count], dtype=np.int64) + + # node type + node_type = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) + + # node depth + node_depth = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) + + # node idx + node_idx = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) + + # node feature + span_count = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.int64) + avg_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) + max_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) + min_latency = np.zeros([self.node_count], dtype=np.float32) + + # X = np.zeros([self.node_count, x_dim], dtype=np.float32) + + edge_idx = 0 + for depth, idx, node, parent in self.iter_bfs(with_parent=True): + j = node.node_id + feat = node.features + + # node type + node_type[j] = node.operation_id + + # node depth + node_depth[j] = depth + + # node idx + node_idx[j] = idx + + # node feature + span_count[j] = feat.span_count + avg_latency[j] = feat.avg_latency + max_latency[j] = feat.max_latency + min_latency[j] = feat.min_latency + # X[parent.node_id, parent.operation_id] = 1 # one-hot encoded node feature + + # edge index + for child in node.children: + u[edge_idx] = node.node_id + v[edge_idx] = child.node_id + edge_idx += 1 + + if len(u) != self.edge_count: + raise ValueError(f'`len(u)` != `self.edge_count`: {len(u)} != {self.edge_count}') + + return TraceGraphVectors( + # edge index + u=u, v=v, + # node type + node_type=node_type, + # node depth + node_depth=node_depth, + # node idx + node_idx=node_idx, + # node feature + span_count=span_count, + avg_latency=avg_latency, + max_latency=max_latency, + min_latency=min_latency, + ) + + def networkx_graph(self, id_manager: 'TraceGraphIDManager') -> nx.Graph: + gv = self.graph_vectors() + self_nodes = {nd.node_id: nd for _, nd in self.iter_bfs()} + g = nx.Graph() + # graph + for k, v in self.data.items(): + g.graph[k] = v + # nodes + g.add_nodes_from(range(self.node_count)) + # edges + g.add_edges_from([(i, j) for i, j in zip(gv.u, gv.v)]) + # node features + for i in range(len(gv.node_type)): + nd = g.nodes[i] + nd['node_type'] = gv.node_type[i] + nd['operation'] = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(gv.node_type[i]) + for attr in TraceGraphNodeFeatures.__slots__: + nd[attr] = getattr(gv, attr)[i] + if self_nodes[i].scores: + nd['avg_latency_nstd'] = self_nodes[i].scores.avg_latency_nstd + return g + + def to_bytes(self, protocol: int = pkl.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL) -> bytes: + return pkl.dumps(self, protocol=protocol) + + @staticmethod + def from_bytes(content: bytes) -> 'TraceGraph': + r = pkl.loads(content) + + # for deserializing old versions of TraceGraph + if not hasattr(r, 'version'): + r.version = 0x0 + + if r.version < 0x1: # upgrade 0x0 => 0x2 + for _, nd in r.root.iter_bfs(): + nd.scores = None + nd.anomaly = None + r.version = 0x2 + + if r.version < 0x2: # upgrade 0x1 => 0x2 + for _, nd in r.root.iter_bfs(): + nd.anomaly = None + r.version = 0x2 + + return r + + def deepcopy(self) -> 'TraceGraph': + return TraceGraph.from_bytes(self.to_bytes()) + + +@dataclass +class TempGraphNode(object): + __slots__ = ['trace_id', 'parent_id', 'node'] + + trace_id: Tuple[int, int] + parent_id: int + node: 'TraceGraphNode' + + +class TraceGraphIDManager(object): + __slots__ = ['root_dir', 'service_id', 'operation_id'] + + root_dir: str + service_id: IDAssign + operation_id: IDAssign + + def __init__(self, root_dir: str): + self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) + self.service_id = IDAssign(os.path.join(self.root_dir, SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE)) + self.operation_id = IDAssign(os.path.join(self.root_dir, OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE)) + + def __enter__(self): + self.service_id.__enter__() + self.operation_id.__enter__() + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self.service_id.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) + self.operation_id.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) + + @property + def num_operations(self) -> int: + return len(self.operation_id) + + def dump_to(self, output_dir: str): + self.service_id.dump_to(os.path.join(output_dir, SERVICE_ID_YAML_FILE)) + self.operation_id.dump_to(os.path.join(output_dir, OPERATION_ID_YAML_FILE)) + + +def load_trace_csv(input_path: str, is_test: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame: + if is_test: + dtype = { + 'traceIdHigh': int, + 'traceIdLow': int, + 'spanId': int, + 'parentSpanId': int, + 'serviceName': str, + 'operationName': str, + 'startTime': str, + 'duration': float, + 'nanosecond': int, + 'DBhash': int, + 'nodeLatencyLabel': int, + 'graphLatencyLabel': int, + 'graphStructureLabel': int + } + else: + dtype = { + 'traceIdHigh': int, + 'traceIdLow': int, + 'spanId': int, + 'parentSpanId': int, + 'serviceName': str, + 'operationName': str, + 'startTime': str, + 'duration': float, + 'nanosecond': int, + 'DBhash': int, + } + + return pd.read_csv( + input_path, + engine='c', + usecols=list(dtype), + dtype=dtype + ) + + +def df_to_trace_graphs(df: pd.DataFrame, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + test_label: int = None, + min_node_count: int = 2, + max_node_count: int = 32, + summary_file: Optional[str] = None, + merge_spans: bool = False, + ) -> List[TraceGraph]: + summary = [] + trace_spans = {} + df = df[df['DBhash'] == 0] + + # read the spans + with id_manager: + for row in tqdm(df.itertuples(), desc='Read spans', total=len(df)): + graph_label = 0 + + if test_label is not None: + if row.graphStructureLabel != 0: + graph_label = 1 + elif row.graphLatencyLabel != 0: + graph_label = 2 + if graph_label != test_label: + continue + + if row.serviceName not in id_manager.service_id._mapping: + print(row.serviceName, ": Service not in file!") + continue + if f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}' not in id_manager.operation_id._mapping: + print(f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}', ": Operation not in file!") + continue + + trace_id = (row.traceIdHigh, row.traceIdLow) + span_dict = trace_spans.get(trace_id, None) + if span_dict is None: + trace_spans[trace_id] = span_dict = {} + + span_latency = row.duration + span_dict[row.spanId] = TempGraphNode( + trace_id=trace_id, + parent_id=row.parentSpanId, + node=TraceGraphNode( + node_id=None, + service_id=id_manager.service_id.get_or_assign(row.serviceName), + operation_id=id_manager.operation_id.get_or_assign(f'{row.serviceName}/{row.operationName}'), + features=TraceGraphNodeFeatures( + span_count=1, + avg_latency=span_latency, + max_latency=span_latency, + min_latency=span_latency, + ), + children=[], + spans=[ + TraceGraphSpan( + span_id=row.spanId, + start_time=( + datetime.strptime(row.startTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + + timedelta(microseconds=row.nanosecond / 1_000) + ), + latency=span_latency, + ), + ], + scores=None, + anomaly=None, + ) + ) + + summary.append(f'Span count: {len(trace_spans)}') + + # construct the traces + trace_graphs = [] + + if test_label is None or test_label == 0: + graph_data = {} + elif test_label == 1: + graph_data = { + 'is_anomaly': True, + 'anomaly_type': 'drop' + } + else: + graph_data = { + 'is_anomaly': True, + 'anomaly_type': 'latency' + } + + for _, trace in tqdm(trace_spans.items(), total=len(trace_spans), desc='Build graphs'): + nodes = sorted( + trace.values(), + key=(lambda nd: (nd.node.service_id, nd.node.operation_id, nd.node.spans[0].start_time)) + ) + for nd in nodes: + parent_id = nd.parent_id + if (parent_id == 0) or (parent_id not in trace): + # if only a certain service is taken from the database, then just the sub-trees + # of a trace are obtained, which leads to orphan nodes (parent_id != 0 and not in trace + trace_graphs.append(TraceGraph( + version=TraceGraph.default_version(), + trace_id=nd.trace_id, + parent_id=nd.parent_id, + root=nd.node, + node_count=None, + max_depth=None, + data=graph_data, + )) + else: + trace[parent_id].node.children.append(nd.node) + + # merge spans and assign id + if merge_spans: + for trace in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Merge spans and assign node id'): + trace.merge_spans_and_assign_id() + else: + for trace in tqdm(trace_graphs, desc='Assign node id'): + trace.assign_node_id() + + # gather the final results + ret = [] + too_small = 0 + too_large = 0 + + for trace in trace_graphs: + if trace.node_count < min_node_count: + too_small += 1 + elif trace.node_count > max_node_count: + too_large += 1 + else: + ret.append(trace) + + summary.append(f'Imported graph: {len(trace_graphs)}; dropped graph: too small = {too_small}, too large = {too_large}') + if summary_file: + with open(summary_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + f.write('\n'.join(summary) + '\n') + else: + print('\n'.join(summary), file=sys.stderr) + + return ret diff --git a/tracegnn/data/trace_graph_db.py b/tracegnn/data/trace_graph_db.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25478c9105d922269622778b4318e07a2b770817 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/data/trace_graph_db.py @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +"""Wraps a BytesDB into TraceGraphDB.""" +import os +import pickle as pkl +import re +from contextlib import contextmanager +from typing import * + +import numpy as np + +from .bytes_db import * +from .trace_graph import * + +__all__ = ['TraceGraphDB', 'open_trace_graph_db'] + + +class TraceGraphDB(object): + bytes_db: BytesDB + protocol: int + + def __init__(self, bytes_db: BytesDB, protocol: Optional[int] = None): + if protocol is None: + protocol = pkl.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL + self.bytes_db = bytes_db + self.protocol = protocol + + def __enter__(self): + self.bytes_db.__enter__() + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self.bytes_db.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) + + def __len__(self) -> int: + return self.data_count() + + def __getitem__(self, item: int): + return self.get(item) + + def __iter__(self): + for i in range(self.data_count()): + yield self.get(i) + + def __repr__(self): + desc = repr(self.bytes_db) + desc = desc[desc.find('(') + 1: -1] + return f'TraceGraphDB({desc})' + + def sample_n(self, + n: int, + with_id: bool = False + ) -> List[Union[TraceGraph, Tuple[int, TraceGraph]]]: + ret = [] + indices = np.random.randint(self.data_count(), size=n) + for i in indices: + g = self.get(i) + if with_id: + ret.append((int(i), g)) + else: + ret.append(g) + return ret + + def data_count(self) -> int: + return self.bytes_db.data_count() + + def get(self, item: int) -> TraceGraph: + return TraceGraph.from_bytes(self.bytes_db.get(item)) + + def add(self, g: TraceGraph) -> int: + return self.bytes_db.add(g.to_bytes(protocol=self.protocol)) + + @contextmanager + def write_batch(self): + with self.bytes_db.write_batch(): + yield self + + def commit(self): + self.bytes_db.commit() + + def optimize(self): + self.bytes_db.optimize() + + def close(self): + self.bytes_db.close() + + +def open_trace_graph_db(input_dir: str, + names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = (), + protocol: Optional[int] = None, + ) -> Tuple[TraceGraphDB, TraceGraphIDManager]: + file_name = f'_bytes_{protocol}.db' if protocol else '_bytes.db' + + id_manager = TraceGraphIDManager(os.path.join(input_dir, 'id_manager')) + + if len(names) == 1: + db = TraceGraphDB( + BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(input_dir, 'processed', names[0]), file_name=file_name), + protocol=protocol, + ) + else: + db = TraceGraphDB( + BytesMultiDB(*[ + BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(input_dir, 'processed', name), file_name=file_name) + for name in names + ]), + protocol=protocol, + ) + + return db, id_manager diff --git a/tracegnn/models/__init__.py b/tracegnn/models/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/__init__.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/constants.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/constants.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71cc5410901d5d86cb4885cccb759a2604d2ff26 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/constants.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +from tracegnn.constants import * + +LATENCY_DIM = 1 diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/dataset.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/dataset.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6dd15568983ff4b0a3087e96e8bf08314e304545 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/dataset.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +from dataclasses import dataclass +from typing import * + +import dgl +import mltk +import numpy as np +import torch +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.utils import * +from .constants import * + +__all__ = [ + 'trace_graph_to_dgl', + 'TraceGraphDataStream', +] + + +def trace_graph_to_dgl(graph: TraceGraph, + num_node_types: int, + add_self_loop: bool, + latency_range: Optional[TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile] = None, + directed: Union[bool, str] = False, # True, False or 'reverse' + ): + with T.no_grad(): + gv = graph.graph_vectors() + + # build edges + # todo: use heterogeneous graph to distinguish between "parent -> child" edge and opposite direction + # here we just add edges for the both direction (as an initial step) + if directed == 'reverse': + u = T.as_tensor(gv.v, dtype=T.int64) + v = T.as_tensor(gv.u, dtype=T.int64) + elif directed is True: + u = T.as_tensor(gv.u, dtype=T.int64) + v = T.as_tensor(gv.v, dtype=T.int64) + elif directed is False: + u = T.as_tensor( + np.concatenate([gv.u, gv.v], axis=0), + dtype=T.int64, + ) + v = T.as_tensor( + np.concatenate([gv.v, gv.u], axis=0), + dtype=T.int64 + ) + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported value for directed: {directed!r}') + + g = dgl.graph((u, v), num_nodes=graph.node_count) + if add_self_loop: + g = dgl.add_self_loop(g) + + # node type (use nn.Embedding later to map the node type => node embedding) + g.ndata['node_type'] = T.as_tensor(gv.node_type, dtype=T.int64) + + # the index of the node under its parent + g.ndata['node_idx'] = T.as_tensor(gv.node_idx, dtype=T.int64) + + # node depth + g.ndata['node_depth'] = T.as_tensor(gv.node_depth, dtype=T.int64) + + # span count + g.ndata['span_count'] = T.as_tensor(np.minimum(gv.span_count, MAX_SPAN_COUNT), dtype=T.int64) + + # latency + if USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC: + for pfx in ('avg_', 'max_', 'min_'): + codec, onehot = encode_latency(getattr(gv, f'{pfx}latency'), MAX_LATENCY_DIM) + g.ndata[f'{pfx}latency_codec'] = T.as_tensor(codec, dtype=T.float32) + g.ndata[f'{pfx}latency_onehot'] = T.as_tensor(onehot, dtype=T.float32) + else: + for pfx in ('avg_', 'max_', 'min_'): + latency_array = getattr(gv, f'{pfx}latency') + latency = [] + for i in range(graph.node_count): + mu, std = latency_range[gv.node_type[i]] + latency.append((latency_array[i] - mu) / (std + 1e-5)) + g.ndata[f'{pfx}latency'] = T.as_tensor(np.reshape(latency, (-1, 1)), dtype=T.float32) + g.ndata['latency'] = T.concat( + [ + g.ndata['avg_latency'], + g.ndata['min_latency'], + g.ndata['max_latency'], + ], + axis=-1, + ) + + return g + + +class TraceGraphDataStream(mltk.data.MapperDataStream): + + def __init__(self, + db: TraceGraphDB, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + batch_size: int, + shuffle: bool = False, + skip_incomplete: bool = False, + random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, + data_count: Optional[int] = None, + ): + if (data_count is not None) and (data_count < len(db)) and shuffle: + indices = np.arange(len(db)) + np.random.shuffle(indices) + indices = indices[:data_count] + source_cls = lambda **kwargs: mltk.DataStream.arrays([indices], **kwargs) + else: + if data_count is None: + data_count = len(db) + source_cls = lambda **kwargs: mltk.DataStream.int_seq(data_count, **kwargs) + + source = source_cls( + batch_size=batch_size, + shuffle=shuffle, + skip_incomplete=skip_incomplete, + random_state=random_state, + ) + + def mapper(indices): + return (np.array( + [ + db.get(idx) + for idx in indices + ] + ),) + + super().__init__( + source=source, + mapper=mapper, + array_count=1, + data_shapes=((),) + ) + diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/distributions.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/distributions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7f4706707b791dcf28745c3f01cc40c09d2d9d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/distributions.py @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +import math +from typing import * + +import tensorkit as tk +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from tensorkit.typing_ import TensorOrData +from tensorkit.distributions.utils import copy_distribution + +__all__ = [ + 'MaskedDistribution', + 'BiasedBernoulli', + 'BiasedCategorical', + 'BiasedOneHotCategorical', + 'BiasedNormal', + 'SafeNormal', + 'AnomalyDetectionNormal', +] + + +class MaskedDistribution(tk.Distribution): + """ + A wrapper distribution to mask some elements, in order to mimic "variadic length" + in the event dimensions. + """ + + def __init__(self, + distribution: tk.Distribution, + mask: TensorOrData, # should be right-aligned with the underlying log_prob + log_prob_weight: Optional[TensorOrData] = None, # should be right-aligned with the underlying log_prob + *, + event_ndims: Optional[int] = None, + validate_tensors: Optional[bool] = None, + ): + # validate the arguments + if validate_tensors is None: + validate_tensors = distribution.validate_tensors + + # compute event ndims + batch_shape = distribution.batch_shape + value_shape = distribution.value_shape + min_event_ndims = distribution.event_ndims + max_event_ndims = distribution.value_ndims + + if event_ndims is None: + event_ndims = min_event_ndims + if not (min_event_ndims <= event_ndims <= max_event_ndims): + raise ValueError( + f'`event_ndims` out of range: got {event_ndims}, but ' + f'the minimum allowed value is {min_event_ndims}, ' + f'and the maximum allowed value is {max_event_ndims}.' + ) + batch_shape = batch_shape[: len(batch_shape) - (event_ndims - min_event_ndims)] + + super().__init__( + dtype=distribution.dtype, + value_shape=value_shape, + batch_shape=batch_shape, + continuous=distribution.continuous, + reparameterized=distribution.reparameterized, + event_ndims=event_ndims, + min_event_ndims=min_event_ndims, + device=distribution.device, + validate_tensors=validate_tensors, + ) + self._base_distribution = distribution + self.mask = T.as_tensor(mask, device=distribution.device) + self.log_prob_weight = T.as_tensor(log_prob_weight, device=distribution.device) \ + if log_prob_weight is not None else None + + @property + def base_distribution(self) -> tk.Distribution: + return self._base_distribution + + def _apply_mask_on_log_prob(self, log_prob): + r = log_prob * T.as_tensor(self.mask, dtype=T.get_dtype(log_prob)) + if self.log_prob_weight is not None: + r = r * T.as_tensor(self.log_prob_weight, dtype=T.get_dtype(log_prob)) + return r + + def _apply_mask_on_samples(self, samples): + mask = T.as_tensor(self.mask, dtype=T.get_dtype(samples)) + return samples * T.reshape( + mask, + T.shape(mask) + ([1] * self.min_event_ndims) # expand mask to match the samples + ) + + def _sample(self, + n_samples: Optional[int], + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int, + reparameterized: bool) -> 'tk.StochasticTensor': + x = self._base_distribution.sample( + n_samples=n_samples, + reparameterized=reparameterized + ) + t = tk.StochasticTensor( + tensor=self._apply_mask_on_samples(x.tensor), + distribution=self, + n_samples=n_samples, + group_ndims=group_ndims, + reparameterized=reparameterized + ) + return t + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + log_prob = self._base_distribution.log_prob(given) + log_prob = self._apply_mask_on_log_prob(log_prob) + if reduce_ndims > 0: + log_prob = T.reduce_sum(log_prob, axis=T.int_range(-reduce_ndims, 0)) + return log_prob + + def copy(self, **overrided_params): + return copy_distribution( + cls=MaskedDistribution, + base=self, + attrs=(('distribution', '_base_distribution'), 'mask', + 'event_ndims', 'validate_tensors'), + overrided_params=overrided_params, + ) + + +def _biased_Bernoulli_or_Categorical_log_prob(log_prob, alpha, threshold_logit, reduce_ndims): + dtype = T.get_dtype(log_prob) + log_prob = T.where( + log_prob < T.float_scalar(threshold_logit, dtype=dtype), + log_prob * T.float_scalar(alpha, dtype=dtype), + log_prob, + ) + if reduce_ndims > 0: + log_prob = T.reduce_sum(log_prob, axis=T.int_range(-reduce_ndims, 0)) + return log_prob + + +class BiasedBernoulli(tk.distributions.Bernoulli): + """Bernoulli whose log p(x) is biased towards error.""" + + alpha: float + threshold: float + + def __init__(self, alpha: float = 1.0, threshold: float = 0.5, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.alpha = alpha + self.threshold = threshold + self._threshold_logit = math.log(threshold) + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + return _biased_Bernoulli_or_Categorical_log_prob( + T.random.bernoulli_log_prob( + given=given, + logits=self.logits, + group_ndims=0, + ), + self.alpha, + self._threshold_logit, + reduce_ndims, + ) + + def copy(self, **overrided_params): + return copy_distribution( + cls=BiasedBernoulli, + base=self, + attrs=('alpha', 'threshold', 'dtype', 'event_ndims', 'epsilon', 'device', 'validate_tensors'), + mutual_attrs=(('logits', 'probs'),), + compute_deps={'logits': ('epsilon',)}, + original_mutual_params=self._mutual_params, + overrided_params=overrided_params, + ) + + +class BiasedCategorical(tk.distributions.Categorical): + """Categorical whose log p(x) is biased towards error.""" + + alpha: float + threshold: float + + def __init__(self, alpha: float = 1.0, threshold: float = 0.5, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.alpha = alpha + self.threshold = threshold + self._threshold_logit = math.log(threshold) + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + return _biased_Bernoulli_or_Categorical_log_prob( + T.random.categorical_log_prob( + given=given, + logits=self.logits, + group_ndims=0, + ), + self.alpha, + self._threshold_logit, + reduce_ndims, + ) + + def copy(self, **overrided_params): + return copy_distribution( + cls=BiasedCategorical, + base=self, + attrs=('alpha', 'threshold', 'dtype', 'event_ndims', 'epsilon', 'device', 'validate_tensors'), + mutual_attrs=(('logits', 'probs'),), + compute_deps={'logits': ('epsilon',)}, + original_mutual_params=self._mutual_params, + overrided_params=overrided_params, + ) + + +class BiasedOneHotCategorical(tk.distributions.OneHotCategorical): + """OneHotCategorical whose log p(x) is biased towards error.""" + + alpha: float + threshold: float + + def __init__(self, alpha: float = 1.0, threshold: float = 0.5, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.alpha = alpha + self.threshold = threshold + self._threshold_logit = math.log(threshold) + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + return _biased_Bernoulli_or_Categorical_log_prob( + T.random.one_hot_categorical_log_prob( + given=given, + logits=self.logits, + group_ndims=0, + ), + self.alpha, + self._threshold_logit, + reduce_ndims, + ) + + def copy(self, **overrided_params): + return copy_distribution( + cls=BiasedOneHotCategorical, + base=self, + attrs=('alpha', 'threshold', 'dtype', 'event_ndims', 'epsilon', 'device', 'validate_tensors'), + mutual_attrs=(('logits', 'probs'),), + compute_deps={'logits': ('epsilon',)}, + original_mutual_params=self._mutual_params, + overrided_params=overrided_params, + ) + + +class BiasedNormal(tk.distributions.Normal): + """Normal whose log p(x) is biased towards error.""" + + alpha: float + std_threshold: float + + _extra_args = ('alpha', 'std_threshold') + + def __init__(self, alpha: float = 1.0, std_threshold: float = 3.0, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.alpha = alpha + self.std_threshold = std_threshold + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + log_prob = T.random.normal_log_pdf( + given=given, + mean=self.mean, + logstd=self.logstd, + group_ndims=0, + validate_tensors=self.validate_tensors, + ) + dtype = T.get_dtype(log_prob) + log_prob = T.where( + T.abs(given - self.mean) > (T.float_scalar(self.std_threshold, dtype=dtype) * self.std), + log_prob * T.float_scalar(self.alpha, dtype=dtype), + log_prob, + ) + if reduce_ndims > 0: + log_prob = T.reduce_sum(log_prob, axis=T.int_range(-reduce_ndims, 0)) + return log_prob + + +class SafeNormal(tk.distributions.Normal): + """Normal whose log p(x) is computed with |x-mean| clipped within nstd * std.""" + + std_threshold: float + + _extra_args = ('std_threshold',) + + def __init__(self, std_threshold: float = 5.0, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.std_threshold = std_threshold + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + min_val = T.stop_grad(self.mean - self.std_threshold * self.std) + max_val = T.stop_grad(self.mean + self.std_threshold * self.std) + return T.random.normal_log_pdf( + given=T.maximum( + T.minimum(given, max_val), + min_val, + ), + mean=self.mean, + logstd=self.logstd, + group_ndims=reduce_ndims, + validate_tensors=self.validate_tensors, + ) + + +class AnomalyDetectionNormal(tk.distributions.Normal): + """Normal whose log p(x) is replaced by clipped Normal-CDF for anomaly detection.""" + + SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2) + LOG2 = math.log(2) + + std_threshold: float + bias_alpha: float + bias_threshold: float + + _extra_args = ('std_threshold', 'bias_alpha', 'bias_threshold',) + + def __init__(self, + std_threshold: float = 3.0, + bias_alpha: float = 1.0, + bias_threshold: float = 0.5, + **kwargs): + super().__init__(**kwargs) + self.std_threshold = std_threshold + self.bias_alpha = bias_alpha + self.bias_threshold = bias_threshold + self._log_bias_threshold = math.log(bias_threshold) + + def _log_prob(self, + given: T.Tensor, + group_ndims: int, + reduce_ndims: int) -> T.Tensor: + # t = abs(X) - std_threshold + # prob = 1 - normal_cdf(t) + # = 0.5 * (1 - erf(t / sqrt(2))) + # log_prob = -log(2) + log1p(-erf(t / sqrt(2))) + t = T.abs((given - self.mean) / self.std) - self.std_threshold + log_prob = -self.LOG2 + T.log1p(-T.erf(t / self.SQRT2)) + return _biased_Bernoulli_or_Categorical_log_prob( + log_prob, + self.bias_alpha, + self._log_bias_threshold, + reduce_ndims, + ) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/evaluation.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/evaluation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db75bc9dbc24849ae536c5ff3ed2d9de5dfebf8f --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/evaluation.py @@ -0,0 +1,570 @@ +import json +import math +from pprint import pprint +from typing import * + +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +import yaml +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from tqdm import tqdm +import pickle +import snappy +import numpy as np +import os + +from tracegnn.utils import * +from tracegnn.data import * +from ...data import TraceGraph, TraceGraphNode +from ...utils import TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile +from .graph_utils import p_net_to_trace_graphs, trace_graph_key +from .model import TraceVAE +from .tensor_utils import * +from .types import TraceGraphBatch + +__all__ = [ + 'do_evaluate_nll', + 'do_evaluate_prior', + 'do_anomaly_detect' +] + + +def do_evaluate_nll(test_stream: mltk.DataStream, + vae: TraceVAE, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + latency_range: TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile, + n_z: int, + use_biased: bool = True, + use_latency_biased: bool = True, + no_latency: bool = False, + no_struct: bool = False, + std_limit: Optional[T.Tensor] = None, + latency_log_prob_weight: bool = False, + latency_logstd_min: Optional[float] = None, + test_threshold: Optional[float] = None, + test_loop=None, + summary_writer=None, + clip_nll=None, + use_embeddings: bool = False, + num_embedding_samples=None, + nll_output_file=None, + proba_cdf_file=None, + auc_curve_file=None, + latency_hist_file=None, + operation_id_dict_out=None, # corresponding to latency_std_dict_out + latency_std_dict_out=None, + latency_reldiff_dict_out=None, + p_node_count_dict_out=None, + p_edge_dict_out=None, + latency_dict_prefix='', + ): + # check params + if std_limit is not None: + std_limit = T.as_tensor(std_limit, dtype=T.float32) + + # result buffer + nll_list = [] + label_list = [] + trace_id_list = [] + graph_key_list = [] + z_buffer = [] # the z embedding buffer of the graph + z2_buffer = [] # the z2 embedding buffer of the graph + z_label = [] # the label for z and z2 + latency_samples = {} + result_dict = {} + + if operation_id_dict_out is not None: + for key in ('normal', 'drop', 'latency'): + if key not in operation_id_dict_out: + operation_id_dict_out[latency_dict_prefix + key] = ArrayBuffer(81920, dtype=np.int) + + if latency_std_dict_out is not None: + for key in ('normal', 'drop', 'latency'): + if key not in latency_std_dict_out: + latency_std_dict_out[latency_dict_prefix + key] = ArrayBuffer(81920) + + if latency_reldiff_dict_out is not None: + for key in ('normal', 'drop', 'latency'): + if key not in latency_reldiff_dict_out: + latency_reldiff_dict_out[latency_dict_prefix + key] = ArrayBuffer(81920) + + if p_node_count_dict_out is not None: + for key in ('normal', 'drop', 'latency'): + if key not in p_node_count_dict_out: + p_node_count_dict_out[latency_dict_prefix + key] = ArrayBuffer(81920) + + if p_edge_dict_out is not None: + for key in ('normal', 'drop', 'latency'): + if key not in p_edge_dict_out: + p_edge_dict_out[latency_dict_prefix + key] = ArrayBuffer(81920) + + def add_embedding(buffer, label, tag, limit=None): + if limit is not None: + indices = np.arange(len(buffer)) + np.random.shuffle(indices) + indices = indices[:limit] + buffer = buffer[indices] + label = label[indices] + summary_writer.add_embedding( + buffer, + metadata=label, + tag=tag, + ) + + # run evaluation + def eval_step(trace_graphs: List[TraceGraph]): + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=trace_graphs, + ) + chain = vae.q(G, n_z=n_z, no_latency=no_latency).chain( + vae.p, + latent_axis=0, + G=G, + use_biased=use_biased, + use_latency_biased=use_latency_biased, + no_latency=no_latency, + latency_logstd_min=latency_logstd_min, + latency_log_prob_weight=latency_log_prob_weight, + std_limit=std_limit, + ) + if no_struct: + q, p = chain.q, chain.p + del q['z'] + del p['z'] + del p['adj'] + del p['node_count'] + del p['node_type'] + chain = q.chain(lambda *args, **kwargs: p, latent_axis=0) + + loss = chain.vi.training.sgvb() + nll = -chain.vi.evaluation.is_loglikelihood() + + # clip the nll, and treat 'NaN' or 'Inf' nlls as `config.test.clip_nll` + if clip_nll is not None: + clip_limit = T.float_scalar(clip_nll) + loss = T.where(loss < clip_limit, loss, clip_limit) + nll = T.where(nll < clip_limit, nll, clip_limit) + + # the nlls and labels of this step + step_label_list = np.array([ + 0 if not g.data.get('is_anomaly') else ( + 1 if g.data['anomaly_type'] == 'drop' else 2) + for g in trace_graphs + ]) + + # Load the graph_key + step_graph_key_list = [trace_graph_key(g) for g in trace_graphs] + step_trace_id_list = [g.trace_id for g in trace_graphs] + + if not no_struct: + # collect operation id + if operation_id_dict_out is not None: + collect_operation_id(operation_id_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}normal'], chain, step_label_list == 0) + collect_operation_id(operation_id_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}drop'], chain, step_label_list == 1) + collect_operation_id(operation_id_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}latency'], chain, step_label_list == 2) + + # collect latency + if latency_std_dict_out is not None: + collect_latency_std(latency_std_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}normal'], chain, step_label_list == 0) + collect_latency_std(latency_std_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}drop'], chain, step_label_list == 1) + collect_latency_std(latency_std_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}latency'], chain, step_label_list == 2) + + # collect relative diff + if latency_reldiff_dict_out is not None: + collect_latency_reldiff(latency_reldiff_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}normal'], chain, step_label_list == 0) + collect_latency_reldiff(latency_reldiff_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}drop'], chain, step_label_list == 1) + collect_latency_reldiff(latency_reldiff_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}latency'], chain, step_label_list == 2) + + # collect p node count + if p_node_count_dict_out is not None: + collect_p_node_count(p_node_count_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}normal'], chain, step_label_list == 0) + collect_p_node_count(p_node_count_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}drop'], chain, step_label_list == 1) + collect_p_node_count(p_node_count_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}latency'], chain, step_label_list == 2) + + # collect p edge + if p_edge_dict_out is not None: + collect_p_edge(p_edge_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}normal'], chain, step_label_list == 0) + collect_p_edge(p_edge_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}drop'], chain, step_label_list == 1) + collect_p_edge(p_edge_dict_out[f'{latency_dict_prefix}latency'], chain, step_label_list == 2) + + # inspect the internals of every trace graph + if 'latency' in chain.p: + p_latency = chain.p['latency'].distribution.base_distribution + p_latency_mu, p_latency_std = p_latency.mean, p_latency.std + if len(T.shape(p_latency.mean)) == 4: + p_latency_mu = p_latency_mu[0] + p_latency_std = p_latency_std[0] + + latency_sample = T.to_numpy(T.random.normal(p_latency_mu, p_latency_std)) + + for i, tg in enumerate(trace_graphs): + assert isinstance(tg, TraceGraph) + if step_label_list[i] == 0: + for j in range(tg.node_count): + node_type = int(T.to_numpy(G.dgl_graphs[i].ndata['node_type'][j])) + if node_type not in latency_samples: + latency_samples[node_type] = [] + mu, std = latency_range[node_type] + latency_samples[node_type].append(latency_sample[i, j, 0] * std + mu) + + if use_embeddings: + for i in range(len(trace_graphs)): + if step_label_list[i] == 0: + node_type = trace_graphs[i].root.operation_id + node_label = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(node_type) + z_label.append(node_label) + z_buffer.append(T.to_numpy(chain.q['z'].tensor[0, i])) + if 'z2' in chain.q: + z2_buffer.append(T.to_numpy(chain.q['z2'].tensor[0, i])) + + # memorize the outputs + nll_list.extend(T.to_numpy(nll)) + label_list.extend(step_label_list) + trace_id_list.extend(step_trace_id_list) + graph_key_list.extend(step_graph_key_list) + + # return a dict of the test result + ret = {} + normal_losses = T.to_numpy(loss)[step_label_list == 0] + if len(normal_losses) > 0: + test_loss = np.nanmean(normal_losses) + if not math.isnan(test_loss): + ret['loss'] = test_loss + return ret + + with T.no_grad(): + # run test on test set + if test_loop is not None: + with test_loop.timeit('eval_time'): + r = test_loop.run(eval_step, test_stream) + if 'loss' in r: + r['test_loss'] = r['loss'] + if 'test_loss' in r: + result_dict['test_loss'] = r['test_loss'] + else: + test_losses = [] + test_weights = [] + for [trace_graphs] in tqdm(test_stream, total=test_stream.batch_count): + r = eval_step(trace_graphs) + if 'loss' in r: + test_losses.append(r['loss']) + test_weights.append(len(trace_graphs)) + test_weights = np.asarray(test_weights) + result_dict['test_loss'] = np.sum( + np.asarray(test_losses) * + (test_weights / np.sum(test_weights)) + ) + + # save the evaluation results + nll_list = np.asarray(nll_list) + label_list = np.asarray(label_list) + graph_key_list = np.asarray(pickle.dumps(graph_key_list)) + + # analyze nll + result_dict.update( + analyze_anomaly_nll( + nll_list=nll_list, + label_list=label_list, + proba_cdf_file=proba_cdf_file, + auc_curve_file=auc_curve_file, + threshold=test_threshold, + ) + ) + + if nll_output_file is not None: + np.savez_compressed( + ensure_parent_exists(nll_output_file), + nll_list=nll_list, + label_list=label_list, + graph_key_list=graph_key_list, + anomaly_degree=nll_list / result_dict['best_threshold_latency'] + ) + + print(f'{latency_dict_prefix} file saved to {nll_output_file}') + + # z embedding + if use_embeddings: + # add the operation embedding + operation_buffer = T.to_numpy(vae.operation_embedding( + T.arange(0, id_manager.num_operations, dtype=T.int64))) + operation_label = [ + id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(i) + for i in range(id_manager.num_operations) + ] + add_embedding(operation_buffer, operation_label, 'operation') + + # add z & z2 embedding + z_label = np.stack(z_label, axis=0) + add_embedding( + np.stack(z_buffer, axis=0), + z_label, + tag='z', + limit=num_embedding_samples + ) + if z2_buffer: + add_embedding( + np.stack(z2_buffer, axis=0), + z_label, + tag='z2', + limit=num_embedding_samples + ) + + # return the results + result_dict = {k: float(v) for k, v in result_dict.items()} + return result_dict + + +def do_evaluate_prior(vae: TraceVAE, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + latency_range: TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile, + n_samples: int, + batch_size: int, + eval_n_z: int, + nll_threshold: Optional[float] = None, + use_biased: bool = True, + output_file: Optional[str] = None, + latency_hist_out: Optional[str] = None, + ): + with T.no_grad(): + # results + sample_count = 0 + drop_count = 0 + result_dict = {} + latency_map = {} + + def add_sample(g: TraceGraph): + if latency_hist_out is not None: + for _, nd in g.iter_bfs(): + assert isinstance(nd, TraceGraphNode) + if nd.operation_id not in latency_map: + latency_map[nd.operation_id] = [] + latency_map[nd.operation_id].append(nd.features.avg_latency) + + # run by sample from prior + n_batches = (n_samples + batch_size - 1) // batch_size + for _ in tqdm(range(n_batches), total=n_batches, desc='Sample graphs from prior'): + # sample from prior + p = vae.p(n_z=batch_size) + trace_graphs = p_net_to_trace_graphs( + p, + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + discard_node_with_type_0=True, + discard_node_with_unknown_latency_range=True, + discard_graph_with_error_node_count=True, + ) + + sample_count += len(trace_graphs) + drop_count += sum(g is None for g in trace_graphs) + trace_graphs = [g for g in trace_graphs if g is not None] + + # evaluate the NLLs + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=trace_graphs, + ) + chain = vae.q(G=G, n_z=eval_n_z). \ + chain(vae.p, n_z=eval_n_z, latent_axis=0, use_biased=use_biased) + eval_nlls = T.to_numpy(chain.vi.evaluation.is_loglikelihood(reduction='none')) + + # purge too-low NLL graphs + for g, nll in zip(trace_graphs, eval_nlls): + if nll >= nll_threshold: + drop_count += 1 + else: + add_sample(g) + + # save the results + drop_rate = float(drop_count / sample_count) + result_dict.update({ + 'drop_rate': drop_rate, + }) + pprint(result_dict) + + if output_file is not None: + _, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) + if ext == '.json': + result_cont = json.dumps(result_dict) + else: + result_cont = yaml.safe_dump(result_dict) + + with open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + f.write(result_cont) + + +def do_anomaly_detect(test_stream: mltk.DataStream, + vae: TraceVAE, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + latency_range: TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile, + n_z: int, + use_biased: bool = True, + use_latency_biased: bool = True, + no_latency: bool = False, + no_struct: bool = False, + std_limit: Optional[T.Tensor] = None, + latency_log_prob_weight: bool = False, + latency_logstd_min: Optional[float] = None, + test_threshold: Optional[float] = None, + test_loop=None, + summary_writer=None, + clip_nll=None, + use_embeddings: bool = False, + num_embedding_samples=None, + nll_output_file=None, + proba_cdf_file=None, + auc_curve_file=None, + latency_hist_file=None, + operation_id_dict_out=None, # corresponding to latency_std_dict_out + latency_std_dict_out=None, + latency_reldiff_dict_out=None, + p_node_count_dict_out=None, + p_edge_dict_out=None, + latency_dict_prefix='', + ): + # check params + if std_limit is not None: + std_limit = T.as_tensor(std_limit, dtype=T.float32) + + # result buffer + nll_list = [] + label_list = [] + graph_key_list = [] + z_buffer = [] # the z embedding buffer of the graph + z2_buffer = [] # the z2 embedding buffer of the graph + z_label = [] # the label for z and z2 + + def add_embedding(buffer, label, tag, limit=None): + if limit is not None: + indices = np.arange(len(buffer)) + np.random.shuffle(indices) + indices = indices[:limit] + buffer = buffer[indices] + label = label[indices] + summary_writer.add_embedding( + buffer, + metadata=label, + tag=tag, + ) + + # run evaluation + def eval_step(trace_graphs): + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=trace_graphs, + ) + chain = vae.q(G, n_z=n_z, no_latency=no_latency).chain( + vae.p, + latent_axis=0, + G=G, + use_biased=use_biased, + use_latency_biased=use_latency_biased, + no_latency=no_latency, + latency_logstd_min=latency_logstd_min, + latency_log_prob_weight=latency_log_prob_weight, + std_limit=std_limit, + ) + if no_struct: + q, p = chain.q, chain.p + del q['z'] + del p['z'] + del p['adj'] + del p['node_count'] + del p['node_type'] + chain = q.chain(lambda *args, **kwargs: p, latent_axis=0) + + loss = chain.vi.training.sgvb() + nll = -chain.vi.evaluation.is_loglikelihood() + + # clip the nll, and treat 'NaN' or 'Inf' nlls as `config.test.clip_nll` + if clip_nll is not None: + clip_limit = T.float_scalar(clip_nll) + loss = T.where(loss < clip_limit, loss, clip_limit) + nll = T.where(nll < clip_limit, nll, clip_limit) + + # the nlls and labels of this step + step_label_list = np.array([ + 0 if not g.data.get('is_anomaly') else ( + 1 if g.data['anomaly_type'] == 'drop' else 2) + for g in trace_graphs + ]) + + # Load the graph_key + step_graph_key_list = [trace_graph_key(g) for g in trace_graphs] + + if not no_struct: + if use_embeddings: + for i in range(len(trace_graphs)): + if step_label_list[i] == 0: + node_type = trace_graphs[i].root.operation_id + node_label = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(node_type) + z_label.append(node_label) + z_buffer.append(T.to_numpy(chain.q['z'].tensor[0, i])) + if 'z2' in chain.q: + z2_buffer.append(T.to_numpy(chain.q['z2'].tensor[0, i])) + + # memorize the outputs + nll_list.extend(T.to_numpy(nll)) + label_list.extend(step_label_list) + graph_key_list.extend(step_graph_key_list) + + # return a dict of the test result + ret = {} + normal_losses = T.to_numpy(loss)[step_label_list == 0] + if len(normal_losses) > 0: + test_loss = np.nanmean(normal_losses) + if not math.isnan(test_loss): + ret['loss'] = test_loss + return ret + + with T.no_grad(): + # run test on test set + if test_loop is not None: + with test_loop.timeit('eval_time'): + r = test_loop.run(eval_step, test_stream) + if 'loss' in r: + r['test_loss'] = r['loss'] + else: + test_losses = [] + test_weights = [] + for [trace_graphs] in tqdm(test_stream, total=test_stream.batch_count): + r = eval_step(trace_graphs) + if 'loss' in r: + test_losses.append(r['loss']) + test_weights.append(len(trace_graphs)) + test_weights = np.asarray(test_weights) + + # save the evaluation results + nll_list = np.asarray(nll_list) + label_list = np.asarray(label_list) + graph_key_list = np.asarray(pickle.dumps(graph_key_list)) + + # z embedding + if use_embeddings: + # add the operation embedding + operation_buffer = T.to_numpy(vae.operation_embedding( + T.arange(0, id_manager.num_operations, dtype=T.int64))) + operation_label = [ + id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(i) + for i in range(id_manager.num_operations) + ] + add_embedding(operation_buffer, operation_label, 'operation') + + # add z & z2 embedding + z_label = np.stack(z_label, axis=0) + add_embedding( + np.stack(z_buffer, axis=0), + z_label, + tag='z', + limit=num_embedding_samples + ) + if z2_buffer: + add_embedding( + np.stack(z2_buffer, axis=0), + z_label, + tag='z2', + limit=num_embedding_samples + ) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/graph_utils.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/graph_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..340417a61b56110e06fd9969f0e0f1910e85998a --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/graph_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +import math +from dataclasses import dataclass +from typing import * + +import networkx as nx +import numpy as np +import tensorkit as tk +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.utils import * +from .constants import * +from .tensor_utils import * +import dgl +import torch + +__all__ = [ + 'flat_to_nx_graphs', + 'p_net_to_trace_graphs', + 'GraphNodeMatch', 'GraphNodeDiff', + 'diff_graph', +] + + +# util to reshape an array +def reshape_to(x, ndims): + shape = T.shape(x) + return T.reshape(x, [-1] + shape[len(shape) - ndims + 1:]) + + +def to_scalar(x): + return T.to_numpy(x).tolist() + + +def flat_to_nx_graphs(p: tk.BayesianNet, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + latency_range: TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile, + min_edge_weight: float = 0.2, + ) -> List[nx.Graph]: + """Convert `p` net sampled from a flat TraceVAE to nx.Graph.""" + # extract features + adjs = reshape_to(p['adj'].distribution.probs, 2) + node_counts = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['node_count'].tensor, 1)) + node_types = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['node_type'].tensor, 2)) + # span_counts = reshape_to(p['span_count'].tensor, 2) + + if 'latency' in p: + latency_src = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['latency'].distribution.base_distribution.mean, 3)) + latencies = np.zeros(latency_src.shape, dtype=np.float32) + for i in range(node_types.shape[0]): + for j in range(node_types.shape[1]): + try: + node_type = int(node_types[i, j]) + mu, std = latency_range[node_type] + latencies[i, j] = latency_src[i, j] * std + mu + except KeyError: + latencies[i, j] = -1. # todo: is this okay? + else: + latencies = None + + # build the graph + ret = [] + for i, node_count in enumerate(node_counts): + g = nx.Graph() + + # add nodes + for j in range(node_count): + g.add_node(j) + + # add edges + adj = triu_to_dense(adjs[i: i+1], MAX_NODE_COUNT) + for u in range(node_count): + for v in range(u + 1, node_count): + w = float(to_scalar(adj[u, v])) + if w >= min_edge_weight: + g.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) + + # add node attributes + for j in range(node_count): + node_type = int(node_types[i, j]) + g.nodes[j]['node_type'] = node_type + g.nodes[j]['operation'] = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(node_type) + if latencies is not None: + for k, pfx in enumerate(('avg_', 'max_', 'min_')): + if k < LATENCY_DIM: + g.nodes[j][f'{pfx}latency'] = latencies[i, j, k] + + # g.nodes[j]['span_count'] = to_scalar(span_counts[i, j]) + # for pfx in ('avg_', 'max_', 'min_'): + # g.nodes[j][f'{pfx}latency'] = latencies[f'{pfx}latency'][i, j] + + ret.append(g) + + # return the graphs + return ret + + +def p_net_to_trace_graphs(p: tk.BayesianNet, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + latency_range: TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile, + discard_node_with_type_0: bool = True, + discard_node_with_unknown_latency_range: bool = True, + discard_graph_with_error_node_count: bool = False, + keep_front_shape: bool = False, + ) -> Union[List[Optional[TraceGraph]], np.ndarray]: + """Convert `p` net sampled from a flat TraceVAE to TraceGraph.""" + if USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC: + raise RuntimeError(f'`USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC` is not supported.') + + # find the base distribution (Normal, Categorical, OneHotCategorical) + def find_base(t: tk.StochasticTensor): + d = t.distribution + while not isinstance(d, (tk.Normal, + tk.Bernoulli, + tk.Categorical, + tk.OneHotCategorical)): + d = d.base_distribution + return d + + # extract features + def get_adj(t, pad_value=0): + t = reshape_to(t, 2) + return np.stack( + [ + T.to_numpy(triu_to_dense( + t[i: i + 1], + MAX_NODE_COUNT, + pad_value=pad_value + )) + for i in range(len(t)) + ], + axis=0 + ) + + def bernoulli_log_prob(l): + # log(1 / (1 + exp(-l)) = log(exp(l) / (1 + exp(l))) + return T.where( + l >= 0, + -T.log1p(T.exp(-l)), + l - T.log1p(T.exp(l)), + ) + + def softmax_log_prob(l): + # log(exp(l) / sum(exp(l)) + return l - T.log_sum_exp(l, axis=[-1], keepdims=True) + + front_shape = T.shape(p['adj'].tensor)[:-1] + + adjs = get_adj(p['adj'].tensor) + adj_probs = get_adj(find_base(p['adj']).probs) + adj_logits = get_adj(bernoulli_log_prob(find_base(p['adj']).logits), pad_value=-100000) + + node_counts = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['node_count'].tensor, 1)) + node_types = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['node_type'].tensor, 2)) + node_count_logits = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(softmax_log_prob(find_base(p['node_count']).logits), 2)) + node_type_logits = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(softmax_log_prob(find_base(p['node_type']).logits), 3)) + + if 'latency' in p: + latencies = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(p['latency'].tensor, 3)) + avg_latencies = latencies[..., 0] + latency_means = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(find_base(p['latency']).mean, 3)) + latency_stds = T.to_numpy(reshape_to(find_base(p['latency']).std, 3)) + + # build the graph + ret = [] + for i, node_count in enumerate(node_counts): + # extract the arrays + adj = adjs[i][:node_count][:, :node_count] + adj_prob = adj_probs[i][:node_count][:, :node_count] + adj_logit = adj_logits[i] # [:node_count][:, :node_count] + node_type = node_types[i] # [:node_count] + node_mask = np.full([node_count], True, dtype=np.bool) + node_count_logit = node_count_logits[i] + node_type_logit = node_type_logits[i] + + if 'latency' in p: + avg_latency = avg_latencies[i] + latency_mean = latency_means[i] + latency_std = latency_stds[i] + + # if `discard_node_with_type_0`, set all adjs that from / to `node_type == 0` as 0 + node_count_new = node_count + for j in range(node_count): + n_type = int(node_type[j]) + if (discard_node_with_type_0 and n_type == 0) or \ + (discard_node_with_unknown_latency_range and n_type not in latency_range): + node_mask[j] = False + node_count_new -= 1 + adj[:, j] = 0 + adj[j, :] = 0 + adj_prob[:, j] = 0 + adj_prob[j, :] = 0 + + # for each column in `adj`, if there are more than 2 candidate in-edges, + # or no in-edge, then choose an edge sampled w.r.t. to adj_prob + for j in range(node_count): + if node_mask[j] and np.sum(adj[:, j]) != 1: + prob_vec = adj_prob[:, j] + prob_sum = np.sum(prob_vec) + if prob_sum > 1e-7: + pvals = prob_vec / np.sum(prob_vec) + pvals_mask = pvals > 1e-7 + indices = np.arange(len(pvals))[pvals_mask] + k = indices[np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, pvals[pvals_mask]))] + adj[:, j] = 0 + adj[k, j] = 1 + + # select the edges + edges = list(zip(*np.where(adj))) + if len(edges) < node_count_new - 1: + # pick out the root sub-graph + union_set = {j: -1 for j in range(node_count) if node_mask[j]} + + def find_root(s): + t = union_set[s] + if t == -1: + return s + r = find_root(t) + if r != t: + union_set[s] = r + return r + + def link_edge(s, t): + union_set[t] = s + + edges_new = [] + for s, t in edges: + link_edge(s, t) + for s, t in edges: + if s == 0 or find_root(s) == 0: + edges_new.append((s, t)) + + edges = edges_new + node_count_new = len(edges_new) + 1 + + if discard_graph_with_error_node_count and (node_count_new != node_count): + ret.append(None) + continue + + # build the trace graph + def get_node(s): + if s not in nodes: + n_type = node_type[s] + if 'latency' in p: + latency = avg_latency[s] + if n_type in latency_range: + mu, std = latency_range[n_type] + latency = latency * std + mu + features = TraceGraphNodeFeatures( + span_count=1, + avg_latency=latency, + max_latency=latency, + min_latency=latency, + ) + avg_latency_nstd = float( + abs(avg_latency[s] - latency_mean[s, 0]) / + latency_std[s, 0] + ) + else: + features = TraceGraphNodeFeatures( + span_count=1, + avg_latency=math.nan, + max_latency=math.nan, + min_latency=math.nan, + ) + avg_latency_nstd = 0 + + nodes[s] = TraceGraphNode.new_sampled( + node_id=s, + operation_id=node_type[s], + features=features, + scores=TraceGraphNodeReconsScores( + edge_logit=0, + operation_logit=node_type_logit[s, n_type], + avg_latency_nstd=avg_latency_nstd, + ) + ) + return nodes[s] + + nodes = {} + edges.sort() + for u, v in edges: + if node_mask[u] and node_mask[v]: + v_node = get_node(v) + get_node(u).children.append(v_node) + v_node.scores.edge_logit = adj_logit[u, v] + + if 0 in nodes: + g = TraceGraph.new_sampled(nodes[0], len(nodes), -1) + g.merge_spans_and_assign_id() + ret.append(g) + else: + ret.append(None) + + # return the graphs + if keep_front_shape: + ret = np.array(ret).reshape(front_shape) + + return ret + + +@dataclass(init=False) +class GraphNodeMatch(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'g1_to_g2', + 'g2_to_g1', + ] + + g1_to_g2: Dict[TraceGraphNode, TraceGraphNode] + g2_to_g1: Dict[TraceGraphNode, TraceGraphNode] + + def __init__(self): + self.g1_to_g2 = {} + self.g2_to_g1 = {} + + def add_match(self, node1, node2): + self.g1_to_g2[node1] = node2 + self.g2_to_g1[node2] = node1 + + +@dataclass(init=False) +class GraphNodeDiff(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'parent', 'depth', 'node', 'offset', 'node_count', + ] + + parent: Optional[TraceGraphNode] + depth: int + node: TraceGraphNode + offset: int # -1: present in g but absent in g2; 1: present in g2 but absent in g1 + node_count: int # count of nodes in this branch + + def __init__(self, parent, depth, node, offset): + self.parent = parent + self.depth = depth + self.node = node + self.offset = offset + self.node_count = node.count_nodes() + + def __repr__(self): + return f'GraphNodeDiff(depth={self.depth}, offset={self.offset})' + + +def diff_graph(g1: TraceGraph, + g2: TraceGraph + ) -> Tuple[GraphNodeMatch, List[GraphNodeDiff]]: + m = GraphNodeMatch() + ret = [] + + def match_node(depth: int, + parent1: Optional[TraceGraphNode], + parent2: Optional[TraceGraphNode], + node1: Optional[TraceGraphNode], + node2: Optional[TraceGraphNode]): + if node1 is None: + if node2 is None: + pass + else: + ret.append(GraphNodeDiff(parent=parent2, depth=depth, node=node2, offset=1)) + else: + if node2 is None: + ret.append(GraphNodeDiff(parent=parent1, depth=depth, node=node1, offset=-1)) + elif node1.operation_id != node2.operation_id: + ret.append(GraphNodeDiff(parent=parent1, depth=depth, node=node1, offset=-1)) + ret.append(GraphNodeDiff(parent=parent2, depth=depth, node=node2, offset=1)) + else: + m.add_match(node1, node2) + c_depth = depth + 1 + + i, j = 0, 0 + while i < len(node1.children) and j < len(node2.children): + c1 = node1.children[i] + c2 = node2.children[j] + if c1.operation_id < c2.operation_id: + match_node(c_depth, node1, None, c1, None) + i += 1 + elif c2.operation_id < c1.operation_id: + match_node(c_depth, None, node2, None, c2) + j += 1 + else: + match_node(c_depth, node1, node2, c1, c2) + i += 1 + j += 1 + + while i < len(node1.children): + c1 = node1.children[i] + match_node(c_depth, node1, None, c1, None) + i += 1 + + while j < len(node2.children): + c2 = node2.children[j] + match_node(c_depth, None, node2, None, c2) + j += 1 + + match_node(0, None, None, g1.root, g2.root) + return m, ret + + +def dgl_graph_key(graph: dgl.DGLGraph) -> str: + return edges_to_key(graph.ndata['operation_id'], *graph.edges()) + +@torch.jit.script +def edges_to_key(operation_id: torch.Tensor, u_list: torch.Tensor, v_list: torch.Tensor) -> str: + mask = u_list != v_list + u_id: List[int] = operation_id[u_list][mask].tolist() + v_id: List[int] = operation_id[v_list][mask].tolist() + + graph_key = f'0,{operation_id[0].item()};' + ';'.join(sorted([f'{u},{v}' for (u, v) in zip(u_id, v_id)])) + + return graph_key + +def trace_graph_key(graph: TraceGraph) -> str: + def dfs(nd: TraceGraphNode, pa_id: int, cnt: int=1): + cur_cnt = cnt * len(nd.spans) + spans = [f'{pa_id},{nd.operation_id}'] * cur_cnt + + for child in nd.children: + spans += dfs(child, nd.operation_id, cur_cnt) + + return spans + + spans = dfs(graph.root, 0, 1) + + return ';'.join(sorted(spans)) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/__init__.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fde6b5fe3de7ecc091928ba48e1145e256dd43ac --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +from .trace_vae import * diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/gnn_layers.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/gnn_layers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9e8871a6cacbe32910e1f2a31ebbbd07f622adf --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/gnn_layers.py @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +from enum import Enum +from typing import * + +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +from dgl import nn as gnn +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +__all__ = [ + 'GNNLayerType', + 'GNNLayerConfig', + 'make_gnn_layers', + 'apply_gnn_layer', + 'GNNSequential', + 'GATConvAgg', + 'GraphConv', +] + + +class GNNLayerType(str, Enum): + GAT = 'GAT' + GraphConv = 'GraphConv' + + +class GNNLayerConfig(mltk.Config): + type: GNNLayerType = GNNLayerType.GAT + + # whether to use batch norm? + use_batch_norm: bool = True + + # config for GAT + class gat(mltk.Config): + num_attention_heads: int = 2 + + +def make_gnn_layers(config: GNNLayerConfig, + input_dim: int, + gnn_layers: List[int], + ): + if config.use_batch_norm: + normalization_factory = tk.layers.BatchNorm + else: + normalization_factory = lambda num_inputs: None + + layers = [] + for size in gnn_layers: + if config.type == GNNLayerType.GAT: + layers.append(GATConvAgg( + input_dim, + size, + config.gat.num_attention_heads, + activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU(), + normalization_factory=normalization_factory, + )) + elif config.type == GNNLayerType.GraphConv: + layers.append(GraphConv( + input_dim, + size, + activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU(), + normalization_factory=normalization_factory, + )) + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported GNN type: {config.type!r}') + input_dim = layers[-1].output_dim + + return input_dim, layers + + +def apply_gnn_layer(layer, g, h): + if isinstance(g, (list, tuple)): + if len(h.shape) == 3: + if len(g) != h.shape[0]: + raise ValueError(f'len(g) != h.shape[0]: {len(g)} vs {h.shape[0]}') + return T.stack( + [ + layer(g[i], h[i]) + for i in range(len(g)) + ], + axis=0 + ) + else: + return T.stack( + [ + layer(g[i], h) + for i in range(len(g)) + ], + axis=0 + ) + else: + if len(h.shape) == 3: + return T.stack( + [ + layer(g, h[i]) + for i in range(h.shape[0]) + ], + axis=0 + ) + else: + return layer(g, h) + + +class GNNSequential(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + def __init__(self, layers): + super().__init__() + self.gnn = gnn.Sequential(*layers) + + def forward(self, g, h): + return apply_gnn_layer(self.gnn, g, h) + + +class GATConvAgg(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + """First apply `dgl.nn.GATConv` then aggregate the multi attention heads.""" + + aggregate_mode: str + output_dim: int + + def __init__(self, input_dim: int, output_dim: int, num_heads: int, + aggregate_mode: str = 'concat', activation=None, + normalization_factory=None): + super().__init__() + + if aggregate_mode == 'concat': + self.output_dim = output_dim * num_heads + elif aggregate_mode in ('mean', 'avg'): + self.output_dim = output_dim + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported aggregate_mode: {aggregate_mode!r}') + + self.activation = activation + self.normalization = None if normalization_factory is None else \ + normalization_factory(self.output_dim) + + self.gnn = gnn.GATConv( + input_dim, + output_dim, + num_heads, + activation=None, + ) + self.aggregate_mode = aggregate_mode + + def forward(self, g, h): + h = self.gnn(g, h) + if self.aggregate_mode == 'concat': + h = T.concat( + [h[..., i, :] for i in range(h.shape[-2])], + axis=-1 + ) + else: + h = T.reduce_mean(h, axis=[-2]) + + if self.normalization is not None: + h = self.normalization(h) + if self.activation is not None: + h = self.activation(h) + + return h + + +class GraphConv(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + output_dim: int + + def __init__(self, input_dim: int, output_dim: int, activation=None, + normalization_factory=None): + super().__init__() + self.output_dim = output_dim + + self.activation = activation + self.normalization = None if normalization_factory is None else \ + normalization_factory(self.output_dim) + + self.gnn = gnn.GraphConv( + input_dim, + output_dim, + norm='both', + weight=self.normalization is None, + bias=self.normalization is None, + activation=None, + ) + + def forward(self, g, h): + h = self.gnn(g, h) + + if self.normalization is not None: + h = self.normalization(h) + if self.activation is not None: + h = self.activation(h) + + return h diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/latency_vae.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/latency_vae.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1252675c818cb2e8d37a5e2044797ccbe32197af --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/latency_vae.py @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +from typing import * + +import dgl +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from ..constants import * +from ..distributions import * +from ..tensor_utils import node_count_mask +from .gnn_layers import * +from .model_utils import * +from .operation_embedding import * +from .pooling import * +from .realnvp_flow import * + +__all__ = [ + 'TraceLatencyVAEConfig', + 'TraceLatencyVAE', +] + + +class TraceLatencyVAEConfig(mltk.Config): + # whether to use the operation embedding? (but grad will be blocked) + use_operation_embedding: bool = True + + # the dimension of z2 (to encode latency) + z2_dim: int = 10 + + # the config of posterior / prior flow + realnvp: RealNVPFlowConfig = RealNVPFlowConfig() + + # whether to use BatchNorm? + use_batch_norm: bool = True + + class encoder(mltk.Config): + # ================ + # h(G) for q(z2|G) + # ================ + # the gnn layer config + gnn: GNNLayerConfig = GNNLayerConfig() + + # the gnn layer sizes for q(z2|...) + gnn_layers: List[int] = [500, 500, 500, 500] + + # whether to stop gradient to operation_embedding along this path? + operation_embedding_stop_grad: bool = True + + # ============= + # graph pooling + # ============= + pool_type: PoolingType = PoolingType.AVG + pool_config: PoolingConfig = PoolingConfig() + + # ======= + # q(z2|G) + # ======= + z2_logstd_min: Optional[float] = -7 + z2_logstd_max: Optional[float] = 2 + + # whether to use realnvp posterior flow? + use_posterior_flow: bool = False + + class decoder(mltk.Config): + # ==================== + # decoder architecture + # ==================== + use_prior_flow: bool = False + + # p(z2|z) n_mixtures + z2_prior_mixtures: int = 1 + + # whether z2 should condition on z? + condition_on_z: bool = True + + # z2 given z hidden layers + z2_given_z_stop_grad: bool = True + z2_given_z_hidden_layers: List[int] = [250, 250] + z2_logstd_min: Optional[float] = -5 + z2_logstd_max: Optional[float] = 2 + + # ======= + # latency + # ======= + # gnn layer config + gnn: GNNLayerConfig = GNNLayerConfig() + + # the node types from node embedding e + gnn_layers: List[int] = [500, 500, 500, 500] + + # hidden layers for graph embedding from z + graph_embedding_layers: List[int] = [500, 500] + + # size of the latent embedding e + latent_embedding_size: int = 40 + + # whether to stop gradient to operation_embedding along this path? + operation_embedding_stop_grad: bool = True + + # ============== + # p(latency|...) + # ============== + # the minimum value for latency logstd + latency_logstd_min: Optional[float] = -7 + + # whether to use mask on p(latency|...)? + use_latency_mask: bool = True + + # whether to clip the latency to one dim even if three dim is provided? + clip_latency_to_one_dim: bool = False + + # whether to use biased in p(latency|...)? + use_biased_latency: bool = False + + # whether to use `AnomalyDetectionNormal`? + use_anomaly_detection_normal: bool = False + + # the `std_threshold` for AnomalyDetectionNormal or BiasedNormal in testing + biased_normal_std_threshold: float = 4.0 + + # the `std_threshold` for SafeNormal in training + safe_normal_std_threshold: float = 6.0 + + +class TraceLatencyVAE(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + config: TraceLatencyVAEConfig + num_node_types: int + + def __init__(self, + config: TraceLatencyVAEConfig, + z_dim: int, # z dimension of the struct_vae + operation_embedding: OperationEmbedding, + ): + super().__init__() + + # =================== + # memorize the config + # =================== + self.config = config + self.z_dim = z_dim + + # ============================= + # node embedding for operations + # ============================= + self.operation_embedding = operation_embedding + self.num_node_types = operation_embedding.num_operations + + # ======================== + # standard layer arguments + # ======================== + layer_args = tk.layers.LayerArgs() + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU) + if config.use_batch_norm: + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], normalizer=tk.layers.BatchNorm) + + # =========================== + # q(z2|adj,node_type,latency) + # =========================== + if config.use_operation_embedding: + input_size = self.operation_embedding.embedding_dim + else: + input_size = self.num_node_types + output_size, gnn_layers = make_gnn_layers( + config.encoder.gnn, + ( + input_size + + LATENCY_DIM # avg, min, max + ), + config.encoder.gnn_layers, + ) + self.qz2_gnn_layers = GNNSequential( + gnn_layers + [ + make_graph_pooling( + output_size, + config.encoder.pool_type, + config.encoder.pool_config + ), + ] + ) + self.qz2_mean = tk.layers.Linear(output_size, config.z2_dim) + self.qz2_logstd = tk.layers.Linear(output_size, config.z2_dim) + + if config.encoder.use_posterior_flow: + self.qz_flow = make_realnvp_flow(config.z2_dim, config.realnvp) + + # ================ + # p(z2) or p(z2|z) + # ================ + if config.decoder.condition_on_z: + if config.decoder.use_prior_flow and config.decoder.z2_prior_mixtures > 1: + raise ValueError(f'`use_prior_flow == True` and `z2_prior_mixtures > 1` cannot be both True.') + + n_mixtures = config.decoder.z2_prior_mixtures + z2_given_z_builder = tk.layers.SequentialBuilder( + self.z_dim, + layer_args=layer_args + ) + for size in config.decoder.z2_given_z_hidden_layers: + z2_given_z_builder.dense(size) + self.z2_given_z_hidden_layers = z2_given_z_builder.build(flatten_to_ndims=True) + self.pz2_mean = z2_given_z_builder.as_input().linear(config.z2_dim * n_mixtures).build() + self.pz2_logstd = z2_given_z_builder.as_input().linear(config.z2_dim * n_mixtures).build() + + if config.decoder.use_prior_flow: + self.pz2_flow = make_realnvp_flow(config.z2_dim, config.realnvp).invert() + + # node features from gnn + input_size = config.z2_dim + + if config.use_operation_embedding: + input_size += self.operation_embedding.embedding_dim + else: + input_size += self.num_operations + + output_size, gnn_layers = make_gnn_layers( + config.decoder.gnn, + input_size, + config.decoder.gnn_layers, + ) + self.pG_node_features = GNNSequential( + gnn_layers + + [ + GraphConv( # p(latency|e) + output_size, + 2 * LATENCY_DIM # (mean, logstd) * (avg, min, max) + ), + ] + ) + + def _is_attr_included_in_repr(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> bool: + if attr == 'config': + return False + return super()._is_attr_included_in_repr(attr, value) + + def q(self, + net: tk.BayesianNet, + g: dgl.DGLGraph, + n_z: Optional[int] = None): + config = self.config + + # compose feature vector + if config.use_operation_embedding: + h2 = self.operation_embedding(g.ndata['node_type']) + if config.encoder.operation_embedding_stop_grad: + h2 = T.stop_grad(h2) + else: + h2 = T.one_hot( + g.ndata['node_type'], + self.num_node_types, + dtype=T.float32, + ) + h = T.concat([h2, g.ndata['latency'][..., :LATENCY_DIM]], axis=-1) + + # feed into gnn and get node embeddings + h = self.qz2_gnn_layers(g, h) + + # mean and logstd for q(z2|G) + z2_mean = self.qz2_mean(h) + z2_logstd = T.maybe_clip( + self.qz2_logstd(h), + min_val=config.encoder.z2_logstd_min, + max_val=config.encoder.z2_logstd_max, + ) + + # add 'z2' random variable + qz2 = tk.Normal(mean=z2_mean, logstd=z2_logstd, event_ndims=1) + if config.encoder.use_posterior_flow: + qz2 = tk.FlowDistribution(qz2, self.qz_flow) + z2 = net.add('z2', qz2, n_samples=n_z) + + def p(self, + net: tk.BayesianNet, + g: dgl.DGLGraph, + n_z: Optional[int] = None, + use_biased: bool = False, + latency_logstd_min: Optional[float] = None, + latency_log_prob_weight: bool = False, + std_limit: Optional[T.Tensor] = None, + ): + config = self.config + + # sample z2 ~ p(z2) or p(z2|z) + if config.decoder.condition_on_z: + h = net['z'].tensor + if config.decoder.z2_given_z_stop_grad: + h = T.stop_grad(h) + h = self.z2_given_z_hidden_layers(h) + z2_mean = self.pz2_mean(h) + z2_logstd = T.maybe_clip( + self.pz2_logstd(h), + min_val=config.decoder.z2_logstd_min, + max_val=config.decoder.z2_logstd_max, + ) + + n_mixtures = config.decoder.z2_prior_mixtures + if n_mixtures > 1: + z2_mean_list = T.split(z2_mean, [config.z2_dim] * n_mixtures, axis=-1) + z2_logstd_list = T.split(z2_logstd, [config.z2_dim] * n_mixtures, axis=-1) + pz2 = tk.Mixture( + categorical=tk.Categorical( + logits=T.zeros(T.shape(z2_mean)[:-1] + [n_mixtures]), + ), + components=[ + tk.Normal(mean=mu, logstd=logstd, event_ndims=1) + for mu, logstd in zip(z2_mean_list, z2_logstd_list) + ], + reparameterized=True, + ) + else: + pz2 = tk.Normal(mean=z2_mean, logstd=z2_logstd, event_ndims=1) + else: + pz2 = tk.UnitNormal([1, config.z2_dim], event_ndims=1) + + if config.decoder.use_prior_flow: + pz2 = tk.FlowDistribution(pz2, self.pz2_flow) + + z2 = net.add('z2', pz2, n_samples=n_z) + + # z2 as context + z2_shape = T.shape(z2.tensor) + h = T.reshape(z2.tensor, z2_shape[:-1] + [1, z2_shape[-1]]) + + # concat with node type information + if config.use_operation_embedding: + h2 = self.operation_embedding(net['node_type'].tensor) + if config.decoder.operation_embedding_stop_grad: + h2 = T.stop_grad(h2) + else: + h2 = T.one_hot( + net['node_type'].tensor, + self.num_node_types, + dtype=T.float32, + ) + h = T.broadcast_concat(h, h2, axis=-1) + h2 = None + + # node_features from gnn + h_shape = T.shape(h) + h = T.reshape( + h, + h_shape[:-3] + [h_shape[-3] * h_shape[-2], h_shape[-1]] + ) + node_features = self.pG_node_features(g, h) + + # mean & logstd for p(latency|z2,G) + if latency_logstd_min is not None: + if config.decoder.latency_logstd_min is not None: + latency_logstd_min = max( + latency_logstd_min, + config.decoder.latency_logstd_min + ) + else: + latency_logstd_min = config.decoder.latency_logstd_min + + latency_mean = T.reshape( + node_features[..., :LATENCY_DIM], # avg, min, max + h_shape[:-1] + [LATENCY_DIM] + ) + latency_logstd = T.maybe_clip( + T.reshape( + node_features[..., LATENCY_DIM: LATENCY_DIM*2], + h_shape[:-1] + [LATENCY_DIM] + ), + min_val=latency_logstd_min, + ) + + if std_limit is not None: + logstd_limit = T.log( + T.clip_left( + std_limit[net['node_type'].tensor], + 1e-7 + ) + ) + logstd_limit = T.stop_grad(logstd_limit) + logstd_limit = T.expand_dim(logstd_limit, axis=-1) + latency_logstd = T.minimum(latency_logstd, logstd_limit) + + # clip the latency + if config.decoder.clip_latency_to_one_dim: + latency_mean = latency_mean[..., :1] + latency_logstd = latency_logstd[..., :1] + + # p(latency|z2,G) + if config.decoder.use_latency_mask: + inner_event_ndims = 0 + else: + inner_event_ndims = 2 + + if self.training: + p_latency = SafeNormal( + std_threshold=config.decoder.safe_normal_std_threshold, + mean=latency_mean, + logstd=latency_logstd, + event_ndims=inner_event_ndims, + ) + elif use_biased and config.decoder.use_biased_latency: + if config.decoder.use_anomaly_detection_normal: + p_latency = AnomalyDetectionNormal( + std_threshold=config.decoder.biased_normal_std_threshold, + bias_alpha=MAX_NODE_COUNT, + bias_threshold=0.5, + mean=latency_mean, + logstd=latency_logstd, + event_ndims=inner_event_ndims, + ) + else: + p_latency = BiasedNormal( + alpha=MAX_NODE_COUNT, + std_threshold=config.decoder.biased_normal_std_threshold, + mean=latency_mean, + logstd=latency_logstd, + event_ndims=inner_event_ndims, + ) + else: + p_latency = tk.Normal( + mean=latency_mean, + logstd=latency_logstd, + event_ndims=inner_event_ndims, + ) + + if config.decoder.use_latency_mask: + # mask + mask = node_count_mask( + net['node_count'].tensor, + MAX_NODE_COUNT, + dtype=T.boolean, + ) + mask = T.stop_grad(mask) + mask = T.expand_dim(mask, axis=-1) + + # log_prob_weight + if latency_log_prob_weight: + log_prob_weight = T.cast(net['node_count'].tensor, dtype=T.float32) + log_prob_weight = T.float_scalar(MAX_NODE_COUNT) / log_prob_weight + log_prob_weight = T.reshape(log_prob_weight, T.shape(log_prob_weight) + [1, 1]) + log_prob_weight = T.stop_grad(log_prob_weight) + else: + log_prob_weight = None + + # p(latency|...) + p_latency = MaskedDistribution(p_latency, mask, log_prob_weight, event_ndims=2) + + latency = net.add('latency', p_latency) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/model_utils.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/model_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f9d5dea5e54cedf80ecd956255f3156b56b840f --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/model_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +from typing import * +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from ..constants import * + +__all__ = [ + 'decoder_use_depth_and_idx', +] + + +def decoder_use_depth_and_idx(g, + use_depth: bool, + use_idx: bool + ) -> Optional[T.Tensor]: + def use_tensor(name, num_classes): + if isinstance(g, list): + t = T.stack([g2.ndata[name] for g2 in g], axis=0) + else: + t = g.ndata[name] + t_shape = T.shape(t) + t = T.reshape( + t, + t_shape[:-1] + [t_shape[-1] // MAX_NODE_COUNT, MAX_NODE_COUNT] + ) + t = T.one_hot(t, num_classes, dtype=T.float32) + return t + + buf = [] + if use_depth: + buf.append(use_tensor('node_depth', MAX_DEPTH + 1)) + if use_idx: + buf.append(use_tensor('node_idx', MAX_NODE_COUNT)) + + if buf: + return T.concat(buf, axis=-1) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/operation_embedding.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/operation_embedding.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7c8c7c92e70fabbb05fe6c183c61851724a453b --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/operation_embedding.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import tensorkit as tk +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from torch.nn import Embedding + +__all__ = [ + 'OperationEmbedding', +] + + +class OperationEmbedding(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + num_operations: int + embedding_dim: int + + def __init__(self, num_operations: int, embedding_dim: int): + super().__init__() + self.num_operations = num_operations + self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim + self.node_embedding = Embedding(num_operations, embedding_dim) + + def forward(self, node_type: T.Tensor) -> T.Tensor: + node_type, shape = T.flatten_to_ndims(node_type, 1) + node_type = self.node_embedding(node_type) + node_type = T.unflatten_from_ndims(node_type, shape) + return node_type diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/pooling.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/pooling.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c40a9a5ab05796bb4a9ff1aa8bd13b2ec9db795b --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/pooling.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +from enum import Enum +from typing import * + +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +import torch +from dgl import nn as gnn +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +__all__ = [ + 'PoolingType', + 'PoolingConfig', + 'make_graph_pooling', + 'graph_node_offsets', + 'RootPooling', +] + + +class PoolingType(str, Enum): + ROOT = 'root' + AVG = 'avg' + ATTENTION = 'attention' # graph attention pooling + + +class PoolingConfig(mltk.Config): + # whether to use batch norm? + use_batch_norm: bool = True + + # config for ATTENTION + class attention(mltk.Config): + hidden_layers: List[int] = [] + + +def make_graph_pooling(feature_size: int, + pool_type: Union[str, PoolingType], + pool_config: PoolingConfig): + layer_args = tk.layers.LayerArgs() + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU) + if pool_config.use_batch_norm: + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], normalizer=tk.layers.BatchNorm) + + if pool_type == PoolingType.ROOT: + return RootPooling() # is this okay? + elif pool_type == PoolingType.AVG: + return gnn.AvgPooling() + elif pool_type == PoolingType.ATTENTION: + gap_nn_builder = tk.layers.SequentialBuilder( + feature_size, + layer_args=layer_args, + ) + for size in pool_config.attention.hidden_layers: + gap_nn_builder.dense(size) + return gnn.GlobalAttentionPooling(gap_nn_builder.linear(1).build()) + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported `config.encoder.pool_type`: {pool_type!r}') + + +def graph_node_offsets(seglen): + ret = torch.cumsum( + T.concat( + [ + T.zeros([1], dtype=T.get_dtype(seglen), device=T.get_device(seglen)), + seglen + ], + axis=0 + ), + dim=0 + ) + return ret[:-1] + + +class RootPooling(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + def forward(self, graph, feat): + return feat[graph_node_offsets(graph.batch_num_nodes())] diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/realnvp_flow.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/realnvp_flow.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92d84cf4adffb5bcf442d1df90f423f65880096d --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/realnvp_flow.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk + +__all__ = [ + 'RealNVPFlowConfig', + 'make_realnvp_flow', +] + + +class RealNVPFlowConfig(mltk.Config): + flow_levels: int = 5 + coupling_hidden_layer_count: int = 1 + coupling_hidden_layer_units: int = 64 + coupling_layer_scale: str = 'sigmoid' + strict_invertible: bool = False + + +def make_realnvp_flow(z_dim: int, flow_config: RealNVPFlowConfig): + flows = [] + for i in range(flow_config.flow_levels): + # act norm + flows.append(tk.flows.ActNorm(z_dim)) + + # coupling layer + n1 = z_dim // 2 + n2 = z_dim - n1 + b = tk.layers.SequentialBuilder( + n1, + layer_args=tk.layers.LayerArgs(). + set_args(['dense'], activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU) + ) + for j in range(flow_config.coupling_hidden_layer_count): + b.dense(flow_config.coupling_hidden_layer_units) + shift_and_pre_scale = tk.layers.Branch( + branches=[ + # shift + b.as_input().linear(n2, weight_init=tk.init.zeros).build(), + # pre_scale + b.as_input().linear(n2, weight_init=tk.init.zeros).build(), + ], + shared=b.build(), + ) + flows.append(tk.flows.CouplingLayer( + shift_and_pre_scale, scale=flow_config.coupling_layer_scale)) + + # feature rearrangement by invertible dense + flows.append(tk.flows.InvertibleDense(z_dim, strict=flow_config.strict_invertible)) + + return tk.flows.SequentialFlow(flows) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/struct_vae.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/struct_vae.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cc8c567c9015b5086387fc227ceb626f1d09be0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/struct_vae.py @@ -0,0 +1,414 @@ +from typing import * + +import dgl +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +import torch +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from ..constants import * +from ..distributions import * +from ..tensor_utils import * +from .gnn_layers import * +from .model_utils import * +from .operation_embedding import * +from .pooling import * +from .realnvp_flow import * + +__all__ = [ + 'TraceStructVAEConfig', + 'TraceStructVAE', +] + + +class TraceStructVAEConfig(mltk.Config): + # the dimension of z (to encode adj & node_type) + z_dim: int = 3 + + # the config of posterior / prior flow + realnvp: RealNVPFlowConfig = RealNVPFlowConfig() + + # whether to use BatchNorm? + use_batch_norm: bool = True + + class encoder(mltk.Config): + # =============== + # h(G) for q(z|G) + # =============== + # the gnn layer config + gnn: GNNLayerConfig = GNNLayerConfig() + + # the gnn layer sizes for q(z|...) + gnn_layers: List[int] = [500, 500, 500, 500] + + # ============= + # graph pooling + # ============= + pool_type: PoolingType = PoolingType.AVG + pool_config: PoolingConfig = PoolingConfig() + + # ====== + # q(z|G) + # ====== + z_logstd_min: Optional[float] = -7 + z_logstd_max: Optional[float] = 2 + + # whether to use realnvp posterior flow? + use_posterior_flow: bool = False + + class decoder(mltk.Config): + # ==================== + # decoder architecture + # ==================== + use_prior_flow: bool = False + + # whether to use `z` directly as context, instead of passing through + # the graph embedding layers? + z_as_context: bool = False + + # whether to use `node_depth` and `node_idx` as extra information? + use_depth: bool = False + use_idx: bool = True + + # ========= + # structure + # ========= + # gnn layer config + gnn: GNNLayerConfig = GNNLayerConfig() + + # the node types from node embedding e + gnn_layers: List[int] = [500, 500, 500, 500] + + # hidden layers for p(node_count|z) + node_count_layers: List[int] = [500] + + # hidden layers for graph embedding from z + graph_embedding_layers: List[int] = [500, 500] + + # size of the latent embedding e + latent_embedding_size: int = 40 + + +class TraceStructVAE(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + config: TraceStructVAEConfig + num_operations: int + + def __init__(self, + config: TraceStructVAEConfig, + operation_embedding: OperationEmbedding, + ): + super().__init__() + + # =================== + # memorize the config + # =================== + self.config = config + + # ============================= + # node embedding for operations + # ============================= + self.operation_embedding = operation_embedding + self.num_operations = operation_embedding.num_operations + + # ======================== + # standard layer arguments + # ======================== + layer_args = tk.layers.LayerArgs() + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], activation=tk.layers.LeakyReLU) + if config.use_batch_norm: + layer_args.set_args(['dense'], normalizer=tk.layers.BatchNorm) + + # ================== + # q(z|adj,node_type) + # ================== + output_size, gnn_layers = make_gnn_layers( + config.encoder.gnn, + self.operation_embedding.embedding_dim, + config.encoder.gnn_layers, + ) + self.qz_gnn_layers = GNNSequential( + gnn_layers + [ + make_graph_pooling( + output_size, + config.encoder.pool_type, + config.encoder.pool_config + ), + ] + ) + self.qz_mean = tk.layers.Linear(output_size, config.z_dim) + self.qz_logstd = tk.layers.Linear(output_size, config.z_dim) + + if config.encoder.use_posterior_flow: + self.qz_flow = make_realnvp_flow(config.z_dim, config.realnvp) + + # ==== + # p(z) + # ==== + if config.decoder.use_prior_flow: + self.pz_flow = make_realnvp_flow(config.z_dim, config.realnvp).invert() + + # =============== + # p(node_count|z) + # =============== + node_count_builder = tk.layers.SequentialBuilder( + config.z_dim, + layer_args=layer_args + ) + for size in config.decoder.node_count_layers: + node_count_builder.dense(size) + self.pG_node_count_logits = node_count_builder. \ + linear(MAX_NODE_COUNT + 1). \ + build(flatten_to_ndims=True) + + # ======== + # p(adj|z) + # ======== + # graph embedding from z + graph_embedding_builder = tk.layers.SequentialBuilder( + config.z_dim, + layer_args=layer_args, + ) + for size in config.decoder.graph_embedding_layers: + graph_embedding_builder.dense(size) + self.pG_graph_embedding = graph_embedding_builder.build(flatten_to_ndims=True) + + # node embedding (akka, `e`) from the graph embedding + self.pG_node_embedding = tk.layers.Linear( + graph_embedding_builder.out_shape[-1], + MAX_NODE_COUNT * config.decoder.latent_embedding_size, + ) + + # note: p(adj) = outer-dot(e) + + # ================== + # p(node_type|e,adj) + # ================== + if config.decoder.z_as_context: + input_size = ( + config.z_dim + + int(config.decoder.use_idx) * MAX_NODE_COUNT + # node_idx + int(config.decoder.use_depth) * (MAX_SPAN_COUNT + 1) # node_depth + ) + else: + input_size = config.decoder.latent_embedding_size + + output_size, gnn_layers = make_gnn_layers( + config.decoder.gnn, + input_size, + config.decoder.gnn_layers, + ) + self.pG_node_type_logits = GNNSequential( + gnn_layers + + [ + GraphConv(output_size, self.num_operations), # p(node_type|e) + ] + ) + + def _is_attr_included_in_repr(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> bool: + if attr == 'config': + return False + return super()._is_attr_included_in_repr(attr, value) + + def q(self, + net: tk.BayesianNet, + g: dgl.DGLGraph, + n_z: Optional[int] = None): + config = self.config + + # embedding lookup + h = self.operation_embedding(g.ndata['node_type']) + + # feed into gnn and get node embeddings + h = self.qz_gnn_layers(g, h) + + # mean and logstd for q(z|G) + z_mean = T.maybe_clip( + self.qz_mean(h), + # min_val=-5, + # max_val=5, + ) + z_logstd = T.maybe_clip( + self.qz_logstd(h), + min_val=config.encoder.z_logstd_min, + max_val=config.encoder.z_logstd_max, + ) + + # add 'z' random variable + qz = tk.Normal(mean=z_mean, logstd=z_logstd, event_ndims=1) + if config.encoder.use_posterior_flow: + qz = tk.FlowDistribution(qz, self.qz_flow) + z = net.add('z', qz, n_samples=n_z) + + def p(self, + net: tk.BayesianNet, + g: Optional[dgl.DGLGraph] = None, + n_z: Optional[int] = None, + use_biased: bool = False): + config = self.config + + # sample z ~ p(z) + pz = tk.UnitNormal([1, config.z_dim], event_ndims=1) + if config.decoder.use_prior_flow: + pz = tk.FlowDistribution(pz, self.pz_flow) + z = net.add('z', pz, n_samples=n_z) + + # p(node_count|z) + node_count_logits = self.pG_node_count_logits(z.tensor) + if use_biased: + p_node_count = BiasedCategorical( + alpha=MAX_NODE_COUNT * MAX_NODE_COUNT, + threshold=0.5, + logits=node_count_logits, + ) + else: + p_node_count = tk.Categorical(logits=node_count_logits) + node_count = net.add('node_count', p_node_count) + + # graph embedding + h = z.tensor + h = self.pG_graph_embedding(h) + h = self.pG_node_embedding(h) + h = T.reshape( + h, + T.shape(h)[:-1] + [ + MAX_NODE_COUNT, + config.decoder.latent_embedding_size + ] + ) + + # p(A|e) + edge_logits = edge_logits_by_dot_product(h) + edge_logits = dense_to_triu(edge_logits, MAX_NODE_COUNT) + + if use_biased: + p_adj = BiasedBernoulli( + alpha=MAX_NODE_COUNT, + threshold=0.5, + logits=edge_logits, + event_ndims=1, + ) + else: + p_adj = tk.Bernoulli(logits=edge_logits, event_ndims=1) + + adj = net.add('adj', p_adj) + + if g is None: + # construct the `g` from the `adj`, assuming full MAX_NODE_COUNT adj + def make_graph(triu_adj): + adj = triu_to_dense(triu_adj, MAX_NODE_COUNT) + + # make graph + u, v = T.where(adj) + g = dgl.graph((u, v), num_nodes=MAX_NODE_COUNT) + g = dgl.add_reverse_edges(g) + g = dgl.add_self_loop(g) + + # make `node_idx` + node_idx = T.maximum( + T.reduce_max( + (adj * torch.cumsum(adj, dim=-1)), + axis=[-2] + ) - 1, + T.int_scalar(0, dtype=T.int64), + ) + g.ndata['node_idx'] = node_idx + return g + + adj_shape = T.shape(adj.tensor) + if len(adj_shape) == 3: + g = [ + dgl.batch([ + make_graph(adj.tensor[i, j]) + for j in range(adj_shape[1]) + ]) + for i in range(adj_shape[0]) + ] + elif len(adj_shape) == 2: + g = dgl.batch([ + make_graph(adj.tensor[i]) + for i in range(adj_shape[0]) + ]) + else: + raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported adj.shape: {adj_shape}') + + else: + # expand the node_count of each graph to MAX_NODE_COUNT + sub_graphs = [] + for sub_g in dgl.unbatch(g): + # struct + sub_u, sub_v = sub_g.edges() + sub_node_idx = sub_g.ndata['node_idx'] + mask = sub_u < sub_v + sub_u = sub_u[mask] + sub_v = sub_v[mask] + sub_g = dgl.graph((sub_u, sub_v), num_nodes=MAX_NODE_COUNT) + sub_g = dgl.add_reverse_edges(sub_g) + sub_g = dgl.add_self_loop(sub_g) + + # feature + if sub_node_idx.shape[0] < MAX_NODE_COUNT: + sub_node_idx = T.concat( + [ + sub_node_idx, + T.zeros([MAX_NODE_COUNT - sub_node_idx.shape[0]], dtype=T.int64) + ], + axis=0 + ) + sub_g.ndata['node_idx'] = sub_node_idx + + # add this graph + sub_graphs.append(sub_g) + g = dgl.batch(sub_graphs) + + net.meta['g'] = g + + # p(node_type|e) + if config.decoder.z_as_context: + # z as context + z_shape = T.shape(z.tensor) + h = T.repeat( + T.reshape(z.tensor, z_shape[:-1] + [1, z_shape[-1]]), + [1] * (len(z_shape) - 1) + [MAX_NODE_COUNT, 1] + ) + + # h = [] + # for i, node_count in enumerate(g.batch_num_nodes()): + # h.append( + # T.repeat( + # z.tensor[..., i: i+1, :], + # [1] * (len(h_shape) - 1) + [int(T.to_numpy(node_count)), 1], + # ) + # ) + # h = T.concat(h, axis=-2) + + # node_depth and node_idx + h2 = decoder_use_depth_and_idx( + g, + config.decoder.use_depth, + config.decoder.use_idx, + ) + if h2 is not None: + h = T.broadcast_concat(h, h2, axis=-1) + + h_shape = T.shape(h) + h = T.reshape( + h, + h_shape[:-3] + [h_shape[-3] * h_shape[-2], h_shape[-1]] + ) + + node_type_logits = self.pG_node_type_logits(g, h) + node_type_logits = T.reshape(node_type_logits, h_shape[:-1] + [self.num_operations]) + + # if use_biased: + # p_node_type = BiasedCategorical( + # alpha=MAX_NODE_COUNT, + # threshold=0.5, + # logits=node_type_logits, + # event_ndims=1 + # ) + # else: + # p_node_type = tk.Categorical(logits=node_type_logits, event_ndims=1) + + p_node_type = tk.Categorical(logits=node_type_logits, event_ndims=1) + node_type = net.add('node_type', p_node_type) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/trace_vae.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/trace_vae.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71e076abd07392c8202710bf0dc66796c7065425 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/model/trace_vae.py @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +from enum import Enum +from typing import * + +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from tensorkit.typing_ import TensorOrData + +from ..constants import * +from ..tensor_utils import * +from ..types import * +from .latency_vae import * +from .operation_embedding import * +from .struct_vae import * + +__all__ = [ + 'TraceVAEArch', + 'TraceVAEConfig', + 'TraceVAE', +] + + +class TraceVAEArch(str, Enum): + DEFAULT = 'default' + + +class TraceVAEConfig(mltk.Config): + # operation embedding + operation_embedding_dim: int = 40 + + # the architecture selector + arch: TraceVAEArch = TraceVAEArch.DEFAULT + + # the default architecture + struct: TraceStructVAEConfig = TraceStructVAEConfig() + latency: TraceLatencyVAEConfig = TraceLatencyVAEConfig() + use_latency: bool = True + + +class TraceVAE(tk.layers.BaseLayer): + + config: TraceVAEConfig + num_operations: int + + def __init__(self, config: TraceVAEConfig, num_operations: int): + super().__init__() + + # =================== + # memorize the config + # =================== + self.config = config + self.num_operations = num_operations + + # ============== + # the components + # ============== + self.operation_embedding = OperationEmbedding( + num_operations=num_operations, + embedding_dim=config.operation_embedding_dim, + ) + if self.config.arch == TraceVAEArch.DEFAULT: + self.struct_vae = TraceStructVAE(config.struct, self.operation_embedding) + if self.config.use_latency: + self.latency_vae = TraceLatencyVAE( + config.latency, + config.struct.z_dim, + self.operation_embedding, + ) + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported arch: {self.config.arch!r}') + + def _is_attr_included_in_repr(self, attr: str, value: Any) -> bool: + if attr == 'config': + return False + return super()._is_attr_included_in_repr(attr, value) + + def _call_graph_batch_build(self, G: TraceGraphBatch): + G.build_dgl( + add_self_loop=True, + directed=False, + # directed=('reverse' if self.config.edge.reverse_directed else False), + ) + + def q(self, + G: TraceGraphBatch, + observed: Optional[Mapping[str, TensorOrData]] = None, + n_z: Optional[int] = None, + no_latency: bool = False, + ): + config = self.config + + self._call_graph_batch_build(G) + net = tk.BayesianNet(observed=observed) + + self.struct_vae.q(net, G.dgl_batch, n_z=n_z) + if config.use_latency and not no_latency: + self.latency_vae.q(net, G.dgl_batch, n_z=n_z) + + return net + + def p(self, + observed: Optional[Mapping[str, TensorOrData]] = None, + G: Optional[TraceGraphBatch] = None, # the observed `G` + n_z: Optional[int] = None, + no_latency: bool = False, + use_biased: bool = False, + use_latency_biased: bool = False, + latency_logstd_min: Optional[float] = None, + latency_log_prob_weight: bool = False, + std_limit: Optional[T.Tensor] = None, + ) -> tk.BayesianNet: + config = self.config + + # populate `observed` from `G` if specified, and construct net + if G is not None: + self._call_graph_batch_build(G) + g = G.dgl_batch + observed = observed or {} + + # struct + observed['node_count'] = G.dgl_batch.batch_num_nodes() + observed['adj'] = T.stack( + [ + dense_triu_adj( + g, + MAX_NODE_COUNT, + reverse=False, + ) + for g in G.dgl_graphs + ], + axis=0 + ) + # observed['span_count'] = pad_node_feature(G, 'span_count') + observed['node_type'] = pad_node_feature(G, 'node_type') + + # latency + latency = pad_node_feature(G, 'latency')[..., :LATENCY_DIM] + if config.latency.decoder.clip_latency_to_one_dim: + latency = latency[..., :1] + observed['latency'] = latency + else: + g = None + + # the Bayesian net + net = tk.BayesianNet(observed=observed) + + # call components + self.struct_vae.p(net, g, n_z=n_z, use_biased=use_biased) + if config.use_latency and not no_latency: + g = net.meta['g'] + self.latency_vae.p( + net, + g, + n_z=n_z, + use_biased=use_biased and use_latency_biased, + latency_logstd_min=latency_logstd_min, + latency_log_prob_weight=latency_log_prob_weight, + std_limit=std_limit, + ) + + return net diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/tensor_utils.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/tensor_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..818403e31da4541dd7ac776f86dee641b3e33ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/tensor_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +from typing import * + +import dgl +import numpy as np +import torch +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.constants import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.types import * +from tracegnn.utils.array_buffer import ArrayBuffer + +__all__ = [ + 'latency_onehot_to_mask', + 'edge_logits_by_dot_product', + 'dense_to_triu', + 'triu_to_dense', + 'dense_triu_adj', + 'pad_node_feature', + 'get_moments', + 'node_count_mask', + 'collect_operation_id', + 'collect_latency_std', + 'collect_latency_reldiff', + 'collect_p_node_count', + 'collect_p_edge', +] + + +def latency_onehot_to_mask(onehot: T.Tensor) -> T.Tensor: + """ + >>> onehot = T.as_tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) + >>> T.to_numpy(latency_onehot_to_mask(onehot)) + array([[1, 0, 0], + [1, 1, 0], + [1, 1, 1]]) + >>> T.to_numpy(latency_onehot_to_mask(T.cast(onehot, dtype=T.float32))) + array([[1., 0., 0.], + [1., 1., 0.], + [1., 1., 1.]], dtype=float32) + """ + origin_dtype = T.get_dtype(onehot) + onehot = T.as_tensor(onehot, dtype=T.boolean) + shape = T.shape(onehot) + right = shape[-1] - 1 + mask = T.full(shape, False, dtype=T.boolean) + mask[..., right] = onehot[..., right] + while right > 0: + old_right = right + right -= 1 + mask[..., right] = T.logical_or(mask[..., old_right], onehot[..., right]) + return T.cast(mask, dtype=origin_dtype) + + +def edge_logits_by_dot_product(h: T.Tensor) -> T.Tensor: + left = h + right = T.swap_axes(h, -1, -2) + return T.matmul(left, right) + + +def triu_mask(node_count: int) -> T.Tensor: + return torch.triu(T.full([node_count, node_count], True, T.boolean), 1) + + +def dense_to_triu(x: T.Tensor, node_count: int) -> T.Tensor: + mask = triu_mask(node_count) + shape = T.shape(x) + return T.reshape(x, shape[:-2] + [-1])[..., mask.reshape(-1)] + + +def triu_to_dense(x: T.Tensor, + node_count: int, + pad_value: Union[int, float] = 0) -> T.Tensor: + mask = triu_mask(node_count).reshape(-1) + ret = T.full([node_count * node_count], pad_value, dtype=T.get_dtype(x)) + ret[mask] = x + return T.reshape(ret, [node_count, node_count]) + + +def dense_triu_adj(g: dgl.DGLGraph, node_count: int, reverse: bool = False) -> T.Tensor: + adj = T.zeros([node_count, node_count], dtype=T.float32) + u, v = g.edges() + if reverse: + v, u = u, v + adj[u, v] = 1 + # adj = to_dense_adj( + # T.stack([u, v], axis=0), + # max_num_nodes=node_count + # ) + return dense_to_triu(adj, node_count) + + +def pad_node_feature(G: TraceGraphBatch, + feature_name: str, + max_node_count: int = MAX_NODE_COUNT): + # inspect graph count + graph_count = len(G.dgl_graphs) + + # inspect features + vec = G.dgl_batch.ndata[feature_name] + value_shape = T.shape(vec)[1:] + dtype = T.get_dtype(vec) + device = T.get_device(vec) + + # todo: whether or not it's better to use concat instead of copying into a new tensor? + with T.no_grad(): + ret = T.zeros( + [graph_count, max_node_count] + value_shape, + dtype=dtype, + device=device, + ) + for i in range(graph_count): + vec = G.dgl_graphs[i].ndata[feature_name] + ret[i, :T.shape(vec)[0]] = vec + return ret + + +def get_moments(x, + axis: Optional[List[int]] = None, + clip_var: bool = False, + ) -> Tuple[T.Tensor, T.Tensor]: + mean = T.reduce_mean(x, axis=axis) + var = T.reduce_mean(x ** 2, axis=axis) - mean ** 2 + if clip_var: + var = T.maximum(var, dtype=T.get_dtype(var)) + return mean, var + + +def node_count_mask(node_count, + max_node_count: int, + dtype: Optional[str] = None) -> T.Tensor: + h = T.arange(0, max_node_count, dtype=T.get_dtype(node_count)) + node_count = T.expand_dim(node_count, axis=-1) + h = h < node_count + if dtype is not None: + h = T.cast(h, dtype) + return h + + +def collect_operation_id(buf, chain, mask=None): + if 'node_type' in chain.p: + node_count = T.to_numpy(chain.p['node_count'].tensor) + node_type = chain.p['node_type'].tensor + if len(T.shape(node_type)) == 3: + node_type = node_type[0, ...] + node_type = T.to_numpy(node_type) + if mask is None: + for i, k in enumerate(node_count): + buf.extend(node_type[i, :k]) + else: + for i, (k, m) in enumerate(zip(node_count, mask)): + if m: + buf.extend(node_type[i, :k]) + + +def collect_latency_std(buf, chain, mask=None): + if 'latency' in chain.p: + node_count = T.to_numpy(chain.p['node_count'].tensor) + latency_std = chain.p['latency'].distribution.base_distribution.std + if len(T.shape(latency_std)) == 4: + latency_std = latency_std[0, ...] + latency_std = T.to_numpy(latency_std) + + if mask is None: + for i, k in enumerate(node_count): + buf.extend(latency_std[i, :k, 0]) + else: + for i, (k, m) in enumerate(zip(node_count, mask)): + if m: + buf.extend(latency_std[i, :k, 0]) + +def collect_p_node_count(buf, chain, mask=None): + node_count = chain.p['node_count'].distribution.probs[0] + truth_node_count = chain.p['node_count'].tensor.unsqueeze(1) + + node_count_p = torch.gather(node_count, 1, truth_node_count).squeeze(-1) + + if mask is None: + buf.extend(T.to_numpy(node_count_p)) + else: + buf.extend(T.to_numpy(node_count_p)[mask]) + +def collect_p_edge(buf: ArrayBuffer, chain, mask=None): + # prob = np.exp(T.to_numpy(chain.p.log_prob('adj'))[0]) + node_count = T.to_numpy(chain.p['node_count'].tensor) + p_edge = chain.p['adj'].distribution.probs[0] + truth_p_edge = chain.p['adj'].tensor + + if mask is None: + for i in range(p_edge.shape[0]): + cur_p_edge = T.to_numpy(triu_to_dense(p_edge[i], MAX_NODE_COUNT))[:node_count[i], :node_count[i]] + cur_truth = T.to_numpy(triu_to_dense(truth_p_edge[i], MAX_NODE_COUNT))[:node_count[i], :node_count[i]] + buf.extend(np.abs((1.0 - cur_truth) - cur_p_edge).reshape(-1)) + else: + for i, m in enumerate(mask): + if m: + cur_p_edge = T.to_numpy(triu_to_dense(p_edge[i], MAX_NODE_COUNT))[:node_count[i], :node_count[i]] + cur_truth = T.to_numpy(triu_to_dense(truth_p_edge[i], MAX_NODE_COUNT))[:node_count[i], :node_count[i]] + buf.extend(np.abs((1.0 - cur_truth) - cur_p_edge).reshape(-1)) + +def collect_latency_reldiff(buf, chain, mask=None, abs=True): + def collect_dist_val(attr=None): + if attr is None: + v = chain.p['latency'].tensor + else: + v = getattr(chain.p['latency'].distribution.base_distribution, attr) + if len(T.shape(v)) == 4: + v = v[0, ...] + return T.to_numpy(v[..., 0]) + + if 'latency' in chain.p: + node_count = T.to_numpy(chain.p['node_count'].tensor) + latency = collect_dist_val() + latency_mean = collect_dist_val('mean') + latency_std = collect_dist_val('std') + rel_diff = (latency - latency_mean) / np.maximum(latency_std, 1e-7) + if abs: + rel_diff = np.abs(rel_diff) + + if mask is None: + for i, k in enumerate(node_count): + buf.extend(rel_diff[i, :k]) + else: + for i, (k, m) in enumerate(zip(node_count, mask)): + if m: + buf.extend(rel_diff[i, :k]) diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7930575610985130d50b6901302cb0983fde439b --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test.py @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +import pickle +from pprint import pprint +from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory + +import os +import mltk +import click +import tensorkit as tk +import numpy as np +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from tensorkit.examples.utils import print_experiment_summary + +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.dataset import TraceGraphDataStream +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.evaluation import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.graph_utils import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.test_utils import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.types import TraceGraphBatch +from tracegnn.utils import * + + +@click.group() +def main(): + pass + + +@main.command(context_settings=dict( + ignore_unknown_options=True, + help_option_names=[], +)) +@click.option('-D', '--data-dir', required=False) +@click.option('-M', '--model-path', required=True) +@click.option('-o', '--nll-out', required=False, default=None) +@click.option('--proba-out', default=None, required=False) +@click.option('--auc-out', default=None, required=False) +@click.option('--latency-out', default=None, required=False) +@click.option('--gui', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--device', required=False, default=None) +@click.option('--n_z', type=int, required=False, default=10) +@click.option('--batch-size', type=int, default=128) +@click.option('--clip-nll', type=float, default=100_000) +@click.option('--no-biased', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--no-latency-biased', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--no-latency', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--use-train-val', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--infer-bias-std', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--bias-std-normal-p', type=float, default=0.995, required=False) +@click.option('--infer-threshold', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--threshold-p', type=float, default=0.995, required=False) +@click.option('--threshold-amplify', type=float, default=1.0, required=False) +@click.option('--no-latency-log-prob-weight', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--use-std-limit', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--std-limit-global', is_flag=True, default=False, required=False) +@click.option('--std-limit-fixed', type=float, default=None, required=False) +@click.option('--std-limit-p', type=float, default=0.99, required=False) +@click.option('--std-limit-amplify', type=float, default=1.0, required=False) +@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) +def evaluate_nll(data_dir, model_path, nll_out, proba_out, auc_out, latency_out, gui, device, + n_z, batch_size, clip_nll, no_biased, no_latency_biased, no_latency, + use_train_val, infer_bias_std, bias_std_normal_p, infer_threshold, + threshold_p, threshold_amplify, no_latency_log_prob_weight, + use_std_limit, std_limit_global, std_limit_fixed, std_limit_p, std_limit_amplify, + extra_args): + N_LIMIT = None + + if infer_bias_std or infer_threshold or use_std_limit: + use_train_val = True + + with mltk.Experiment(mltk.Config, args=[]) as exp: + # check parameters + if gui: + proba_out = ':show:' + auc_out = ':show:' + latency_out = ':show:' + + with T.use_device(device or T.first_gpu_device()): + # load the config + train_config = load_config( + model_path=model_path, + strict=False, + extra_args=extra_args, + ) + if data_dir is None: + data_dir = train_config.dataset.root_dir + + # load the dataset + data_names = ['test', 'test-drop', 'test-latency'] + test_db, id_manager = open_trace_graph_db( + data_dir, + names=data_names + ) + print('Test DB:', test_db) + latency_range = TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile( + id_manager.root_dir, + require_exists=True, + ) + test_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + test_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=batch_size, + shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=False, data_count=N_LIMIT, + ) + + # also load train / val + if use_train_val: + train_db, _ = open_trace_graph_db( + data_dir, + names=['train'], + ) + print('Train DB:', train_db) + val_db, _ = open_trace_graph_db( + data_dir, + names=['val'] + ) + print('Val DB:', val_db) + train_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + train_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=batch_size, + shuffle=True, skip_incomplete=False, data_count=N_LIMIT, + ) + val_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + val_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=batch_size, + shuffle=True, skip_incomplete=False, data_count=N_LIMIT, + ) + else: + train_stream = val_stream = None + + print_experiment_summary(exp, train_stream, val_stream, test_stream) + + # load the model + vae = load_model2( + model_path=model_path, + train_config=train_config, + id_manager=id_manager, + ) + mltk.print_config(vae.config, title='Model Config') + vae = vae.to(T.current_device()) + + # do evaluation + operation_id = {} + latency_std = {} + latency_reldiff = {} + p_node_count = {} + p_edge = {} + nll_result = {} + thresholds = {} + std_group_limit = np.full([id_manager.num_operations], np.nan, dtype=np.float32) + + def F(stream, category, n_z, threshold=None, std_limit=None): + # the save files kw + kw = dict( + nll_output_file=ensure_parent_exists(nll_out), + proba_cdf_file=ensure_parent_exists(proba_out), + auc_curve_file=ensure_parent_exists(auc_out), + latency_hist_file=ensure_parent_exists(latency_out), + ) + differ_set = set() + + for k in kw: + if kw[k] is not None: + s = kw[k].replace('test', category) + if category == 'test' or s != kw[k]: + differ_set.add(k) + kw[k] = s + kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if k in differ_set} + + # the output temp dir + with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: + if 'nll_output_file' not in kw: + kw['nll_output_file'] = ensure_parent_exists( + os.path.join(temp_dir, 'nll.npz') + ) + + # do evaluation + result_dict = do_evaluate_nll( + test_stream=stream, + vae=vae, + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + n_z=n_z, + use_biased=(not no_biased) and (category == 'test'), + use_latency_biased=not no_latency_biased, + no_latency=no_latency, + no_struct=False, + latency_log_prob_weight=not no_latency_log_prob_weight, + std_limit=std_limit, + test_threshold=threshold, + clip_nll=clip_nll, + use_embeddings=False, + operation_id_dict_out=operation_id, + latency_std_dict_out=latency_std, + p_node_count_dict_out=p_node_count, + p_edge_dict_out=p_edge, + latency_reldiff_dict_out=latency_reldiff, + latency_dict_prefix=f'{category}_', + **kw, + ) + result_dict = {f'{category}_{k}': v for k, v in result_dict.items()} + exp.doc.update({'result': result_dict}, immediately=True) + pprint(result_dict) + + # load the NLLs if category in ('train', 'val') + if category in ('train', 'val'): + nll_result[category] = np.load(kw['nll_output_file'])['nll_list'] + + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + with T.no_grad(): + if use_train_val: + F(train_stream, 'train', 1) + F(val_stream, 'val', 1) + + if infer_bias_std: + bias_std = np.percentile(latency_reldiff['val_normal'].array, bias_std_normal_p * 100) + exp.doc.update({'result': {'bias_std': bias_std}}, immediately=True) + print(f'Set bias_std = {bias_std:.3f}, bias_std_normal_p = {bias_std_normal_p:.3f}') + vae.config.latency.decoder.biased_normal_std_threshold = bias_std + + if infer_threshold: + for category in ('train', 'val'): + th_cand = [] + for _ in range(10): + nll_subset = nll_result[category] + nll_subset = np.random.choice(nll_subset, replace=True, size=len(nll_subset)) + if clip_nll: + nll_subset = nll_subset[nll_subset < clip_nll - 1e-7] + else: + nll_subset = nll_subset[np.isfinite(nll_subset)] + th = np.percentile(nll_subset, threshold_p * 100) * threshold_amplify + th_cand.append(th) + thresholds[f'{category}_threshold'] = th = np.median(th_cand) + print( + f'Set {category}_threshold = {th:.3f}, ' + f'threshold_p = {threshold_p:.3f}, ' + f'threshold_amplify = {threshold_amplify:.3f}' + ) + exp.doc.update({'result': thresholds}, immediately=True) + + if use_std_limit: + if std_limit_fixed is not None: + print(f'Std limit fixed: {std_limit_fixed:.4f}') + std_group_limit[:] = std_limit_fixed + elif std_limit_global: + key = 'val_normal' + std_limit = float(np.percentile( + latency_std[key].array, + std_limit_p * 100 + )) + print(f'Std limit: {std_limit:.4f}') + std_group_limit[:] = std_limit + else: + key = 'val_normal' + v1 = operation_id[key].array + v2 = latency_std[key].array + max_limit = 0 + + for srv_id in range(id_manager.num_operations): + v = v2[v1 == srv_id] + if len(v) > 0: + srv_limit = ( + std_limit_amplify * + float(np.percentile(v, std_limit_p * 100)) + ) + std_group_limit[srv_id] = srv_limit + max_limit = max(max_limit, srv_limit) + + for srv_id in range(id_manager.num_operations): + if np.isnan(std_group_limit[srv_id]): + std_group_limit[srv_id] = max_limit + pprint({i: v for i, v in enumerate(std_group_limit)}) + + else: + std_group_limit = None + + F(test_stream, 'test', n_z, thresholds.get('val_threshold'), std_limit=std_group_limit) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test_utils.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef373eb9fe5090862772769824642c8a0f422fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/test_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +from urllib.error import HTTPError +from typing import * + +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +import torch +import yaml +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.model import TraceVAE +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.train import ExpConfig as TrainConfig +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.utils import * + +__all__ = [ + 'load_config', + 'load_model', + 'load_model2', +] + + +def _model_and_config_file(model_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: + # get model file and config file path + if model_path.endswith('.pt'): + model_file = model_path + config_file = model_path.rsplit('/', 2)[-3] + '/config.json' + else: + if not model_path.endswith('/'): + model_path += '/' + model_file = model_path + 'models/final.pt' + config_file = model_path + 'config.json' + + return model_file, config_file + + +def load_config(model_path: str, strict: bool, extra_args) -> TrainConfig: + # get model file and config file path + model_file, config_file = _model_and_config_file(model_path) + + # load config + with as_local_file(config_file) as config_file: + config_loader = mltk.ConfigLoader(TrainConfig) + config_loader.load_file(config_file) + + # also patch the config + if extra_args: + extra_args_dict = {} + for arg in extra_args: + if arg.startswith('--'): + arg = arg[2:] + if '=' not in arg: + val = True + else: + arg, val = arg.split('=', 1) + val = yaml.safe_load(val) + extra_args_dict[arg] = val + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported argument: {arg!r}') + config_loader.load_object(extra_args_dict) + + # get the config + if strict: + discard_undefined = mltk.type_check.DiscardMode.NO + else: + discard_undefined = mltk.type_check.DiscardMode.WARN + return config_loader.get(discard_undefined=discard_undefined) + + +def load_model(model_path: str, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + strict: bool, + extra_args, + ) -> Tuple[TraceVAE, TrainConfig]: + # load config + train_config = load_config(model_path, strict, extra_args) + + # load model + vae = load_model2(model_path, train_config, id_manager) + return vae, train_config + + +def load_model2(model_path: str, + train_config: TrainConfig, + id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager, + ) -> TraceVAE: + # get model file and config file path + model_file, config_file = _model_and_config_file(model_path) + + # load the model + vae = TraceVAE(train_config.model, id_manager.num_operations) + try: + with as_local_file(model_file) as model_file: + vae.load_state_dict(torch.load( + model_file, + map_location=T.current_device() + )) + except HTTPError as ex: + if ex.code != 404: + raise + with as_local_file(model_file) as model_file: + vae.load_state_dict(torch.load( + model_file, + map_location=T.current_device() + )) + tk.init.set_initialized(vae) + return vae diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/train.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/train.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61053cea084229f3b01da49bc28a24bfbfdbf54d --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/train.py @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +import json +import math +import random +import shutil +import traceback +from enum import Enum +from functools import wraps +from typing import * + +import os +import sys +import mltk +import tensorkit as tk +import numpy as np +import torch +import click +from tensorkit import tensor as T +from tensorkit.examples import utils +from tensorkit.train import Checkpoint + +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.evaluation import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.graph_utils import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.tensor_utils import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.types import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.model import * +from tracegnn.models.trace_vae.dataset import * +from tracegnn.utils import * + + +class NANLossError(Exception): + + def __init__(self, epoch): + super().__init__(epoch) + + @property + def epoch(self) -> Optional[int]: + return self.args[0] + + def __str__(self): + return f'NaN loss encountered at epoch {self.epoch}' + + +class OptimizerType(str, Enum): + ADAM = 'adam' + RMSPROP = 'rmsprop' + + +class ExpConfig(mltk.Config): + model: TraceVAEConfig = TraceVAEConfig() + device: Optional[str] = 'cpu' + seed: Optional[int] = 0 + + class train(mltk.Config): + max_epoch: int = 60 + struct_pretrain_epochs: Optional[int] = 40 # number of epochs to pre-train the struct_vae + ckpt_epoch_freq: Optional[int] = 5 + test_epoch_freq: Optional[int] = 5 + latency_hist_epoch_freq: Optional[int] = 10 + latency_std_hist_epoch_freq: Optional[int] = 5 + + use_early_stopping: bool = False + val_epoch_freq: Optional[int] = 2 + + kl_beta: float = 1.0 + warm_up_epochs: Optional[int] = None # number of epochs to warm-up the prior (KLD) + + l2_reg: float = 0.0001 + z_unit_ball_reg: Optional[float] = None + z2_unit_ball_reg: Optional[float] = None + + init_batch_size: int = 64 + batch_size: int = 64 + val_batch_size: int = 64 + + optimizer: OptimizerType = OptimizerType.RMSPROP + initial_lr: float = 0.001 + lr_anneal_ratio: float = 0.1 + lr_anneal_epochs: int = 30 + clip_norm: Optional[float] = None + global_clip_norm: Optional[float] = 10 # important for numerical stability + + test_n_z: int = 10 + num_plot_samples: int = 20 + + class test(mltk.Config): + batch_size: int = 64 + eval_n_z: int = 10 + use_biased: bool = True + latency_log_prob_weight: bool = True + clip_nll: Optional[float] = 100_000 + + class report(mltk.Config): + html_ext: str = '.html.gz' + + class dataset(mltk.Config): + root_dir: str = os.path.abspath('./data/processed') + + +def main(exp: mltk.Experiment[ExpConfig]): + # config + config = exp.config + + # set random seed to encourage reproducibility (does it really work?) + if config.seed is not None: + T.random.set_deterministic(True) + T.random.seed(config.seed) + np.random.seed(config.seed) + random.seed(config.seed) + + # Load data + id_manager = TraceGraphIDManager(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'id_manager')) + latency_range = TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'id_manager')) + + train_db = TraceGraphDB(BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'processed', 'train'))) + val_db = TraceGraphDB(BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'processed', 'val'))) + test_db = TraceGraphDB( + BytesMultiDB( + BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'processed', 'test')), + BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'processed', 'test-drop')), + BytesSqliteDB(os.path.join(config.dataset.root_dir, 'processed', 'test-latency')), + ) + ) + train_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + train_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=config.train.batch_size, + shuffle=True, skip_incomplete=False, + ) + val_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + val_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=config.train.val_batch_size, + shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=False, + ) + test_stream = TraceGraphDataStream( + test_db, id_manager=id_manager, batch_size=config.test.batch_size, + shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=False, + ) + + utils.print_experiment_summary( + exp, + train_data=train_stream, + val_data=val_stream, + test_data=test_stream + ) + print('Train Data:', train_db) + print('Val Data:', val_db) + print('Test Data:', test_db) + + # build the network + vae: TraceVAE = TraceVAE( + config.model, + id_manager.num_operations, + ) + vae = vae.to(T.current_device()) + params, param_names = utils.get_params_and_names(vae) + utils.print_parameters_summary(params, param_names) + print('') + mltk.print_with_time('Network constructed.') + + # define the training method for a certain model part + def train_part(params, start_epoch, max_epoch, latency_only, do_final_eval): + # util to ensure all installed hooks will only run within this context + in_context = [True] + + def F(func): + @wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + if in_context[0]: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + return wrapper + + # the train procedure + try: + # buffer to collect stds of each p(latency|z) + latency_std = {} + for key in ('train', 'val', 'test_normal', 'test_drop', 'test_latency'): + latency_std[key] = ArrayBuffer(81920) + + def should_collect_latency_std(): + return ( + config.train.latency_std_hist_epoch_freq and + loop.epoch % config.train.latency_std_hist_epoch_freq == 0 + ) + + def clear_std_buf(): + for buf in latency_std.values(): + buf.clear() + + # the initialization function + def initialize(): + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=train_db.sample_n(config.train.init_batch_size), + ) + chain = vae.q(G).chain( + vae.p, + G=G, + ) + loss = chain.vi.training.sgvb(reduction='mean') + mltk.print_with_time(f'Network initialized: loss = {T.to_numpy(loss)}') + + # the train functions + def on_train_epoch_begin(): + # set train mode + if latency_only: + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + tk.layers.set_train_mode(vae.latency_vae) + else: + tk.layers.set_train_mode(vae) + + # clear std buffer + clear_std_buf() + + def train_step(trace_graphs): + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=trace_graphs, + ) + chain = vae.q(G).chain( + vae.p, + G=G, + ) + + # collect the latency std + if should_collect_latency_std(): + collect_latency_std(latency_std['train'], chain) + + # collect the log likelihoods + p_obs = [] + p_latent = [] + q_latent = [] + for name in chain.p: + if name in chain.q: + q_latent.append(chain.q[name].log_prob()) + p_latent.append(chain.p[name].log_prob()) + else: + # print(name, chain.p[name].log_prob().mean()) + p_obs.append(chain.p[name].log_prob()) + + # get E[log p(x|z)] and KLD[q(z|x)||p(z)] + recons = T.reduce_mean(T.add_n(p_obs)) + kl = T.reduce_mean(T.add_n(q_latent) - T.add_n(p_latent)) + + # KL beta + beta = config.train.kl_beta + if config.train.warm_up_epochs and loop.epoch < config.train.warm_up_epochs: + beta = beta * (loop.epoch / config.train.warm_up_epochs) + loss = beta * kl - recons + + # l2 regularization + if config.train.l2_reg: + l2_params = [] + for p, n in zip(params, param_names): + if 'bias' not in n: + l2_params.append(p) + loss = loss + config.train.l2_reg * T.nn.l2_regularization(l2_params) + + # unit ball regularization + def add_unit_ball_reg(l, t, reg): + if reg is not None: + ball_mean, ball_var = get_moments(t, axis=[-1]) + l = l + reg * ( + T.reduce_mean(ball_mean ** 2) + + T.reduce_mean((ball_var - 1) ** 2) + ) + return l + + loss = add_unit_ball_reg(loss, chain.q['z'].tensor, config.train.z_unit_ball_reg) + if 'z2' in chain.q: + loss = add_unit_ball_reg(loss, chain.q['z2'].tensor, config.train.z2_unit_ball_reg) + + # check and return the metrics + loss_val = T.to_numpy(loss) + if math.isnan(loss_val): + raise NANLossError(loop.epoch) + + return {'loss': loss, 'recons': recons, 'kl': kl} + + # the validation function + def validate(): + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + + def val_step(trace_graphs): + with T.no_grad(): + G = TraceGraphBatch( + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + trace_graphs=trace_graphs, + ) + chain = vae.q(G).chain( + vae.p, + G=G, + ) + # collect the latency std + if should_collect_latency_std(): + collect_latency_std(latency_std['val'], chain) + loss = chain.vi.training.sgvb() + return {'loss': T.to_numpy(T.reduce_mean(loss))} + + val_loop = loop.validation() + result_dict = val_loop.run(val_step, val_stream) + result_dict = { + f'val_{k}': v + for k, v in result_dict.items() + } + summary_cb.update_metrics(result_dict) + + # the evaluation function + def evaluate(n_z, eval_loop, eval_stream, epoch, use_embeddings=False, + plot_latency_hist=False): + # latency_hist_file + latency_hist_file = None + if plot_latency_hist: + latency_hist_file = exp.make_parent(f'./plotting/latency-sample/{epoch}.jpg') + + # do evaluation + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + with T.no_grad(): + kw = {} + if should_collect_latency_std(): + kw['latency_std_dict_out'] = latency_std + kw['latency_dict_prefix'] = 'test_' + result_dict = do_evaluate_nll( + test_stream=eval_stream, + vae=vae, + id_manager=id_manager, + latency_range=latency_range, + n_z=n_z, + use_biased=config.test.use_biased, + latency_log_prob_weight=config.test.latency_log_prob_weight, + test_loop=eval_loop, + summary_writer=summary_cb, + clip_nll=config.test.clip_nll, + use_embeddings=use_embeddings, + latency_hist_file=latency_hist_file, + **kw, + ) + + with open(exp.make_parent(f'./result/test-anomaly/{epoch}.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + f.write(json.dumps(result_dict)) + eval_loop.add_metrics(**result_dict) + + def save_model(epoch=None): + epoch = epoch or loop.epoch + torch.save(vae.state_dict(), exp.make_parent(f'models/{epoch}.pt')) + + # final evaluation + if do_final_eval: + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + + # save the final model + save_model('final') + + clear_std_buf() + evaluate( + n_z=config.test.eval_n_z, + eval_loop=mltk.TestLoop(), + eval_stream=test_stream, + epoch='final', + use_embeddings=True, + plot_latency_hist=True, + ) + + else: + # set train mode at the beginning of each epoch + loop.on_epoch_begin.do(F(on_train_epoch_begin)) + + # the optimizer and learning rate scheduler + if config.train.optimizer == OptimizerType.ADAM: + optimizer = tk.optim.Adam(params) + elif config.train.optimizer == OptimizerType.RMSPROP: + optimizer = tk.optim.RMSprop(params) + + def update_lr(): + n_cycles = int( + loop.epoch // # (loop.epoch - start_epoch) // + config.train.lr_anneal_epochs + ) + lr_discount = config.train.lr_anneal_ratio ** n_cycles + optimizer.set_lr(config.train.initial_lr * lr_discount) + + update_lr() + loop.on_epoch_end.do(F(update_lr)) + + # install the validation function and early-stopping + if config.train.val_epoch_freq: + loop.run_after_every( + F(validate), + epochs=config.train.val_epoch_freq, + ) + + # install the evaluation function during training + if config.train.test_epoch_freq: + loop.run_after_every( + F(lambda: evaluate( + n_z=config.train.test_n_z, + eval_loop=loop.test(), + eval_stream=test_stream, + epoch=loop.epoch, + plot_latency_hist=( + config.train.latency_hist_epoch_freq and + loop.epoch % config.train.latency_hist_epoch_freq == 0 + ) + )), + epochs=config.train.test_epoch_freq, + ) + + # install the plot and sample functions during training + def after_epoch(): + save_model() + loop.run_after_every(F(after_epoch), epochs=1) + + # train the model + tk.layers.set_eval_mode(vae) + on_train_epoch_begin() + initialize() + utils.fit_model( + loop=loop, + optimizer=optimizer, + fn=train_step, + stream=train_stream, + clip_norm=config.train.clip_norm, + global_clip_norm=config.train.global_clip_norm, + # pass to `loop.run()` + limit=max_epoch, + ) + finally: + in_context = [False] + + # the train loop + loop = mltk.TrainLoop(max_epoch=config.train.max_epoch) + + # checkpoint + ckpt = Checkpoint(vae=vae) + loop.add_callback(mltk.callbacks.AutoCheckpoint( + ckpt, + root_dir=exp.make_dirs('./checkpoint'), + epoch_freq=config.train.ckpt_epoch_freq, + max_checkpoints_to_keep=10, + )) + + # early-stopping + if config.train.val_epoch_freq and config.train.use_early_stopping: + loop.add_callback(mltk.callbacks.EarlyStopping( + checkpoint=ckpt, + root_dir=exp.abspath('./early-stopping'), + metric_name='val_loss', + )) + + # the summary writer + summary_cb = SummaryCallback(summary_dir=exp.abspath('./summary')) + loop.add_callback(summary_cb) + + # pre-train the struct_vae + try: + with loop: + start_epoch = 1 + part_params = params + latency_only = False + + if (config.model.arch == TraceVAEArch.DEFAULT) and config.train.struct_pretrain_epochs: + # train struct_vae first + print(f'Start to train vae with {len(part_params)} params ...') + train_part( + list(part_params), + start_epoch=start_epoch, + max_epoch=config.train.struct_pretrain_epochs, + latency_only=latency_only, + do_final_eval=False, + ) + + # train latency_vae next + part_params = [ + p for n, p in zip(param_names, params) + if n.startswith('latency_vae') + ] + start_epoch = config.train.struct_pretrain_epochs + 1 + latency_only = True + print(f'Start to train latency_vae with {len(part_params)} params ...') + + train_part( + part_params, + start_epoch=start_epoch, + max_epoch=config.train.max_epoch, + latency_only=latency_only, + do_final_eval=False, + ) + + # do final evaluation + train_part( + [], + start_epoch=-1, + max_epoch=-1, + latency_only=False, + do_final_eval=True, + ) + + except KeyboardInterrupt: + print( + 'Train interrupted, press Ctrl+C again to skip the final test ...', + file=sys.stderr, + ) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + with mltk.Experiment(ExpConfig) as exp: + config = exp.config + device = config.device or T.first_gpu_device() + with T.use_device(device): + retrial = 0 + while True: + try: + main(exp) + except NANLossError as ex: + if ex.epoch != 1 or retrial >= 10: + raise + retrial += 1 + print( + f'\n' + f'Restart the experiment for the {retrial}-th time ' + f'due to NaN loss at epoch {ex.epoch}.\n', + file=sys.stderr + ) + if ex.epoch == 1: + for name in ['checkpoint', 'early-stopping', 'models', + 'plotting', 'summary']: + path = exp.abspath(name) + if os.path.isdir(name): + shutil.rmtree(path) + else: + break diff --git a/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/types.py b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/types.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38f471e11ceecec33ef0b7a0a25a651533c57c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/models/trace_vae/types.py @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +from dataclasses import dataclass +from typing import * + +import dgl +from tensorkit import tensor as T + +from tracegnn.data import * +from tracegnn.utils import * + +__all__ = ['TraceGraphBatch'] + + +@dataclass(init=False) +class TraceGraphBatch(object): + __slots__ = [ + 'id_manager', 'latency_range', + 'trace_graphs', 'dgl_graphs', 'dgl_batch' + ] + + id_manager: Optional[TraceGraphIDManager] + trace_graphs: Optional[List[TraceGraph]] # the original trace graphs + dgl_graphs: Optional[List[dgl.DGLGraph]] # graph components + dgl_batch: Optional[dgl.DGLGraph] # the batched DGL graph + + def __init__(self, + *, + id_manager: Optional[TraceGraphIDManager] = None, + latency_range: Optional[TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile] = None, + trace_graphs: Optional[List[TraceGraph]] = None, + dgl_graphs: Optional[List[dgl.DGLGraph]] = None, + dgl_batch: Optional[dgl.DGLGraph] = None, + ): + if ((trace_graphs is None) or (id_manager is None)) and \ + ((dgl_graphs is None) or (dgl_batch is None)): + raise ValueError('Insufficient arguments.') + self.id_manager = id_manager + self.latency_range = latency_range + self.trace_graphs = trace_graphs + self.dgl_graphs = dgl_graphs + self.dgl_batch = dgl_batch + + def build_dgl(self, + add_self_loop: bool = True, + directed: Union[bool, str] = False, + ): + from .dataset import trace_graph_to_dgl + if self.dgl_graphs is None: + with T.no_grad(): + with T.use_device('cpu'): + self.dgl_graphs = [ + trace_graph_to_dgl( + g, + num_node_types=self.id_manager.num_operations, + add_self_loop=add_self_loop, + latency_range=self.latency_range, + directed=directed, + ) + for g in self.trace_graphs + ] + if self.dgl_batch is None: + with T.no_grad(): + self.dgl_batch = dgl.batch(self.dgl_graphs).to(T.current_device()) + + # @property + # def dgl_graphs(self) -> List[dgl.DGLGraph]: + # if self._dgl_graphs is None: + # self.build_dgl() + # return self._dgl_graphs + # + # @property + # def dgl_batch(self) -> dgl.DGLGraph: + # if self._dgl_batch is None: + # self.build_dgl() + # return self._dgl_batch diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/__init__.py b/tracegnn/utils/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d4c4da704d5565258af9e983296e051be14b2a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +from .analyze_nll import * +from .array_buffer import * +from .data_utils import * +from .fscore_utils import * +from .id_assign import * +from .latency_codec import * +from .latency_range_file import * +from .misc import * +from .summary_callback import * diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/analyze_nll.py b/tracegnn/utils/analyze_nll.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63be7151b7cd0c227e1846fdbdc3065bfbb30d04 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/analyze_nll.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +import math +import os +import sys +import traceback +from functools import wraps +from typing import * + +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd +from matplotlib import pyplot as plt +from sklearn.metrics import f1_score + +from .fscore_utils import * + +__all__ = ['analyze_anomaly_nll'] + + +def analyze_anomaly_nll(nll_list: np.ndarray, + label_list: np.ndarray, + up_sample_normal: int = 1, + threshold: Optional[float] = None, + proba_cdf_file: Optional[str] = None, + auc_curve_file: Optional[str] = None, + method: Optional[str] = None, + dataset: Optional[str] = None, + save_dict: bool = False, + save_filename: str = 'baseline.csv' + ) -> Dict[str, float]: + + def log_error(method, default_value=None): + @wraps(method) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return method(*args, **kwargs) + except Exception: + print(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())), file=sys.stderr) + return default_value + return wrapper + + def call_plot(fn_, *args, output_file, **kwargs): + if output_file == ':show:': + fig = fn_(*args, **kwargs) + plt.show() + plt.close() + else: + fn_(*args, output_file=output_file, **kwargs) + + # up sample normal nll & label if required + if up_sample_normal and up_sample_normal > 1: + normal_nll = nll_list[label_list == 0] + normal_label = label_list[label_list == 0] + nll_list = np.concatenate( + [normal_nll] * (up_sample_normal - 1) + [nll_list], + axis=0 + ) + label_list = np.concatenate( + [normal_label] * (up_sample_normal - 1) + [label_list], + axis=0 + ) + + # prepare for analyze + result_dict = {} + is_anomaly_list = label_list != 0 + + # separated nlls for different labels + result_dict['nll_normal'] = float(np.mean(nll_list[label_list == 0])) + result_dict['nll_drop'] = float(np.mean(nll_list[label_list == 1])) + result_dict['nll_latency'] = float(np.mean(nll_list[label_list == 2])) + + # auc score + result_dict['auc'] = float(auc_score(nll_list, is_anomaly_list)) + + # best f-score + F = log_error(best_fscore, default_value=(math.nan, math.nan)) + + def best_fscore_for_label(label): + not_label = 2 if label == 1 else 1 + mask = label_list != not_label + return F(nll_list[mask], label_list[mask] != 0) + + best_fscore_total, _, best_pr_total, best_rc_total = F(nll_list, is_anomaly_list) + best_fscore_drop, _, best_pr_drop, best_rc_drop = best_fscore_for_label(1) + best_fscore_latency, best_threshold_latency, best_pr_latency, best_rc_latency = best_fscore_for_label(2) + result_dict.update({ + 'best_fscore': float(best_fscore_total), + 'best_fscore_drop': float(best_fscore_drop), + 'best_fscore_latency': float(best_fscore_latency), + 'best_pr': float(best_pr_total), + 'best_rc': float(best_rc_total), + 'best_pr_drop': float(best_pr_drop), + 'best_rc_drop': float(best_rc_drop), + 'best_pr_latency': float(best_pr_latency), + 'best_rc_latency': float(best_rc_latency), + 'best_threshold_latency': float(best_threshold_latency) + }) + + # f-score + F = log_error(f1_score, default_value=math.nan) + + def fscore_for_label(label): + not_label = 2 if label == 1 else 1 + mask = label_list != not_label + return F(label_list[mask] != 0, nll_list[mask] > threshold) + + if threshold is not None: + result_dict.update({ + 'fscore': float(F(is_anomaly_list, nll_list > threshold)), + 'fscore_drop': float(fscore_for_label(1)), + 'fscore_latency': float(fscore_for_label(2)), + }) + + # save result + if save_dict and method and dataset: + dataset = dataset.rstrip('/') + + result_to_save = result_dict.copy() + result_to_save['dataset'] = dataset + result_to_save['method'] = method + + if os.path.exists(f'paper-data/{save_filename}'): + df = pd.read_csv(f'paper-data/{save_filename}') + + if not df[(df['dataset']==dataset)&(df['method']==method)].empty: + df.iloc[df[(df['dataset']==dataset)&(df['method']==method)].index[0]] = result_to_save + else: + df = df.append(result_to_save, ignore_index=True) + else: + df = pd.DataFrame() + df = df.append(result_to_save, ignore_index=True) + + os.makedirs('paper-data', exist_ok=True) + df.to_csv(f'paper-data/{save_filename}', index=False) + + return result_dict diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/array_buffer.py b/tracegnn/utils/array_buffer.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4488d921ceb8a39720efc029305750c10a546ea3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/array_buffer.py @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import numpy as np + +__all__ = ['ArrayBuffer'] + + +class ArrayBuffer(object): + + __slots__ = ['length', 'capacity', 'dtype', 'buffer'] + + def __init__(self, capacity: int = 32, dtype=np.float32): + self.length = 0 + self.capacity = capacity + self.dtype = dtype + self.buffer = np.empty([capacity], dtype=dtype) + + def __len__(self): + return self.length + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.array) + + @property + def array(self): + return self.buffer[:self.length] + + def extend(self, items): + offset = self.length + new_length = len(items) + req_capacity = new_length + offset + if req_capacity > self.capacity: + self.capacity = capacity = max(self.capacity * 2, req_capacity) + buffer = np.empty([capacity], dtype=self.dtype) + buffer[:offset] = self.buffer[:offset] + self.buffer = buffer + self.buffer[offset: offset + new_length] = items + self.length += new_length + + def clear(self): + self.length = 0 diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/data_utils.py b/tracegnn/utils/data_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b858204a8ab47e7629b7ba7a84352c13c411252f --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/data_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +from typing import * + +import numpy as np + +__all__ = [ + 'compute_cdf', +] + + +def compute_cdf(arr: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: + # calculate bin size cdf + hist = {} + for v in arr: + if v not in hist: + hist[v] = 0 + hist[v] += 1 + + keys = np.array(sorted(hist)) + values = np.array([hist[v] for v in keys], dtype=np.float64) + values /= values.sum() + values = np.cumsum(values) + + return keys, values diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/fscore_utils.py b/tracegnn/utils/fscore_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23cb53a45a3388b9597b88f89a02d7e4ea003f9d --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/fscore_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +from typing import * + +import numpy as np +from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, average_precision_score + +__all__ = [ + 'fscore_for_precision_and_recall', + 'best_fscore', + 'auc_score', +] + + +def fscore_for_precision_and_recall(precision: np.ndarray, + recall: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: + precision = np.asarray(precision, dtype=np.float64) + recall = np.asarray(recall, dtype=np.float64) + return np.where( + (precision == 0) | (recall == 0), + 0.0, + 2. * np.exp( + np.log(np.maximum(precision, 1e-8)) + + np.log(np.maximum(recall, 1e-8)) - + np.log(np.maximum(precision + recall, 1e-8)) + ) + ) + + +def best_fscore(proba: np.ndarray, + truth: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: + precision, recall, threshold = precision_recall_curve(truth, proba) + fscore = fscore_for_precision_and_recall(precision, recall) + idx = np.argmax(fscore[:-1]) + return fscore[idx], threshold[idx], precision[idx], recall[idx] + + +def auc_score(proba: np.ndarray, truth: np.ndarray) -> float: + return float(average_precision_score(truth, proba)) diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/graph_conversion.py b/tracegnn/utils/graph_conversion.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c4a2a85bb1fdb57d084e4648a94d264ab46b96a --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/graph_conversion.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +import networkx as nx +import numpy as np +from tracegnn.data.trace_graph import TraceGraphIDManager + + +def np_to_nx(DV: np.ndarray, DE: np.ndarray, id_manager: TraceGraphIDManager) -> nx.Graph: + """ + DV: [n x d] + DE: [n x n x 1] or [n x n] + """ + # Reshape DE to [n x n] + if len(DE.shape) == 3: + DE = DE[:,:,0] + + # Choose Nodes + nodes_idx = (1.0-np.sum(DV[:,:len(id_manager.operation_id)], axis=-1)) < np.max(DV[:,:len(id_manager.operation_id)], axis=-1) + DV = DV[nodes_idx] + DE = DE[nodes_idx][:, nodes_idx] + + DE = (DE + DE.T) / 2 + + # Get Node Type + node_type = np.argmax(DV[:,:len(id_manager.operation_id)], axis=-1) + + # Generate nx Graph + g: nx.Graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(DE, create_using=nx.Graph) + + for i in range(len(g.nodes)): + g.nodes[i]['node_type'] = node_type[i] + g.nodes[i]['operation'] = id_manager.operation_id.reverse_map(node_type[i]) + + # MST + # g = nx.maximum_spanning_tree(g) + + return g diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/id_assign.py b/tracegnn/utils/id_assign.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0601b878cd30837dd5b188e5db9376e4b64a5c80 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/id_assign.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +import os + +import yaml + +__all__ = ['IDAssign'] + + +class IDAssign(object): + + def __init__(self, path: str): + self._path = path + self._mapping = {'': 0} # by default let 0 == '' (a NULL item) + + if os.path.isfile(path): + with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: + self._mapping = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) + + if self._mapping: + self._next_index = max(self._mapping.values()) + 1 + self._rev_mapping = {v: k for k, v in self._mapping.items()} + else: + self._next_index = 0 + self._rev_mapping = {} + + def __len__(self): + return self._next_index + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._mapping[key] + + @property + def path(self) -> str: + return self._path + + def dump_to(self, path: str): + cnt = yaml.safe_dump(self._mapping) + with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + f.write(cnt) + + def get_or_assign(self, key: str): + ret = self._mapping.get(key, None) + if ret is None: + self._mapping[key] = ret = self._next_index + self._rev_mapping[ret] = key + self._next_index += 1 + return ret + + def reverse_map(self, index: int): + return self._rev_mapping[index] + + def flush(self): + self.dump_to(self._path) + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self.flush() diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/latency_codec.py b/tracegnn/utils/latency_codec.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21ab9b108874bc8764c7cd39dc5d718ad8cfa301 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/latency_codec.py @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +from typing import * + +import numpy as np + +from tracegnn.constants import * + + +if not USE_MULTI_DIM_LATENCY_CODEC: + __all__ = [] + +else: + __all__ = [ + 'encode_multi_latency', + 'decode_multi_latency', + 'encode_latency', + 'decode_latency', + ] + + EPS = 1e-6 + + + def encode_multi_latency(latencies: Sequence[np.ndarray], + max_latency_dims: int + ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: + """ + Encode multiple latencies into (codec, onehot) feature vectors. + + If `max_latency_dims` is sufficient: + + >>> latencies = [np.array([0.0, 9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), np.array([11.3, 0.6, 0.0, 99.1, 100.0])] + >>> codec, onehot = encode_multi_latency(latencies, 3) + >>> codec + array([[-1. , -1. , -1. , -0.74, -0.8 , -1. ], + [ 0.92, -1. , -1. , -0.88, -1. , -1. ], + [-0.94, -0.8 , -1. , -1. , -1. , -1. ], + [ 0.74, 0. , -1. , 0.82, 0.8 , -1. ], + [-0.76, -1. , -0.8 , -1. , -1. , -0.8 ]]) + >>> onehot + array([[ True, False, False, False, True, False], + [ True, False, False, True, False, False], + [False, True, False, True, False, False], + [False, True, False, False, True, False], + [False, False, True, False, False, True]]) + >>> decode_multi_latency(codec, onehot, 3) + [array([ 0. , 9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), array([ 11.3, 0.6, 0. , 99.1, 100. ])] + + If `max_latency_dims` is partially sufficient: + + >>> latencies = [np.array([9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), np.array([11.3, 0.6, 99.1, 100.0])] + >>> codec, onehot = encode_multi_latency(latencies, 2) + >>> codec + array([[ 0.92, -1. , -0.74, -0.8 ], + [-0.94, -0.8 , -0.88, -1. ], + [ 0.74, 0. , 0.82, 0.8 ], + [-0.76, 1. , -1. , 1. ]]) + >>> onehot + array([[ True, False, False, True], + [False, True, True, False], + [False, True, False, True], + [False, True, False, True]]) + >>> decode_multi_latency(codec, onehot, 2) + [array([ 9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), array([ 11.3, 0.6, 99.1, 100. ])] + + If `max_latency_dims` is insufficient: + + >>> latencies = [np.array([9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), np.array([11.3, 0.6, 99.1, 100.0])] + >>> codec, onehot = encode_multi_latency(latencies, 1) + >>> codec + array([[ 0.92, 1.26], + [ 1.06, -0.88], + [10.74, 18.82], + [19.24, 19. ]]) + >>> onehot + array([[ True, True], + [ True, True], + [ True, True], + [ True, True]]) + >>> decode_multi_latency(codec, onehot, 1) + [array([ 9.6, 10.3, 58.7, 101.2]), array([ 11.3, 0.6, 99.1, 100. ])] + """ + codec, onehot = [], [] + for residual in latencies: + for i in range(max_latency_dims - 1): + if i == 0: + onehot.append(residual < 10) + else: + onehot.append(np.logical_and(EPS < residual, residual < 10)) + r = residual % 10 + codec.append(r) + residual = (residual - r) / 10 + onehot.append(EPS < residual) + codec.append(residual) + codec, onehot = np.stack(codec, axis=-1), np.stack(onehot, axis=-1) + codec = codec / 5. - 1 # scale to [-1, 1] + return codec, onehot + + + def decode_multi_latency(codec: np.ndarray, + onehot: np.ndarray, + max_latency_dims: int + ) -> List[np.ndarray]: + if codec.shape[-1] % max_latency_dims != 0: + raise ValueError( + f'arr.shape[-1] % max_latency_dims != 0: ' + f'arr.shape = {codec.shape!r}, where max_latency_dims = {max_latency_dims!r}' + ) + + ret = [] + codec = (np.clip(codec, -1, 1) + 1) * 5 # scale back from [-1, 1] + for i in range(codec.shape[-1] // max_latency_dims): + left = i * max_latency_dims + right = left + max_latency_dims - 1 + m = onehot[..., right] + r = codec[..., right] * m.astype(np.float32) + while right > left: + r = r * 10 + right -= 1 + m |= onehot[..., right] + r += codec[..., right] + ret.append(r) + + return ret + + + def encode_latency(latency: np.ndarray, + max_latency_dims: int + ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: + return encode_multi_latency([latency], max_latency_dims) + + + def decode_latency(codec: np.ndarray, + onehot: np.ndarray, + max_latency_dims: int + ) -> np.ndarray: + return decode_multi_latency(codec, onehot, max_latency_dims)[0] diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/latency_range_file.py b/tracegnn/utils/latency_range_file.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..620a9187624593baea50393b1209f1a5c4101512 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/latency_range_file.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import os +from typing import * + +import yaml + +__all__ = ['TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile'] + +LATENCY_RANGE_FILE = 'latency_range.yml' + + +class TraceGraphLatencyRangeFile(object): + __slots__ = ['root_dir', 'yaml_path', 'latency_data'] + + root_dir: str + yaml_path: str + latency_data: Dict[int, Dict[str, float]] + + def __init__(self, root_dir: str, require_exists: bool = False): + self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir) + self.yaml_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, LATENCY_RANGE_FILE) + self.latency_data = {} + if os.path.exists(self.yaml_path): + with open(self.yaml_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: + obj = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) + self.latency_data = { + int(op_id): v + for op_id, v in obj.items() + } + elif require_exists: + raise IOError(f'LatencyRangeFile does not exist: {self.yaml_path}') + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self.flush() + + def __contains__(self, item): + return int(item) in self.latency_data + + def __getitem__(self, operation_id: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: + v = self.latency_data[int(operation_id)] + return v['mean'], v['std'] + + def __setitem__(self, + operation_id: int, + value: Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]): + self.update_item(operation_id, value) + + def get_item(self, operation_id: int): + return self.latency_data[int(operation_id)] + + def update_item(self, + operation_id: int, + value: Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]] + ): + if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) and len(value) == 2: + mean, std = value + value = {'mean': mean, 'std': std} + + key = int(operation_id) + if key not in self.latency_data: + self.latency_data[key] = {} + self.latency_data[key].update({k: float(v) for k, v in value.items()}) + + def clear(self): + self.latency_data.clear() + + def flush(self): + self.dump_to(self.root_dir) + + def dump_to(self, output_dir: str): + payload = { + k: v + for k, v in self.latency_data.items() + } + cnt = yaml.safe_dump(payload) + path = os.path.join(output_dir, LATENCY_RANGE_FILE) + with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + f.write(cnt) diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/misc.py b/tracegnn/utils/misc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d9837d4bc8b3099a1176137013a65e7168ffc76 --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/misc.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import re +import sys +from contextlib import contextmanager +from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory +from typing import * +from urllib.request import urlretrieve + +import os + +__all__ = [ + 'abspath_relative_to_file', + 'fake_tqdm', + 'ensure_parent_exists', + 'as_local_file', +] + + +def abspath_relative_to_file(path, file_path): + return os.path.join( + os.path.split(os.path.abspath(file_path))[0], + path + ) + + +def fake_tqdm(data, *args, **kwargs): + yield from data + + +def ensure_parent_exists(path): + if path is not None: + path = os.path.abspath(path) + parent_dir = os.path.split(path)[0] + if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): + os.makedirs(parent_dir, exist_ok=True) + return path + + +@contextmanager +def as_local_file(uri: str) -> ContextManager[str]: + if re.match(r'^https?://', uri): + m = re.match(r'^(https?://[^/]+)/([a-z0-9]{24})/(.*)?$', uri) + if m: + uri = f'{m.group(1)}/v1/_getfile/{m.group(2)}' + if m.group(3): + uri += f'/{m.group(3)}' + with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: + filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, uri.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) + print(f'Download: {uri}', file=sys.stderr) + urlretrieve(uri, filename=filename) + yield filename + elif uri.startswith('file://'): + yield uri[7:] + else: + yield uri diff --git a/tracegnn/utils/summary_callback.py b/tracegnn/utils/summary_callback.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb57b1720108361d6d061148993d2339d338b6ce --- /dev/null +++ b/tracegnn/utils/summary_callback.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +from typing import * + +import numpy as np +from mltk.callbacks import Callback, CallbackData, Stage +from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter + +try: + # problem: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/30966 + import tensorflow as tf + import tensorboard as tb + + tf.io.gfile = tb.compat.tensorflow_stub.io.gfile +except ImportError: + pass + +__all__ = ['SummaryCallback'] + + +class SummaryCallback(Callback): + """Callback class that writes metrics to TensorBoard.""" + + writer: SummaryWriter + stage: Optional[Stage] + stage_stack: List[Stage] + global_step: int + + def __init__(self, *, summary_dir=None, summary_writer=None, global_step: int = 0): + if (summary_dir is None) == (summary_writer is None): + raise ValueError(f'One and only one of `summary_dir` and `summary_writer` should be specified, ' + f'but not both.') + + if summary_dir is not None: + summary_writer = SummaryWriter(summary_dir) + self.writer = summary_writer + self.stage = None + self.stage_stack = [] + self.global_step = global_step + + def add_embedding(self, *args, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault('global_step', self.global_step) + return self.writer.add_embedding(*args, **kwargs) + + def update_metrics(self, metrics): + if metrics: + for key, val in metrics.items(): + key = self.stage_stack[-1].type.add_metric_prefix(key) + if np.shape(val) != (): + val = np.mean(val) + self.writer.add_scalar(key, val, self.global_step) + + def set_global_step(self, step: int): + self.global_step = step + + def on_stage_begin(self, data: CallbackData): + self.stage_stack.append(data.stage) + + def on_stage_end(self, data: CallbackData): + self.stage_stack.pop() + + def on_test_end(self, data: CallbackData): + self.update_metrics(data.metrics) + + def on_validation_end(self, data: CallbackData): + self.update_metrics(data.metrics) + + def on_batch_begin(self, data: CallbackData): + if len(self.stage_stack) == 1: + self.global_step += 1 + + def on_batch_end(self, data: CallbackData): + if len(self.stage_stack) == 1: + self.update_metrics(data.metrics) + + def on_epoch_end(self, data: CallbackData): + self.update_metrics(data.metrics) diff --git a/train.sh b/train.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8da1d10072ed524ffb28536f967c4ae1959e0ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/train.sh @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +echo "Usage: bash train.sh [dataset_path]" +echo "DATASET: $1" +rm -r results +python3 -m tracegnn.models.trace_vae.train --device=cpu --dataset.root_dir="$1" --seed=1234 --model.struct.z_dim=10 --model.struct.decoder.use_prior_flow=true --train.z_unit_ball_reg=1 --model.latency.z2_dim=10 --model.latency.decoder.condition_on_z=true \ No newline at end of file