EventId,EventTemplate E1,active E2,ambient=<*> E3,blocked E4,boot (command <*>) E5,boot (command <*>) Error: HALT asserted\ cannot continue E6,bootGenvmunix (command <*>) E7,closing E8,clusterAddMember (command <*>) E9,ClusterFileSystem: ServerFileSystem domain <*> is no longer served by node node-<*> E10,ClusterFileSystem: There is no server for ServerFileSystem domain storage<*> E11,Command has been aborted E12,Command has completed successfully E13,Component State Change: Component <*> is in the unavailable state (HWID=<*>) E14,configured out E15,critical E16,Failed subcommands <*> E17,Fan speeds ( <*> <*> <*> **** <*> <*> ) E18,Fan speeds ( <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> ) E19,halt (command <*>) E20,inconsistent nodesets node-<*> <*> <ok> node-<*> <*> <ok> node-<*> <*> <ok> node-<*> <*> <ok><*> E21,Link error E22,Link error on broadcast tree Interconnect-<*>:<*>:<*>:<*> E23,link errors remain current E24,Link in reset E25,Link ok E26,Linkerror event interval expired E27,NIFF: node node-<*> detected a failed network connection on network <*> via interface alt0 E28,NIFF: node node-<*> has detected an available network connection on network <*> via interface alt0 E29,NIFF: node node-<*> has detected an available network connection on network <*> via interface ee0 E30,NIFF: node node-<*> has detected an available network connection on network <*> via interface scip0 E31,normal E32,not responding E33,not-responding E34,power/control problem E35,psu failure\ ambient=<*> E36,risBoot (command <*>) E37,risBoot (command <*>) Error: Timed out while waiting for SRM prompt: <ABORT code completed> E38,running E39,ServerFileSystem: An ServerFileSystem domain panic has occurred on <*> E40,ServerFileSystem: ServerFileSystem domain <*> is full E41,starting E42,Targeting domains:node-D<*> and nodes:node-[<*>-<*>] child of command <*> E43,Targeting domains:node-D<*>and nodes:node-<*> E44,Temperature (<*>C) exceeds warning threshold E45,wait (command <*>) E46,warning