<img width="200" alt="截屏2022-09-19 下午9 50 34" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112700133/191033061-ea4a1671-26c7-4d52-b3ed-3495a2ae0292.png">  **** Artifacts accompanying the paper *Eadro: An End-to-End Troubleshooting Framework for Microservices on Multi-source Data* published at ICSE 2023. This tool try to model the intra- and inter-dependencies between microservices for troubleshooting, enabling end-to-end anomaly detection and root cause localization. <img width="400" alt="dependency_00" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112700133/191036446-d4cf8d07-bd4e-4452-a3e2-f7d4e9da0624.png"> ## Data 本项目已包含数据,位置在data目录下 Our data are at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7615393. ## Dependencies `pip install -r requirements.txt` ## Run `cd codes & python main.py --data <dataset>` ## Architecture  ## Folder Structure ``` . ├── README.md ├── codes │ ├── base.py traing and test │ ├── main.py lanuch the framework │ ├── model.py the main body (model) of the work │ ├── preprocess data preprocess │ │ ├── align.py align different data sources according to the time │ │ ├── single_process.py handle each data source individually │ │ └── util.py │ └── utils.py ├── requirements.txt └── structure.txt ``` ## UI The final visualized page should be like: <img width="1919" alt="截屏2023-02-07 下午9 28 22" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49298462/217257747-e53afafe-ea3f-4024-8760-34d0963a863d.png"> ## Concact us 🍺 Feel free to leave messages in "Issues"!