import csv from itertools import product import os import re import datetime from os.path import dirname from log import Logger import logging from yaml import FlowMappingEndToken import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statistics import numpy as np log_path = dirname(__file__) + '/log/' + str( '%Y-%m-%d')) + '_nezha.log' logger = Logger(log_path, logging.DEBUG, __name__).getlog() metric_threshold_dir = "metric_threshold" def get_svc(path): svc = path.rsplit('-', 1)[0] svc = svc.rsplit('-', 1)[0] return svc def generate_threshold(metric_dir, trace_file): """ fun generate_threshold: calculte mean and std for each metric of each servie write ruslt to metric_threshold_dir/service.csv :parameter metric_dir - metric dir in construction phase """ metric_map = {} path_list = os.listdir(metric_dir) for path in path_list: if "metric" in path: svc = path.rsplit('-', 1)[0] svc = svc.rsplit('-', 1)[0] if svc in metric_map: metric_map[svc].append(os.path.join(metric_dir, path)) else: metric_map[svc] = [os.path.join(metric_dir, path)] for svc in metric_map: frames = [] # get pod name for path in path_list: if svc in path: pod_name = path.split("_")[0] print(pod_name) network_mean, network_std = get_netwrok_metric( trace_file=trace_file, pod_name=pod_name) break metric_threshold_file = metric_threshold_dir + "/" + svc + ".csv" for path in metric_map[svc]: frames.append(pd.read_csv(path, index_col=False, usecols=[ 'CpuUsageRate(%)', 'MemoryUsageRate(%)', 'SyscallRead', 'SyscallWrite'])) # concat pods of the same service result = pd.concat(frames) with open(metric_threshold_file, 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) header = ['CpuUsageRate(%)', 'MemoryUsageRate(%)', 'SyscallRead', 'SyscallWrite', 'NetworkP90(ms)'] writer.writerow(header) mean_list = [] std_list = [] for metric in header: if metric == 'NetworkP90(ms)': continue mean_list.append(np.mean(result[metric])) std_list.append(np.std(result[metric])) mean_list.append(network_mean) std_list.append(network_std) writer.writerow(mean_list) writer.writerow(std_list) def get_netwrok_metric(trace_file, pod_name): """ func get_netwrok_metric: use trace data to get netwrok metric :parameter time - to regex timestamp e.g, "2022-04-18 13:00" data_dir pod_name :return p90 netwrok latency """ latency_list = [] if "front" in pod_name: # front end dose not calculate netwrok latency return 10, 10 pod_reader = pd.read_csv( trace_file, index_col='PodName', usecols=['TraceID', 'SpanID', 'ParentID', 'PodName', 'EndTimeUnixNano']) parent_span_reader = pd.read_csv( trace_file, index_col='SpanID', usecols=['TraceID', 'SpanID', 'ParentID', 'PodName', 'EndTimeUnixNano']) try: pod_spans = pod_reader.loc[[pod_name], [ 'SpanID', 'ParentID', 'PodName', 'EndTimeUnixNano']] except: service = pod_name.rsplit('-', 1)[0] service = service.rsplit('-', 1)[0] csv_file = dirname(__file__) + "/metric_threshold/" + service + ".csv" pod_reader = pd.read_csv(csv_file, usecols=['NetworkP90(ms)']) # print("pod", pod_name, " not found in trace, return default ", # float(pod_reader.iloc[0])) return float(pod_reader.iloc[0]), 0 if len(pod_spans['SpanID']) > 0: # process span independentlt and order by timestamp for span_index in range(len(pod_spans['SpanID'])): # span event parent_id = pod_spans['ParentID'].iloc[span_index] pod_start_time = int( pod_spans['EndTimeUnixNano'].iloc[span_index]) try: parent_pod_span = parent_span_reader.loc[[ parent_id], ['PodName', 'EndTimeUnixNano']] if len(parent_pod_span) > 0: for parent_span_index in range(len(parent_pod_span['PodName'])): parent_pod_name = parent_pod_span['PodName'].iloc[parent_span_index] parent_end_time = int( parent_pod_span['EndTimeUnixNano'].iloc[parent_span_index]) if str(parent_pod_name) != str(pod_name): latency = (parent_end_time - pod_start_time) / \ 1000000 # convert to microsecond # if "contacts-service" in pod_name: #"%s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % ( # pod_name, pod_spans['SpanID'].iloc[span_index], parent_pod_name, pod_spans['ParentID'].iloc[span_index], latency)) latency_list.append(latency) except: pass #"%s latency is %s" %(pod_name, np.percentile(latency_list, 90))) if len(latency_list) > 2: return np.percentile(latency_list, 90), statistics.stdev(latency_list) else: return 10, 10 def determine_alarm(pod, metric_type, metric_value, std_num, ns): """ fun determine_alarm: determin whether violate 3-sgima :parameter pod - podname to find corrsponding metric threshold file metric_type - find correspding column metric_vault - compare with the history mean and std std_num - constrol std_num * std :return true - alarm false - no alarm """ path_list = os.listdir(metric_threshold_dir) if metric_type == "CpuUsageRate(%)" or metric_type == 'MemoryUsageRate(%)': if metric_value > 80: return True else: if ns == "hipster": # for hipster if metric_value > 200: return True elif ns == "ts": # for ts if metric_value > 300: return True return False # for path in path_list: # if'.')[0], pod): # hisory_metric = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( # metric_threshold_dir, path), index_col=False, usecols=[metric_type]) # if metric_value > hisory_metric[metric_type][0] + std_num * hisory_metric[metric_type][1]: # return True # # elif metric_value < hisory_metric[metric_type][0] - std_num * hisory_metric[metric_type][1]: # # return True # else: # return False def generate_alarm(metric_list, ns, std_num=6): """ func generate_alarm: generate alram of each pod at current miniute :parameter metric_list - metric list from get_metric_with_time :return alarm_list, e.g., [{'pod': 'cartservice-579f59597d-n69b4', 'alarm': [{'metric_type': 'CpuUsageRate(%)', 'alarm_flag': True}]}] [{ pod: alarm: [ { metric_type: CpuUsageRate(%) alarm_flag: True } ] }] """ alarm_list = [] for pod_metric in metric_list: alarm = {} for i in range(len(pod_metric['metrics'])): alarm_flag = determine_alarm(pod=pod_metric["pod"], metric_type=pod_metric['metrics'][i]["metric_type"], metric_value=pod_metric['metrics'][i]["metric_value"], std_num=std_num, ns=ns) if alarm_flag: # if exist alarm_flag equal to true, create map if "pod" not in alarm: alarm = {"pod": pod_metric["pod"], "alarm": []} alarm['alarm'].append( {"metric_type": pod_metric['metrics'][i]["metric_type"], "alarm_flag": alarm_flag}) if "pod" in alarm: alarm_list.append(alarm) return alarm_list def get_metric_with_time(time, base_dir): """ func get_metric_with_time: get metric list at determined miniute :parameter time - to regex timestamp e.g, "2022-04-18 13:00" product_metric_dir :return target_list - traget metrics [ { pod: metrics: [ { "metric_type": "metric_value": } ] } ] """ date = time.split(' ')[0] hour_min = time.split(' ')[1] hour = hour_min.split(':')[0] min = hour_min.split(':')[1] trace_file = base_dir + "/" + date + "/trace/" + hour + "_" + min + "_trace.csv" metric_dir = base_dir + "/" + date + "/metric/" path_list = os.listdir(metric_dir) # metric_list = ['CpuUsageRate(%)', 'MemoryUsageRate(%)', 'SyscallRead', # 'SyscallWrite'] metric_list = ['CpuUsageRate(%)', 'MemoryUsageRate(%)'] target_list = [] for path in path_list: if "metric" in path: metrics = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(metric_dir, path)) # metrics = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(product_metric_dir, path), index_col=False, usecols=['TimeStamp', 'PodName', 'CpuUsageRate(%)', 'MemoryUsageRate(%)', 'SyscallRead', 'SyscallWrite', 'PodServerLatencyP90(s)', 'PodClientLatencyP90(s)']) for index in range(len(metrics['Time'])): # regex timestamp if, metrics['Time'][index]): target_metric = { "pod": metrics['PodName'][index], "metrics": []} for metric in metric_list: target_metric["metrics"].append({ "metric_type": metric, "metric_value": metrics[metric][index]}) network_p90, _ = get_netwrok_metric( trace_file=trace_file, pod_name=metrics['PodName'][index]) target_metric["metrics"].append( {"metric_type": "NetworkP90(ms)", "metric_value": network_p90}) target_list.append(target_metric) # print(target_list) return target_list