CREATE DATABASE addatabase; use addatabase; CREATE TABLE aditems( item_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, redirect_url VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, text VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( item_name ) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("camera", "/product/2ZYFJ3GM2N", "Film camera for sale. 50% off."); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("lens", "/product/66VCHSJNUP", "Vintage camera lens for sale. 20% off."); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("recordPlayer", "/product/0PUK6V6EV0", "Vintage record player for sale. 30% off."); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("bike", "/product/9SIQT8TOJO", "City Bike for sale. 10% off."); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("baristaKit", "/product/1YMWWN1N4O", "Home Barista kitchen kit for sale. Buy one, get second kit for free"); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("airPlant", "/product/6E92ZMYYFZ", "Air plants for sale. Buy two, get third one for free"); INSERT INTO aditems (item_name, redirect_url, text) VALUES ("terrarium", "/product/L9ECAV7KIM", "Terrarium for sale. Buy one, get second one for free"); # product db CREATE DATABASE Productdb; use Productdb; CREATE TABLE products( product_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, item_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, picture_path VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, categorise_list VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( product_id ) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE price( product_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, currencyCode VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, units INT NOT NULL, nanos INT, PRIMARY KEY (product_id) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("OLJCESPC7Z", "Vintage Typewriter", "This typewriter looks good in your living room.", "/static/img/products/typewriter.jpg", "vintage"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("OLJCESPC7Z", "USD", 67, 990000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("66VCHSJNUP", "Antique Camera", "It probably doesn't work anyway.", "/static/img/products/camera-lens.jpg", "photography;vintage"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("66VCHSJNUP", "USD", 12, 490000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("1YMWWN1N4O", "Home Barista Kit", "Always wanted to brew coffee with Chemex and Aeropress at home?", "/static/img/products/barista-kit.jpg", "cookware"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("1YMWWN1N4O", "USD", 124, 0); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("L9ECAV7KIM", "Terrarium", "This terrarium will looks great in your white painted living room.", "/static/img/products/terrarium.jpg", "gardening"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("L9ECAV7KIM", "USD", 36, 450000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("2ZYFJ3GM2N", "Film Camera", "This camera looks like it's a film camera, but it's actually digital.", "/static/img/products/film-camera.jpg", "photography;vintage"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("2ZYFJ3GM2N", "USD", 2245, 0); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("0PUK6V6EV0", "Vintage Record Player", "It still works.", "/static/img/products/record-player.jpg", "music;vintage"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("0PUK6V6EV0", "USD", 65, 500000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("LS4PSXUNUM", "Metal Camping Mug", "You probably don't go camping that often but this is better than plastic cups.", "/static/img/products/camp-mug.jpg", "cookware"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("LS4PSXUNUM", "USD", 24, 330000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("9SIQT8TOJO", "City Bike", "This single gear bike probably cannot climb the hills of San Francisco.", "/static/img/products/city-bike.jpg", "cycling"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("9SIQT8TOJO", "USD", 789, 500000000); INSERT INTO products (product_id, item_name, description, picture_path, categorise_list) VALUES ("6E92ZMYYFZ", "Air Plant", "Have you ever wondered whether air plants need water? Buy one and figure out.", "/static/img/products/air-plant.jpg", "gardening"); INSERT INTO price (product_id, currencyCode, units, nanos) VALUES ("6E92ZMYYFZ", "USD", 12, 300000000);