# GTrace Code and dataset for GTrace. ## Evaluation of Accuracy We provide dataset B for evaluation. The dataset is under the `dataset` folder. - Install Python 3.8+ on your system. - Run `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` to install the dependencies. - Run `python3 -m tracegnn.models.gtrace.main` to start training. The evaluation will automatically starts after training. - If you want to run on GPU, you can modify the `device` in `tracegnn/models/config.py`. ## Evaluation of Time Efficiency We provide the code for the `Anomaly Detection` module and `Graph Building` module. To evaluate the time efficiency, we provide a minimal example and a trained model that can be run directly on your local device without deployment: - Run `cd deployment`. - Install `GCC 9.3.0+`, `make` and `CMake 3.2+` on your device. Run `bash build.sh` to download and build the dependencies. - Run `sh run_local.sh` to evaluate the time efficiency. - Install `Intel SVML` to get better performance on Intel CPU. (See https://numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/performance-tips.html#intel-svml). ## Visualization Tool - Run `python3 -m tracegnn.visualization.webviewer_server`. - Visit `http://localhost:12312/0` or `http://localhost:12312/1` to see the visualization results for two example cases. # Reference - LRUCache11: https://github.com/mohaps/lrucache11.git - Kubernetes: https://kubernetes.io/ - PyTorch: https://pytorch.org/ - DGL: https://dgl.ai/ - CMake: https://cmake.org/